The Jewish Herald-Voice (2024)

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April 11, 1940
Piano pupil* * of Mn. Nathan
Colish were declared winners of
the State Junior Competitive Fes-
tival held at Houston on April 8
*s unoer the auspices of the National
Federation of Music Clubs.
They are Rhode Mae Robino-
witz. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Robinowitz, and Elizabeth
Kamsler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Kamsler.
Etta Moselle Colish, in the cello
division, and Annette Colish, in
the violin division, were also win-
ners in their respective depart-
Friday. April 12, at 8:20 p. m..
the Reading Circle will devote the
entire evening to the famous Jew-
ish writer. 1 L. Peretz. whose
29th memorial is being celebrated
in Jewish Circles all over the
world. L L. Peretz was one of
the outstanding classical writers
in Jewish literature, specializing
in depicting Chassidim. Everyone
who is interested in Jewish liter-
ature is invited to attend. There
is no admission charge.
• • •
The Workmen's Circle School
is busy at work on the big yearly
concert, which is scheduled for
Sunday. May 8, 7:30 p. m.. at the
Taj lor School Auditorium. A
program of unusual calibre will
be presented, as follows: 1, Chil-
dren's Choic in Jewish folk songs;
2. Anti-Nazi play (Our Time); 2.
Motel in America (by Sholem
AUychim); 4, In a German School
(1 act play.) Miss Florence Kless
will also present her pupils in
several dance numbers. Admission
is 35c
• • •
The Circle Branch No. 530 will
celebrate its 25th Anniversary
with a Rally and Banquet at the
Lamar Hotel on Sunday, May 19,
to be followed with a grand con-
cert Further details will be giv-
en at a lata- date.
A smoker was held at the
home of Horace Simon Saturday
night April 8, honoring George
Shendleman. who is making a
tour of Western Region Chapters
for the purpose of increasing
membership and the number of
The Houston Chapter of A. Z. A.
formed the installation committee
for the Galveston Chapter of A.
Z. A., which was installed Sat-
urday night April 7. This Sun-
day. April 14, the Houston Chapt-
er will confer the first degree
ritual on the Galveston members.
A baseball game is scheduled for
the afternoon, and a banquet for
the evening.
• • •
The "Youth and Democracy”
program to be given jointly by
the Hi-Y and the A. Z. A. will
probably take place at the San
Jacinto High School Auditorium,
with James V. Allred, Federal
Judge, as the main speaker. The
Lamar Glee Club will furnish the
musical portion of the program.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schlanger
announce the birth of a son.
Brith Millah services were held
Thursday morning, April 11, at
the St. Joseph’s Infirmary, with
Cantor Max Landman officiating
as Mohel. Rabbi A. H. Blum-
enthal and Mr. L Gross were
Sondicker, and Mr. B. C. Green-
berg, maternal grandfather, held
the baby for the blessing naming
his "Lee David.” Rabbi Nathan
H. Colish and Cantor L S. Kras-
noff also participated in the re-
ligious rites.
The giving of dances and socials
started many many years ago.
Since the beginning, tens of
thousands of dances have been
given, but not more than 1 in 50
showed a new “twist” You re-
number your first visa-versa;
your first Hallowe’en Party—
weren’t they fun? You remember-
ed them because they were differ-
The A. Z. A. Fraternity believes
that it is giving a dance that is
different in many ways. The
darce committee has developed
a central theme—“A Two Year
Old Birthday Party Dance” which
it will carry out For example,
there will be novelties for all,
games during intermission, a pro-
gram book full of humour, and
prizes. What gaiety and fun is
in store for you.
Here is a typical example of
what has been happening in
scores of homes throughout our
city this week:
Boy who has been saving pen-
nies for some good dance hears
about the A. Z. A. Dance. Know-
ing this is the dance for him.
He opens his penny bank, and
with the money buys a ticket He
phones his best gal. Boy tells
girl “On April 21st the A. Z. A.
Fraternity is giving a swell dance
on the Rice Root”
Girl says excitedly, “Yes.”
Boy continues, “And — and,
Frank Williams and his 12 piece
orchestra are engaged to play.”
Girl says, “Y-e-s,” more ex-
Boy takes deep breath and ex-
pels, “Will you be my date?”
Girl, "Yes! Fd rather die than
Election of officers and the
board, along with a talent pro-
gram, are the features of Temple
League’s meeting Wednesday,
April 17, in Abe M. Levy Memor-
ial HalL The nominating com-
mittee, headed by Charles D.
Nathan, has selected the slate of
two nominees for each office, ex-
cept that of president which finds
Sam Leon Bishkin nominated for
a second term.
Additional nominations may be
made from the floor for the
various offices, the slate present-
ed being: for vice-president, Her-
bert Rosenthal and William D.
Cope; for treasurer, Reginald
Kotiwitz and Lloyd K. Friedman;
for corresponding secretary, Ger-
trude Kreisman and Ethel Levine
Holman; for recording secretary,
Goldie Wald and Bernice Maas;
for parliamentarian. Dr. Ben L.
Lemer and Julian Hurwitz. Board
nominees, three of whom will be
added to the present board, are:
Betty Rosensweig, Frances Korn-
feld. Sylvia Segal, Dr. Samuel S.
Schaffer, Dr. William M. Cogen,
and Richard H. Holstein.
The talent program is in charge
of Miss Goldie Wald. “Madam
President,” a one-act comedy,
aiiected by Seth G. Hathaway,
will be presented with Bernice
Maas and Gerald S. Gordon. Doro-
thy Elaine Fine will play piano
selections, and Miss Wald has
an eight-person surprise act for
the finale.
The meeting starts at eight
o’clock, and members are urged
to be present
Tryouts for parts in the next
League play will be held Monday
evening, April 15, at Levy HalL
Seth G. Hathaway has a clever
comedy to be cast that evening
for presentation in mid-May.
not go.”
Boy tells girl about the good
time they can expect He states
the dance is semi-formal and he
will be by to pick her up a little
before nine, etc.
Oh, yes, in case you use this
outline when you phone for your
date, don’t forget to mention just
one more incidental—your name!
An important meeting of Hous-
ton Lodge will be held on Tues-
day, April 16th at the Abe M.
Levy Memorial Hall, 8:15. Im-
portant business will be discussed.
Election of delegates to the forth-
coming District 7 Convention to
be held in this city on May 12
1? and 14 will be held as will
nominations for representatives
to the Supreme Lodge.
Dr. Nathan Horowitz has asked
that all members please keep this
date in mind and attend this
meeting. A Board of Trustees
will be elected. Plans for the May
meeting will be made and com-
mittees appointed to work out
the programs for the concluding
meetings of this season.
April 10, 1940
Dear Council of Jewish Women:
Sincere appreciation and grat-
itude is extended to the Hous-
ton Council of Jewish Women for
their magnificent co-operation in
helping to make the Eighth An-
nual Texas State, National Coun-
cil of Jewish Juniors Conference
the most successful in the history
of Houston Council Conventions.
Honorable Mention is extended
to Mrs. J. B. Lightman, Mrs. A.
W. Nussbaum, President of the
Senior Council, and Mrs. Lasker
Meyer, who so graciously render-
ed their services to the division
of the Convention.
Sincerely yours,
National Council of Jewish Jrs.
Ethel Lynn Seligman,
Convention Chairman
London—The Agudath Israel,
Jewish religious organization, an-
nounced this week that is is ar-
ranging to ship 10,000 parcels of
matzoth to Poland from Hun-
gary, Rumania and Lithuania.
Guest Conducted by
Queen of the Hillel Ball
at Texas A. A M. last week
Now that the "biggest day” of
my life has past, I. as Queen of
the Hillel Ball at Aggieland.
would like to tell my friends and
readers of the Jewish Herald-
Voice, of a wonderful time. The
dance this year was, by far, the
biggest and best that the club
has ever given. Phil Golman,
chairman, might well be con-
gratulated upon his efforts which
led to the success of the ball. He
and his various committees, I
am sure, spent many hours work-
ing that their guests might en-
joy a memorable evening.
The club sponsored a tea dance
in the afternoon at the Bryan
Country Club. Its success was
due to Henry Jameson and his
committee. I feel free in saying
that the success of the dance, the
growth of the club and the in-
terest of the boys who compose
it, is due to its gracious sponsor,
Mrs. J. J. Taubenhaus. Her in-
terest in both the boys and their
club, has made the organization
what it is today.
Music for the dance was fur-
nished by A. & M’s. own Aggie-
iand Orchestra. Beautiful pro-
grams were distributed, and the
decorations by Morris Lichen-
stein and Jerry Rolnick were
magnificent. During the evening
I was presented with a beautifully
engraved gold bracelet as a re-
membrance from the club.
The dance, as a whole, was one
grand affair, and it is my wish
that the Hillel Club shall con-
tinue its outstanding work through
out the coming years. Immediate-
ly following the dance a mid-
night snack was held attended
by Philip Golman and Lillian
Gross, Gordon Siegel and Kitty
Rolnick, Henry Jameson and El-
len RosenthaL Harold Topletz and
Dale Epstein, Mr. and Mrs. A. L
Schepps, Manny Smith and Lillian
Spies, Irving Glasser and Lanelle
Dunn, Selig Frank and myself,
and many other charming couples.
Among some of the other cele-
brants attending the festivities at
Aggieland—Sydney Kessler and
Hortense Steinberg, Sydney Roth
and Jeanette Dannenbaum, Irwin
Mark and Cecil Lipp, Elvin Bis-
trow and Hannah Kaplan, Leo
Vogelman and Jeannette Shafer,
Bernard Wizig and Nora Mar-
shall. Harold Melman and Sylvia
Segal. Sam Sameral and Helen
Segal. Jack Forman and Dorothy
Mehlman, Simon Goldhurst, Jer-
ry Rolnick and Sylvia Kaplan,
Manr.y Rosenthal and his beauti-
ful date, Merwin Hoffman and
date. Sidney Kay and Shirley
Komfield, Ann Solovey and
“Froggie” Rosenstein, Bill Birn-
baum and Helen Levenson, Bill
Gordon and Miriam Rotschild.
Buddy Kaufman and Rose Homer.
aw hu

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White, D. H.Jewish Herald-Voice (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 35, No. 3, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 11, 1940,newspaper, April 11, 1940; ( April 16, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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The Jewish Herald-Voice (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.