1 classified Information It'S easy to place an ad in the La Crosse Tribune. PHONE 782-0060 residents call toll free 1-800-362-0420 MAIL your ad to the Classified Department, 401 N. 3rd La Crosse, WI 54601. BRING your ad to the Classified Department, 401 N. 3rd La Crosse, Wis.
DEADLINES IN-COLUMN ADS: No borders, 4 p.m. the day before publication (4 p.m. Thursday for Friday and Saturday, 4 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday). DISPLAY ADS: With borders, 4 p.m.
three days before publication (4 p.m. Thursday for Tuesday, 4 p.m. Friday for Wednesday) Happy Ads TRIBUNE HAPPY ADS THANK YOU ADS IN MEMORIAM $2.50 PER INCH 1" $2.50 2" $5.00 3" $7.50 4" $10.00 Payment must accompany ad. Business Happy Ad $4.50 PER INCH Send check, money order, or come in to: The LA CROSSE TRIBUNE 401 N. 3rd La Crosse, WI 54601 -NOTICEThe name, address, and telephone number of the person placing "Happy Ad" must accompany the ad in order for publication.
Congratulations SCOTT GILBERTSON On Bowling Your First Series! Love, Dad. Mom Kerry Look Who Turned Happy Birthday KRIS WEISSENBERGER From, 1. Heather Heath 18-La Crosse Tribune, Happy Ads HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY ANDREA MEDINA Our beloved Zwiebel Bienchen Schnurzelchen and Schlumpfsack is a teenager now. We Love You, Mom, Jack Tracy The Zoo Happy Belated Birthday Happy Retirement To DAD GRANDPA HAPPEL From, All Your Kids Grandkids SUE GRAMZA High NOON Today Your Future F.I.L. URGENTLY NEEDED! Short, tubby, balding, Blatz Light Cream Ale guzzler to handle the fund on future road trips.
Must be adept at ordering pizza and other services by phone. Current holder of this position is being forced into early retirement. APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER NOVEMBER 12TH The Boys On The Bus P.S. Dan Wettstein, reserve L. hope you survive your last road trip.
Your Long Awaited Retirement Day Is Finally Here To Stay! Happy Retirement Belated Happy Birthday ROLFIE From, Oner Announcements 3 Gingerbread And Calico craft and bake sale. Oct. 29th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Oct. 30th, 1 p.m. to p.m., 2602 Highland, behind Hardee's South.
RUG Weavers: Looking for a rug weaver who also weaves cemats. I have own rags. 784-5269. TAKING consignment samples of unique hand-crafted Items for metropolitan market. Call 452-3128 evenings and Saturday.
VISIT Country Christmas Booth at Holiday Fair. Homemade Items. 319-497-3116 to pre-order bird feed. Auction Directory 78 BUICK Regal LTD. 2-door.
Excellent body, T-top, air, 1111, cruise. $4.950. 783-0186. MONDAY, October 31st. 1983.
Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: Our Gallery, Holmen Square. Holmen, Wis. (enter through Pick and Save next to grocery store). Auctioneer: Col.
Jack N. Christensen. Clerk: Alpha Auction. NOTICE Advertisers are requested to check the first appearance of Classified Ads for corrections. The Tribune will be responsible for only the first incorrect want ad insertion.
Call The Hotline 782-0060 SUNDAY. October Time: 1:00 p.m. Eunice Frisbie estate. Location: 1250 So. 21st St.
La Crosse 121st at Farnami, AucR. Jerome Boge. Clerk, Wisconsin Auction Service SUNDAY. OCT. 12:30 12 Du Sons and Ed Clerk: Southeast Auction St.
La CresSchneider Goods Comp Conrad Earl TUESDAY. 1983 0 La Crosse Court. Own Ciera: La Crosse Saturday, October 29, 1983 Personals 5 ALL NEW EL CID'S 167 East 3rd Winona, Minn. 1-507-452-9760. LOLITA'S SAUNA and MASSAGE 316 So.
4th St. 4th St. and Back Entrance, 782-6992. Lost and Found 12 REWARD for any Information leading to the return of a male Bluetick Hound missing from Holmen kennel. Please call Roger Stone, 526-3049.
DO you have my Solid black female, green eyes, years old. Broken lower fang. Lost 3 months ago. If please call Brian at 782-8304. REWARD! FOUND In Burns Valley area, male black and white Springer Spaniel.
608-486-2177. FOUND: packages in Valley View parking lot Call 526- 4217 after 4:30 to identify. LOST YOUR PET? We find pets from all over La Crosse Co. Humane Society, 781-4014. LOST: Men's railroad approved Bulova Acutron wrist watch.
783-1140. LOST: Tuesday, October 25th, area of 15th and Madison. Short hair orange tiger striped small cat. Very friendly. 785-1780.
Reward. Travel 21 SENIOR CITIZENS Grand Old Opry, Nashville Hall of Fame and more! 5-days, 4-nights. $225. Leaving Nov. 24th.
For more information phone 782-0547. Landscaping 30 LANDSCAPING: Professional Consultation. Design. Installation. Planting, Pruning.
Lawn Care: Power Raking, Fertilizing. Quality. ARBOR CARE, 781-2476. Conditioning 37 CARGILL HEATING AIR CONDITIONING, INC. Air conditioning, oil, gas, electric, heating sales, application; 24-hour service.
Electronic secretary for your convenlence. 403 N. Front. 782-2630. CHIMNEY, Furnace, fireplace cleanings and repairs.
Chimney liners. Heat reclaimers for oil and gas furnaces. Savings from of fuel bill. Breidel's Regional Sheet Metal Heating and Air ConditionIng, 784-4767 Since 1976.00 SCHNEIDER HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 24 hr. service.
Heat pumps, air conditioners, furnaces. 782-4035. Home Repairs 38 Chimneys, Liners Brick. Blocks, concrete steps slabs Glass blocks. Bob Geiwitz 788-0252.
OLSON'S HANDYMAN: Washers, dryers, ranges, refrigerators, plumbing, electric repairs. 786-2168. SMALL REPAIR, repaint, handy: man work, odd jobs. Buck's Small Home Repair Service, 785-0813. WINDOW AND SCREEN REPAIR GAMBLES HOME IMPROVEMENT 1649 Kane Home Services 39 PLASTERING, patching, drywall, tape, spray, starlite ceilings; stucco, respray, repair, foundations.
No lob too small. 788-9450. ADDITIONS, garages, remodeling. Insured. Free estimates.
Fred, 783-4730. ROOFING Guaranteed workmanship. Fully insured. Free estimates. Asphalt or fiberglass shingles.
Call Zumach Home Services, 788-3807. BATS, mice and Insects a problem? Janco Distributing, P.O. Box 303, Sparta, WI 54656. 608-269-2531. CONCRETE work wanted: Garage floors, basem*nts, driveways.
Top quality work. City sidewalk. Fox Concrete, 783-0640; 784-0692. CONTRACTORS, need end of season assistance in painting, carpentry and landscaping? Have trucks. Experienced.
Dave, 608-534-6738. DAISY HILL HOMEBUILDERS: Also remodeling and repair Inside and out. Quality work, low prices. Phone 788-0612 after 6. GEIWITZ CONSTRUCTION CO.
INC. Over 2,000 chimneys and fireplaces constructed in the past 50 years cultured stone (no foundation required), glass blocks, concrete. Call Dick at 788-0868 or 788-2999. HOME GUARD INSULATION 781-6636, free estimates. teed workmanship, materials.
Serving La Crosse area over 38 years. Gambles Home Improvement 1649 Kane HOME REPAIRS! Bathrooms, basem*nts finished, ceilings, panelIng, small plumbing. 15 years perience. Free Estimates. 784-4191.
MASSEY'S CHIMNEY SWEEP. security and protection from chimney Professional equipment. No mess, free estimates. Call now Soot burns. Insured.
782-0217, 782-1275. ROOFING Specialists. Reroofs, tear-offs, repairs, roof coatings. Mobile home roof coatings and repairs. Free estimates.
788-8947. SUBJEK CONSTRUCTION. Garsges, additions, remodeling, painting and repairs. Phone 526-4337. Painting and Papering 40 AND DECORATING, 526-9265.
Painting, Wall papering, remodeling. Very ressonable prices. Free estimates. CULLMANN BROTHERS PAINTING Paperhanging Fully Insured. 788-7403, 786-1375.
ED'S Painting: Top quality work the lowest rates. interior, exterior. References. Call 782-0629. General Help 48 GROUNDS SUPERINTENDENT for 9-hole golf course.
12-month contract. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to Hiawatha Golf Club: P.O. Box 287, Tomah, WI 54660. MOULDER OPERATOR KNIFE GRINDER Experience including set-up necessary.
Top pay and fringe benefits. Apply in person or call Harold Knutson for appointment MENOMINEE LUMBER COMPANY 2219 10th Ave. Menominee. MI 49858 906-843-2642 RESIDENT MANAGER Part-time. Resident Caretaker for in La Crosse skills, ability deal is essential.
Box 8-117. SNOW shoveling complex, Must be For 995-6440 Applica TELECOMMUNICATOR La Cresse is estel Child Care 49 WILL do babysitting in my South Side home, 16th and Green Bay area. Have 14-month-old. 782-1244. 50 HOUSEKEEPING food preparation.
Rellable with references. Call Suzie, 788-8971. WILL DO housecleaning. Honest, responsible and reasonable! Good referneces. Phone 784-3663.
51 LEGAL SECRETARY with shorthand skills to work in La Crosse law firm. Experience preferred. Please send resumes to: La Crosse Tribune Box T-974, 401 No. 3rd La Crosse, WI 54601. POSITION open for full-time local trucking firm.
10:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., possibly later. Clerical skills helpful. Send resume to: 2404 Commerce La Crosse, WI 54601. RECEPTIONIST, dental office.
Experience preferred. Typing skilis necessary. Send resume to Tribune Box A-802. STENOGRAPHER County Health Department has vacancy for a Receptionist. Minimum typing speed of 45 wpm and shorthand at 80.
Familiarity with Medical Terminology preferred. Must become County resident within 6 months of date of hire. Starting salary of Excellent fringes. Apply by Nov. 3rd at Personnel Office, County Courthouse, Room 201, La Crosse, WI 54601.
WANTED: Legal secretary for small law firm in La Crosse. Experience required. Send resumes to P.O. Box 2315, La Crosse, by or phone 782-0055. 52 ASSISTANT CONTROLLER Manufacturing corporation In La Crosse is seeking an Assistant Controller.
Duties will include general accounting and Implementation of a computerized cost accounting system. 1-3 years experience desirable. Applicants submit resume including education, experience and salary requirements in confidence to: Assistant Controller, P.O. Box 1628, La Crosse, WI 54602-1628. DURA-TEK, INC.
3216 Commerce St. La Crosse, WI 54601 Opening In Our Operation For Experienced only. Background in other phases in screen printing, business, helpful and desired. Fast growing company Good chance for advancement Insurance Pay commensurate with experience INQUIRE AT: 3216 Commerce in the Industrial Park, North La Crosse. MANAGER: Country music company needs part-time agent to monitor local music club.
Clerical duties, high income. 1 position. Call today, 714-662-1590. NURSING SUPERVISOR 2 Registered Nurse with supervisor experience wanted for administrative officer position on P.M. shift at Northern Wisconsin Center for the Developmentally Disabled.
Other P.M. or night shift Nursing Supervisor 2 positions may be filled from this register. Start at $11.917 per hour ($2,073 per month). Supervise personnel and handle emergency situations on a shift at this 674-bed State facility. Apply to: R.
D. O'Connor, Box 340, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. Telephone 715-723-5542. An Equal Opportunity Employer REGISTERED NURSE with O.R. experience to supervise O.R.
and E.R. departments. Write or call Doris Bakker, Memorial Hosptial, 216 Sunset Nellisville, WI 54456. Phone 715-743-3101. PHARMACIST WANTED: Fulltime position in southeastern Wisconsin.
Excellent salary and benefits with opportunity advancement. Contact: McCullough's, 694 Wells Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 or phone (414) 248-8582. THE La Crosse Jail Ministry Is seeking a volunteer to act as coordinator of its ministry program in the La Crosse jail. At this time this is a non-compensated position, thou this Is subject to change as funding becomes available. Any Interested parties may call 785-9862 during working hours, Monday-Friday, TRAVEL AGENT Minnesota AAA Career opportunity in the travel field.
Advancement opportunity for an agent with 2 or more years of travel agency background. Full benefit package, excellent salary and pleasant working conditions. Call Personnel at (612) 890-2500. Opportunity Employer WANTED: Dental Assistant-Recepfionist. Full-time.
Experience desirable, not necessary. Write Tribune Box B-118. Restaurant and Bar 53 BAR MANAGER wanted. experienced TENDER with enough desire and potential to be or become BAR MANAGER. Good, friendly personsilty, good dresser and above all.
trustworthy. Taking applications in person, 1-4, Mon. Oct. 31, Oscar's Restaurant, Onalaska. GRILL COOKS WANTED.
Apply in person, wed. through Sun. Kilger's 4 Seasons. 1, RI. La Crescent.
Sales Positions 54 PLAN A career with Mutual of Omaha. 782-5293. 84:30. Equal Opportunity REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS more cause Over 200 class 1 cost if you 4 For DON'T miss out. sales ect af 312 MANAGER TRAINEE RANTED Sales Positions 54 EARN extra money for Christmas.
Sell Avon. For information call Holmen, 526-4431. SALES ORGANIZERS PER WEEK CALIBER (Commissionable) Sell name brand film at 30 cents per roll for 100 rolls certificate book. Sells for $30, your earnings up to $28.50 per book. Limited positions available.
For more Information call Mr. Parker at 714-760-1612 or 714-760-1613. SALES positions: Local building materials and HVAC distributor needs experienced salesperson. Draw against commission, expenses, health Insurance. Some overnight travel.
Car a necessity. Send resume to Boxholder, P.O. Box 116, La Crosse, WI 54601. All replies held in strict confidence. SALES REPRESENTATIVE Distributor looking for AGGRESSIVE person to call on established retail firms.
Only persons with background and knowledge of windows and doors need apply. Insurance Profit Sharing Vehicle Travel Expenses Call 788-1510 for appointment. THE BEST OF BOTH 3 positions available for qualified persons. We offer a career that combines the best features of owning your own business while enjoying a protected employee status. Fringe benefits, Incentives, promotions from within.
Car helpful. Phone 782-4382. WANTED: Person experienced in plumbing or plumbing sales for counter position with local wholesaler. Send resume to: P.O. Box 1208, La Crosse, WI 54601.
Work Wanted 56 AUTO body work and paint jobs. Good work. Reasonable. 783-2825. CEMENT, carpenter, painting, insulation, remodeling, storm windows.
No job too small. Reasonable. 783-1812 after 526-3851 after 526-3721 anytime. Certified lady will care for elderly person; also will do housecleaning. Call weekdays after 3, 784-7805.
Home-Care provider seeking fulltime position caring for elderly. Experience. References. 788-5383. MEN'S alteration, some women's.
35 years experience. In Onalaska, 783-2825. Service and Repair. Furnace, water heaters, refrigerators, freezers. Rod's Refrigeration, 788-9615.
Business Opportunity 64 co*ckTAIL lounge in interesting setting. Write Tribune Box A-800. FAMILY BUSINESS Food broker needs couple, representatives or family to service dealer network. No selling. Some Inventory required.
Ideal for 2nd Income. Call Lynn, 801-264-8644. WELL established bar, restaurant in downtown area. Call Arlene at Real Estate by Schmidt, 788-3010. MOBILE COURT, EAU CLAIRE AREA: Sacrificing at $50,000.
1973 Open Road, Class A Motorhome. Good shape. 38,000 miles. $8,000. Trade welcome.
Evenings (715) 743-2232. Money To Loan 66 BUSINESS FINANCING Commercial, agricultural, real estate, etc. No brokerage fees or commissions For professional information call Roy Crapser at 608-833-8030. THORP FINANCIAL SERVICES "For Over 50 Years" Garages For Rent 70 CAR STORAGE Inside heated. Central States Warehouse, 1629 Caledonia, 781-2818.
FOR RENT: All new 8x12 storage units. Located next to A-1 Glass in La Crescent. 783-7164. GARAGE stalls for rent, North Side location. 784-9910.
MINI warehouse, $40. 784-2278. MINI warehouse, Call 784-2278. SOUTH Side 2-bay garage for storage. Good size and dry.
788-1632. STORAGE inside for boats, cars and motorhomes. Private parking downtown, $7 and $9. 782-4345. WANTED Garage rental.
Cheap. 784-9476. WINTER storage avaliable for boats, trailers, RV's and cars. Friday Canning Corp, 518 W. Mill Galesville, Furnished Rooms 71 FURNISHED room plus kitchen privileges and TV room.
Employed. retired men. Call 788-4033. MOTEL rooms by week or month. Everything furnished.
Efficiencies avallable. NEAR ST. FRANCIS. Quiet, clean, nicely furnished for 1 man. Share kitchen and bath.
$125. I utilities paid. 995-4375. SOUTH SIDE sleeping rooms. $100.
utilities included. Off street Ing. 784-2855 or 782-7960 Apartments Furnished 73 Furnished Dining room, off parking, Beautiful 19th St. For 712-7647. SO.
7TH KING RENTAL DIRECTORY, 784-5595 Are's and Largest AND TV. 1-BEDROOM. Cary per month plus. BEDROOM air. Ca 05 Apartments Furnished 73 EFFICIENCIES available Nov.
1st. North and South Sides. Laundry, parking. $165. 784-3333.
EFFICIENCY located in La Crescent. Owner pays hot-water. Offstreet parking, yard. Call 895-6194. Efficiency.
All bills paid! Furnished, security lights, laundry facilities and extra storage. 895-6194. EFFICIENCY apartment, neat, clean, nicley furnished. Downtown location. Key Apartments, 784-0928.
FEMALE to share with 4 others. Very spacious. $80 Includes everything. Available Nov. 1st.
782-4844. GIRLS NEEDED to share brand new duplex 1-block from UW-L campus, fully furnished, washer and dryer provided, off-street parking; also need 1 guy to share with others. Contact Dick agent, 784-0557 or 782-4040. LARGE 1-bedroom upper. Partially furnished.
Gas heat. $175 plus deposit. 788-8514. LARGE 1-room efficiencies. Newly decorated.
$225, all utilities paid. Belmar Apartments, 784-6787. Large 3-bedroom duplex. New carpeting, students or singles. No pets.
1503 Market. $320. 784-0633. LARGE EFFICIENCIES, Downtown and near North. From $183.
Off-street parking, central vac, laundries, some with all utilities paid. 782-8723. Male to share 2-bedroom with other. Air conditioned, laundry, parking. plus.
785-1314. NEED 1 male roommate to share spacious 3-bedroom in La Crosse industry and campus area. $95 per month plus. 895-2669. NEED female to share apartment with 3 girls, 1 block from UW-L.
788-1632. NEED single girl for single bedroom, total of 3. Near WWTI and St. Francis. $115 a month.
785-0000. Nice, quiet 3-rooms. Centrally located, busline, mature persons preferred. Inquire: 904 Cass St. North Side upper, 1-bedroom.
$225 plus security, utilities. No pets or students. Sandy, 783-2707, 782-8210. Small efficiency for girl. Close downtown.
paid, share bath. Key Apartments 784-0928. SUPER 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS, Downtown and near North locations. From $225. Off-street ing, laundries, fireplaces, parter cable.
782-8723. VERY nice newer 2-bedroom with fireplace. Centrally located, offstreet parking, laundry. $300 plus utilities. Call 784-3333.
Apartments Unfurnished 74 ONALASKA TOWN HOMES Duplexes Patio Homes Quality Living Professional Service "Call Today For Current Listing" 783-2211 Close to Valley 90 Built, Own, Operated By: RAYMOND DEVELOPMENT CO. 218 Sandlake Rd. Onalaska, Wis. FRENCH ISLAND Clean, 1-bedroom, stove, refrigerator, carpeted, laundry, lease. 895-2861 or 782-1788.
1 MONTH free rent in La Crescent's finest 1 and 2-bedroom apartments. Starting at $265. All appliances: fireplace; dishwasher; air; etc. and choice of floor plan. Qualifies for Minn.
renters credit. Call Gary 784-2280 9-5, 895-6840 or 895-8227 anytime. Newer, modern, deluxe 2-bedroom townhouses. Available immediately. Full basem*nt, all appliances, air conditioned, baths.
Valley setting, near all recreational facilities. Qualifies for Minnesota rent credit! Near La Crescent High School. Call Gary, 784-2280 9-5, 895-8227 or 895-6840 anytime. EASY to heat 3-bedroom upper Range and refrigerator Included North Side location 526-3345 or 526-3418 $270: 2-bedroom lower duplex. 9th and Adams.
Gas furnace, hookups, parking. Security. 788-7678. 1 or 2-BEDROOM. Stove, refrigerator.
$200 to $260 plus utilities. 785- 1818, 785-2532, 784-7902. 1-BEDROOM near Shopko South. Appliances, air, carpet, drapes, storage, laundry. Adults only.
No pets. $230. 788-2043 or 788-1416. 1-BEDROOM upper. Stove and refrigerator, carpeted, cheap heat.
South Side. Available now. $180- Call 788-1230. 1-BEDROOM Holmen. Ideal location.
Could be furnished. Extras, only $200. Call 783-5848. 1-BEDROOM apartment In single dwelling. mile No.
of Onalaska. $250 per month, Includes electric and water. 783-7924. ground floor, offstreet parking. Stove, refrigerator.
Fireplace. Close downtown. Tom at Hein-Ellertson Realty, 785-1800. 1-BEDROOM. Downtown area, $225.
Laundry, no pets, security. Dorothy at 785-1805, 788-9643. 1802 LOOMIS STREET. Large redecorated 2-bedroom. $285.
Call Tony or Marv, 784-9788. 2-bedroom near Valley View. Furnished or 783- 3648 or 782-1003 GERRARD REALTY OPEN TODAY OPEN P.M. 3020 Maple Drive La Crosse CONVENIENT LOCATIONI 21-year-old raised ranch. 3 800 family to fenced Energy efficient pump, ma Dianne Campbell is ess today.
MILS 2453: NEALTY COMP. 784-7815 Apartments Unfurnished 74 2 or 3-BEDROOM, large yard, basem*nt. Convenient Side location near schools, stores. $225 plus utilities. 782-7325.
2-Bedroom North Side, $270. Laundry, fireplace, no pets. Security. Dorothy at 785-1805, 788-9643. 2-BEDROOM North La Crosse.
Carpet, drapes, appliances, air, bus, beach, laundry, storage, parking. $265. 783-4011, 783-7281. 2-BEDROOM upper apartment, Holmen. Avallable Nov.
1st. 526-3760 days. 2-Bedroom lower near Viterbo. Heat, appliances, water, $320. Available Nov.
15th. 788-6425. 2-BEDROOM, warm, well insulated. Carpet, drapes, appliances. North Side.
784-5931 evenings. 2-BEDROOM, very clean, upper North Side. Electric heat, garage. No pets. Deposit.
$240. 784-3983. 222 SO. 8TH. Lovely, large 2-bedroom.
Fireplace. $325 plus utilities, lease, deposit. 788-0981 or 784-3365. 3-BEDROOM duplex near airport. garage, family room, baths, appliances, hook- NSP efficient.
No pets. Lease, security -deposit, Dec. 1st. Call 783-8393 a.m.'s or 526-4118 p.m.'s. 3-BEDROOM, 812 Cameron.
Family or singles. $375 Includes heat. 788-1339 or 782-7519. 4-ROOM upper with kitchen furnished. Couple preferred, no children or pets.
788-2484. 804 CASS STREET Elliot Arms Apartments Large efficiencles and 1-bedroom. Stove, refrigerator, heat, hot water, off-street parking. 24-hour security Included. Coin laundry.
At bus stop. Close to downtown. 784-9575. KANE ST. Small 2-bedroom house.
Gas heat. $200. Available Nov. 1st. Call 782-6276 or 788-3010.
ARROWHEAD VILLAGE 3121 Maple Dr. 2 Blocks East Of So. 33rd Beautiful, spacious, 1 2-bedroom Apartments, 3-bedroom, 3-level Townhouses from $260. Overlooking the scenic bluffs. 788-6565 AVAILABLE Nov.
1, nice, newer 1- bedrooms on North Side, from $200. Call 784-3333 days. CHIPMUNK Coulee side-by-side duplex. 2 bedrooms, garage and air, $340. 788-8605 after 6.
CHOICE 2-bedroom duplex with garage, stove and refrigerator. Lease and deposit required. Adults preferred. No pets. 1049 So.
28th St. 788-1022 evenings. CLEAN, large lower 1-bedroom at 524 So. 6th St. $200 plus utilities, lease.
788-3963 for appointment. CLEAN, QUIET, EFFICIENT: 1- bedroom, refrigerator, stove, air conditioned, laundry, off-street parking. Onalaska. $225. 781-5813.
COUNTRY LIVING! 2-bedrooms, carpeted, La Crescent area. Pets allowed. $275 per month. 785-0101. COZY 2-bedroom lower.
Quiet neighborhood, Center area. $200. Call 782-5835. COZY Viterbo area upper 1-2 bedroom duplex. Appliances.
Nice. $235. Pets. 895-6640, 895-4232. DELUXE 1-bedroom.
Appliances, carpet, drapes, storage, laundry, near Shopko South. No pets. $230. Call 788-2043 or 788-1416. DELUXE La Crescent 2-bedroom.
Stove, refrigerator, disposal, dishwasher, coin laundry, air, new carpeting. No $260 per month, security deposit. 782-8921. DUPLEX near Shopko South. New residential area.
Phone 788-7492. Heated 2-bedroom. Shower, washer hookups, basem*nt, storage shed, carport, $350. 1421 Ferry. 788-6369.
HOLMEN spacious 1-bedroom lower, off-street parking, large yard, porch, storage, washer hookups, convenient downtown 1o- cation. $225. 788-2121, 784-4240. HOVE'S MANOR Holmen, clean, 2-bedroom with all appliances, $190. Call 785-2450.
IDEAL location, 1-bedroom apartment near Menard Plaza and UWL. Newer 14-unit building. Laundry, busline, grocery store, quiet. 784-2800, 782-5198, Debbie. IN Onalaska, 2-bedroom duplex.
No pets. 782-5621. MADISON PLACE bedrooms, baths, large rooms, fireplace, formai dining, air, private yard. 785-1642. Apartments Unfurnished 74 LA CRESCENT 2-bedroom.
Carpeted, air conditioned, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, fireplace, security deposit and 1-year lease. 895-4408. LARGE 2-bedroom upper. Laundry, storage, parking. Heat and paid.
$345. Call 784-3333. LARGE 2-bedroom lower in quiet No. Side area. Hookups, off-street parking, porch.
$285. 788-8288. LOCATED IN HOLMEN New 2-Bedroom. Appliances furnished. Excellent location.
Very easy to heat. 526-3345, 526-3418 Looking for a new 3-bedroom? Spacious kitchen, coin laundry. $330. 786-2173, 783-8408. LOW INCOME 3-bedroom family duplex.
Holmen. Call after 9 a.m., 783-6440; after 5 p.m. 788-0037. LOWER, modern 2-bedroom, stove, refrigerator and alr conditioner. Close to St.
Francis Viterbo. No pets. Security and lease. 782-2929 or 782-7332. MALE roommate needed, 1-block from campus.
1604 La Crosse. $110. No pets. Available Nov. 1.
783-1947. NEED 1 female non-smoking, quiet roommate to share 2-bedroom in La Crescent. $120, plus utilities. Available immediately. 895-8461.
NEW 3-bedroom ranch duplex, appliances, energy efficient. $320. 1422 Cunningham. 783-5718, 784-7299. New deluxe 1-bedroom.
Carpet, drapes, appliances, electric heat, storage, washing facilities. Behind Menards. $235. 788-6061, 784-3277. NEW, small 1-bedroom upper.
Washer, dryer hookups. New stove, refrigerator. No. Side, near downtown. Also small storage building.
No pets. 781-7129. NEWER 2-bedroom in the West Salem area. Heat and utilities included. Furnished or unfurnished.
Nov. 1st. 786-0872. NEWER 2-bedroom on St. Josephs Ridge.
$260. 788-0078. NICE 1-BEDROOM South Side. Carpet, drapes, appliances, off street parking. $200.
782-1796. ONALASKA 2-bedroom townhouse with full-basem*nt, appliances, hook-ups, gas heat, central air, $285, lease and security. No pets. 781-2879, 783-4375, 781-9333. Onalaska 2-Bedroom, fireplace, air, hookups, storage, deposit.
$300, some utilities furnished. 788-7206. ONALASKA 2-bedroom duplex, full basem*nt, available Nov. 1. 783-0923 evenings, 785-8182 days.
PUT ANOTHER LOG ON THE FIRE 2-bedroom, fireplace, off street parking. Also, 2 and 3-bedroom townhouses, dishwasher, laundry, baths, walk-in closets. Management Concepts, 784-7746. QUIET Onalaska 2-bedroom. Drapes, appliances, storage, energy miser.
No pets. Call 788-3956. REDWOOD TERRACE APARTMENTS Onalaska Now taking applications for 1 and 3-bedroom apartments. Must meet HUD guidelines for occupancy. Rent calculated at of income.
Call 608-783-6683 for an appointment. Equal opportunity housing. RENT with option to buy. New 2-bedroom with garage. Near Onalaska.
$350, Ardis, 783-1063 or Gorman Realty, 785-0720. MLS 9938. RIVER ROAD APARTMENTS 2-bedroom available, Nov. 1st. Great location across from Lutheran Hospital.
3-month lease, security. No students or pets. 782-4801. 1900 So. 7th St.
SUPER 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS, Downtown and near North tions. From $215. Off-street parking, laundries, fireplaces, free cable. 782-8723. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SAT.
1 P.M.-3 P.M. 419 MONROE ST. SPARTA 2 bedrooms, air conditioning, baths, wood and gas heat, 1- car garage, large living room. Priced to sell $35,900 NICK QUINN REAL ESTATE West Salem 786-1794 or 786-0871 YOU CAN BE A WELDER IN LESS THAN 36 WEEKS OF TRAINING AT W.W.T.I. Register before November 15 for Welding at Western Wisconsin Technical Institute in La Crosse and by SUCcessfully completing the program in only three school terms you will receive the state approved vocational diploma as a welder at summer graduation in early August, 1984.
That means in less than 36 weeks of school (not counting winter and spring vacations) you can obtain the skills needed in the welding trade. You'll learn all the basic techniques and welding processes, and advance from arc welding and oxy-acetylene welding to gas-metal-arc1 and gas-tungsten-arc welding. If you are receiving unemployment benefits you can enroll for this welding program at W.W.T.I. without losing compensation. This is the training program you need if you want to get into a new career field fast, or upgrade your skills for advancement in your present situation.
DO IT! Contact W.W.T.I. to register for Welding NOW! Phone 785-9144. WESTERN WISCONSIN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Admissions Office, 401 North 8th Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin 54602-0908 W.W.T. is an equal opportunity public education institution functioning under an affirmative action plen. 3 5 4 Fri.
Nov. County 2. La Crosse Car SALES REPRESENTATIVE 3M BUSINESS PRODUCTS We offer an excellent opportunity for the right person in a rapidly growing area of business equipment. A hard working and aggressive representative is needed. A college degree and some experience is preferred.
A desire to work hard and be successful is required. We Offer: Excellent Training Program Liberal Employee Benefits Protected Tri-State Territory Management Advancement Opportunities I you are interested and qualified call Bob Rowland, 3M Company, at the Midway Motor Lodge, La Crosse. (608) 781-7000 Suite 254 Call between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday, October 31st. 3M BUSINESS PRODUCTS BLE.