Top 'Airplay Only' '90s Songs (2024)





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Type in answers that appear in a list


Can you name the artists behind these top '90s songs that became popular through radio play, without the benefit of a physical single?

By rockgolf


200 Questions

32K Plays31,954 Plays

31,954 Plays


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Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


Rank - YearArtistSong title
1 - '98Iris
2 - '97Don't Speak
3 - '98Torn
4 - '97Fly
5 - '97Lovefool
6 - '97One Headlight
7 - '96Head Over Feet
8 - '98Walkin' On The Sun
9 - '983AM
10 - '98As Long As You Love Me
11 - '97How Bizarre
12 - '96Killing Me Softly
13 - '97If You Could Only See
14 - '97Push
15 - '97Men In Black
16 - '94Mr. Jones
17 - '98The Way
18 - '95When I Come Around
19 - '98Anytime
20 - '98Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)
21 - '97Crash Into Me
22 - '98Closing Time
23 - '96I Go Blind
24 - '98Uninvited
25 - '95Better Man
26 - '97A Long December
27 - '96Spiderwebs
28 - '95Lightning Crashes
29 - '94Until I Fall Away
30 - '95You Oughta Know
31 - '96Everything Falls Apart
32 - '97Don't Leave Me
33 - '98I'll Never Break Your Heart
34 - '95I Could Fall In Love
35 - '98My Favorite Mistake
36 - '95Hand In My Pocket
37 - '98Thank U
38 - '98To Love You More
39 - '96Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand
40 - '94Interstate Love Song
41 - '97The Impression That I Get
42 - '96Champagne Supernova
43 - '96Forever
44 - '96Big Me
45 - '98Kind And Generous
46 - '95Love Will Keep Us Alive
47 - '94Basket Case
48 - '98My Father's Eyes
49 - '93Where Are You Now
50 - '94Zombie
51 - '92Steel Bars
52 - '97Takes A Little Time
53 - '98Brick
54 - '95Buddy Holly
55 - '91State Of The World
56 - '97Butterfly Kisses
57 - '95Ants Marching
58 - '95Lump
59 - '97A Change Would Do You Good
60 - '94Black Hole Sun
61 - '95What Would You Say
62 - '96Santa Monica (Watch The World Die)
63 - '98Searchin' My Soul
64 - '97The Difference
65 - '95Good Intentions
66 - '94Daughter
67 - '94Allison Road
68 - '97Butterfly
69 - '96What I Got
70 - '97One In A Million
71 - '98Go Deep
72 - '96Pepper
73 - '98I Will Wait
74 - '94About A Girl (Unplugged)
75 - '98Wishing I Was There
76 - '98I Will Buy You A New Life
77 - '94Round Here
78 - '95All Over You
79 - '97Let's Get Down
80 - '95My Friends
81 - '96The Grease Megamix
82 - '95Tomorrow
83 - '91Do The Bartman
84 - '98Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
85 - '96Salvation
86 - '93Plush
87 - '96Swallowed
88 - '95J.A.R. (Jason Andrew Relva)
89 - '966th Avenue Heartache
90 - '97How Come, How Long
91 - '97#1 Crush
92 - '96'Brain Stew/Jaded'
93 - '98Can't Get Enough Of You Baby
94 - '97All Mixed Up
95 - '94Queen Of The Night
96 - '96Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart
97 - '97Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See
98 - '98Be Careful
99 - '98Flagpole Sitta
100 - '96Big Bang Baby
Rank - YearArtistSong title
101 - '94Landslide
102 - '96But Anyway
103 - '96Down
104 - '98Luv 2 Luv U
105 - '95I Alone
106 - '96Mother Mother
107 - '94Longview
108 - '91Word To The Mutha
109 - '94Self Esteem
110 - '97Elegantly Wasted
111 - '98Heroes
112 - '98Me
113 - '94Come Out And Play
114 - '97Where's The Love
115 - '95Possum Kingdom
116 - '93It's Alright
117 - '95Live Forever
118 - '98Do You Really Want Me (Show Respect)
119 - '95Plowed
120 - '96The Distance
121 - '97Lakini's Juice
122 - '95Geek Stink Breath
123 - '97Santeria
124 - '96No Woman, No Cry
125 - '97Everlong
126 - '96Burden In My Hand
127 - '94Vasoline
128 - '97Everything To Everyone
129 - '93Have I Told You Lately
130 - '97Don't Go Away
131 - '98Zoot Suit Riot
132 - '95She
133 - '96Novocaine For The Soul
134 - '94All Apologies
135 - '96Pretty Noose
136 - '97Silver Springs
137 - '95Everything Zen
138 - '96Days Of Our Livez
139 - '95Ode To My Family
140 - '95This Is A Call
141 - '96Fallin' In Love
142 - '94Einstein On The Beach (For an Eggman)
143 - '93Something In Common
144 - '94Ain't Got Nothing If You Ain't Got Love
145 - '97Love Rollercoaster
146 - '96Betcha By Golly Wow!
147 - '93Sit Down You're Rockin' The Boat
148 - '97Greedy Fly
149 - '94Disarm
150 - '97Wrong Way
151 - '96Too Much
152 - '95The Man Who Sold The World
153 - '97Shame On You
154 - '98Top Of The World
155 - '94All I Want For Christmas Is You
156 - '97Get Me Home
157 - '97Turn My Head
158 - '95In The Blood
159 - '96Sister
160 - '97Got 'Til It's Gone
161 - '94Shhh
162 - '96Tahitian Moon
163 - '97Love Is All We Need
164 - '97Summertime
165 - '98Stay (Wasting Time)
166 - '96Naked
167 - '95The Chanukah Song (part 1)
168 - '96Aeroplane
169 - '94All I Want Is You
170 - '95Little Things
171 - '96Bound For The Floor
172 - '96Here In Your Bedroom
173 - '95Warped
174 - '94No Excuses
175 - '97Abuse Me
176 - '95Corduroy
177 - '98Back To You
178 - '97The Chanukah Song (part 2)
179 - '94Big Empty
180 - '95Time Bomb
181 - '94Seven Whole Days
182 - '94Hard Luck Woman
183 - '96Angels Of The Silences
184 - '96Zero
185 - '96So Much To Say
186 - '95Say It Ain't So
187 - '97Gone Away
188 - '97Eye
189 - '98Don't Drink The Water
190 - '98Rapper's Delight
191 - '97D' You Know What I Mean?
192 - '95Down By The Water
193 - '96Lady Picture Show
194 - '95Your Little Secret
195 - '95Fell On Black Days
196 - '92Take A Chance On Me
197 - '95I'll Stick Around
198 - '98Turn Back Time
199 - '95Gel
200 - '96Blow Up The Outside World
Top 'Airplay Only' '90s Songs (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 5504

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.