The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1937 19 Cincinnati Produce Markets Both poultry and creamery showed weak spots in their market armor yesterday. The jobbing price for butter here, basis prints, was reduced a cent, to 82c a pound, following continued weakness at Chicago and New York. Poultry was dull, with demand limited to Rock and colored fryers and broilers at unchanged prices. Dealers were expecting a better demand by the midweek and soliciting more liberal shipments of springers and fowls. Egg mounted to a fairly la large volume, mostly in small replacement commitments.

Seconds gained a cent and dealers called the market firm. Extra firsts and nearby ungraded eggs were left unchanged. Receipts continued light. Track sales of fruit and vegetables were moderate, dealers stated. Markets were generally about steady with the exception of lettuce, celery, onions, and topgrade tomatoes, of which were firm.

Home-grown produce was cheap and plentiful. Fruit Auction sales were with lemons selling higher. Oranges and grapefruit closed firm. Grain sales continued active, with prices well sustained and receipts light. Hay and stock feeds continued dull.

Millfeed and poultry feeds were quiet, with prices 1 lower. Groceries And Provisions. $5.25. Produce. Sugar Eastern granulated $5.30, light, Fellow $5.10, reflad powdered and icing $6.30, best granulated $5.20.

Sorghum--Gallon 60c in barrel lots. Walnuts--Bushel 50c; kernels, clean dry sifted 38c; do country run, pound. Provisions Basis 100-lb bbis; clear pork $26 26.50, family pork bean pork $31 31.50; prime saeam lard $11.40 dry salt meat, close short clear sides. extra short clear sides, short rib sides and bellies smoked meats over dry salted; smoked meats, sugar cured packed hams, regular $24.50 25, hams (skinned) picnics $19. shoulders $18, New York shoulders $19, breakfast bacon dried beef hams $32: sweet pickled meats, packed in tierces: hams, regular, small $18.50 19.50, large skinned $19.50 picnics shoulders New York shoulders bellies, small $19 large green meats, loose, regular hams skinned hams $19.50 20.50, picnics shoulders New York shoulders short rib sides short clear sides extra clear sides bellies, light bellies heavy beef carcasses as to quality; tallow, prime city country No.

1 No. 2 grease, brown yellow white Flour--Soft winter, short family patent, $6.50 standard patent, $6 straight, spring, short family patent, standard patent, straight, spring, short family patent, standard patent, first clear, Kansas. short family patent, standard patent, first clear corn flour, white whole wheat flour rye flour, white $6, medium $5.75, dark $5.25. Produce. Butter -Creamery, jobbing basis, 32c; butterfat, No.

1 26c, No. 2 24c. Eggs- Cases included; hen, extra firsts 31c, seconds 18c, near-by ungraded 20c, loss-off basis. Live Poultry- -Coops returned basis, White Rock and Plymouth Rock broilers, lb and 17c, lbs and over 22c, lbs and over 20c, 2 lbs and over 24c; Leghorn and Mediterranean broilers, 1 lb and over 11c, lbs 17c, 2 lbs 18c, colored broilers 1 lb 17c, lbs and over 22c, 2 lbs and over 20c, 3 lbs and over 24c; partly feathered and black springers 16c; colored fowls, 5 lbs and over 17c, lbs and over 17c, 3 lbs and over 13c; Leghorn fowls, 3 lbs and over 13c; roosters 12c; spring ducks, white 4 lbs and over 10c, 3 lbs and over 8c; turkeys No. 1 toms, over 16 lbs 15c, 12 to 16 lbs 15c; hens, 8 ibs and over 15c, No.

2 10c, crooked breasted 10c; geese, medium, young 6c, common and old 6c; guineas, 15c; pigeons, old $1.25 dozen; rabbits, 3 to 5 lbs, 12c; do old 8c. Feeds and Meals -Ton in carload lots: Standard bran $25, pure bran $25.50, soft bran standard spring wheat middlings flour middlings flour $43 winter wheat mixed feed $39.50, grey shorts red dog $32.50 34, linseed meal $38.60, cottonseed meal $38.50 digester feeding tankage $52.50, No. 1 alfalfa meal medium $20, alfalfa leaf meal $38, gluten feed $33.35, gluten meal $38.35, white and yellow hom1ny feed beet pulp $37.25, soy bean meal $39.50, rolled oats feeding $54, black strap molasses f. o. b.

New Orleans gal. 7c, reground oat feed $23, meat scraps' $50, steamed bones $37.50, raw poultry bone $45, dried buttermilk f. o. b. Cincinnati (100 lbs) $4.50, dried skim milk (100 lbs) $4, dried brewer's grain ton $22, corn distillers dried grains $33.

Fruits And Vegetables. Prices based on sales reported to the United States Bureau of Agricultural Eco- nomics. Apples--Market about steady; bushel baskets, new stock, Georgia, Red Transparents, U. S. No.

1, 2 inch, inch Yellow Transparents, 2 inch old stock, Virginia, Winesaps, U. S. No. 1, inch up truck receipts, new stock; Tennessee, Yellow Transparents, U. S.

No. 1, 2 inch $20 unclassified Illinois, Yellow Transparents, 2 inch inch utility Bananas--Imports; 40-lb cartons $1.75 $1.85, few higher. Beans- -Market weaker; bushel hampers, Maryland, round stringless Virginia, flat type, ordinary truck receipts, Kentucky, bushel hampers, round green express receipts, Tennessee, 12-quart baskets Green and Wax types 75c; Lima Beans, market firm; bushel hampers, Flor1da, Georgia, $2.25. Cantaloupes--Market about steady; Salmon Meats, California, vineripened and precooled, Jumbo jumbo 368 $3.25 jumbo 278 standard 458 pony 54s Texas, jumbo 36s, 45s $2.50 2.75; standard 45g Honey Balls, jumbo 45s jumbo 36s standard 45s pony 54s $3.50. Carrots- Market about steady; California lettuce crates of 6 dozen Cauliflower--Market steady; California, crates $1.75.

-Market firm; California, crates dozen mostly $4.75. Cucumbers Truck receipts; bushel baskets, South Carolina, best $1.75, fair $1.25. Dewberries- Truck receipts; North Carolina, 24-quart crates Corn- firm; Alabama; crates 5 and 6 dozen Lettuce- -Market stronger: crates Iceberg type, California, Salines Section, 5s best $3 25 3.50, fair $2.75, pourer low as 6g poorer lower; Washington, 55 fair ordinary $1.75. Mango-Peppers-Louisiana. bushel hampers California Wonders 8.

No. 1, $1 65. Onions--Market steady; Texas, 50-lb bage. U. S.

Commercial. Yellow Bermudas few Crystal White Wax few $1.50. Peaches -Market unsettled; half-bushel baskets, Georgia, Carly Rose, U. S. No.

1, 2 inch and inch Early Junes, U. S. No. 1, 2 inch Inch inch 80 85c; truck receipts; North Georgia, Red Birds inch 2 inch $1.35: inch Uneedas 2 inch inch Potatoes--New stock; market about steady; 100-lb bags, Alabama, Triumphs, U. S.

No. 1, best some decay, low as Mississippi, Triumphs, U. S. No. 1.

$1.65 Louisiana, North Triumphs, Carolina. U. S. No. 1, some decay, Cobblers, U.

S. No. 1, California. White Rose, U. S.

No. 1. $2 02.15: old stock; market dull; 100-15 bags, U. S. No.

1, Idaho, Russets $2 25 2.40; Michigan, Round Whites Peas Market steady; California, bushel hampers, best fair Sweet Potatoes- Market about steady; bushel hampers, Tennessee, Nancy Halls, U. S. No. 18 $1.507.75. Tomatoes--Market about steady; lugs, turning, wrapped, Mississippi, 6x6 and larger, U.

No. 1s U. S. No. 18 U.

S. No. 2s East Texas, 6x6 and larger, U. S. No.

1s U. S. No. 2s Louisiana, U. S.

No. 18 6x6 and larger $2.25: Arkansas, U. S. No. 1s, 6x6 and larger 6x7 $2.

Watermelons- Market steady; Florida, Tom Watsons, 30-32-lb average 65c, Cuban Queen, 28-lb average 60c, Dixie Belle, 26-1b average 55c. EXPRESS AND TRUCK RECEIPTS. Avocados -Express, California, crates of 16, 20, 24, and 30 fruits, best mostly $4.50, poorer low as $3.50. Blueberries- Alabama, 16-quart crates fair low as $2, 24-pint crates $2 fair $1.75. Cabbage Kentucky, truck, 50-1b bags 55 60c.

Celery--Michigan, truck, bundles of 1 dozen stalks 65c. Eggplant--Florida, express, bushel baskets $2. Huckleberries Express, Alabama and Georgia, 16-quart crates, best $2.25 fair low 88 $2, 24-pint crates fair $1.75. Mango-Peppers Express, Louisiana, bushel hampers Mushrooms- -Express, Michigan, pound cartons 25 30c; Ohio, pint cartons 30c. Okra- -Florida, express, bushel hampers, best $3.75, fair $3.

Onions--Truck, Northern Ohio, bunches 25c, baskets of 2 dozen bunches 16 quart on baskets of 2 dozen bunches, red ire Northern Ohio, 12 and button 40c, fair 35c. Raspberries--Truck, Kentucky, 24-pint crates, black a red, express, $2.75 Squash--Mississippi and Tennessee, express, bushel baskets $1.50. Spinach--Truck, Northern Ohio, 24-quart baskets Strawberries- Truck, Michigan, 16-quart best fair $1.75. HOME-GROWN PRODUCE. er lower.

Asparagus--Dozen bunches Beets Dozen bunches Cabbage- Bushel 50-lb bag 65c. Carrots--Dozen bunches Leaf -Bushel 25 100-1b basket Kale- -Bushel Kohlrabi-Dozen bunches Green Onions Dozen bunches 15c. Peas--Bushel, best poorer lower. Rhubarb--Dozen bunches 25 35c. -Bushel poorer lower.

Strawberries-24-quart crate, best $2.50 fair $2, poorer lower. Tomatoes -Hothouse, 8-1b basket Turnips -Bushel dozen bunches Turnip Tops -Bushel 25c. FRUIT AUCTION SALES. cars California lemons, box. Four cars Florida oranges, box.

Five cars California oranges box. Three cars Cuban pineapples, crate. Two cars Florida grapefruit, box. Three cars Washington apples, Winesaps, $2.05 2.20 box. Yellow Newtons box.

One car California cherries, lug. WOOL STRIKE CONTINUES. Boston, June Movement of wool in Boston today remained at a standstill for the fifth day as union officials and warehouse heads continued deadlocked on the union demand for a "closed shop." Manufacturers declared there would be "no immediate of wool for their mills, that most mills had several weeks' supply on hand. Elliott Bicknell of the Boston Wool Trade Association stid the warehouses would "never give in" to the union closed shop demand. Union officials were just as firm in their intentions to "hold out" for a closed shop.

OIL UNIT WINS TAX CASE. Toledo, Ohio, June 21 (AP) The Ohio Oil Company, Findlay, today Was awarded judgments aggregating $910,730 and interest, which may bring the total to nearly $2,000,000, in a suit against the United States for tax refunds. The judgment was rendered by Judge S. H. West, Cleveland, in Federal District Court here.

The involved the application of Federal tax laws to the methods used by oil companies in calculating depletion and depreciation and involved tax payments going as far back as 1918. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The following table shows the state of the weather at the places mentioned, as indicated by the Weather Bureau at 7:30 o'clock last night, seventy-fifth meridian time. Place of A Place of Precipitation. JO Current Highest Current Highest State Observa- Observation.

tion. Temp. Weather. Temp. Weather.

ATLANT. STATES. Boston. 66 68 5 Albany. 64 72 .92 Newark.

72 78 .18 Camden 74 80 Washi'n 80 86 Richm'd 82 90 0 Green'o 82 90 Raleigh. 84 92 Spart'rg 88 94 Charle'n 84 92 Jacks'le 86 100 78 88 .82 GULF STATES. Atlanta. 86 92 Montg'y 88 94 84 88 N. Orle' 88 92 Ft.

Sm'h 94 94 Ok. Cy 98 100 Wichita. DodgeC. 98 92 98 102 00000000.0000 Amari'o 90 92 Abilene. 92 94 Shreve't 92 98 Houston 86 S.Ant'io 94 94 OHIO VALLEY.

Pittsb'h 70 74 74 Elking 66 78 1.08 Colum's 78 82 1.04 Cincin'ti 76 86 .50 Indian's 78 84 Evans'le 88 92 0 Louisv'e 82 90 Winc'ter 74 86 .22 Murfr'o 88 92 Stearns. 80 88 LAKE REGION. Syrac'se 62 70 .90 Buffalo 64 68 2.74 Cleve'nd 74 80 .50 Detroit. 72 82 .24 G. Rapi's 78 84 Ft.

Wa'e 76 82 Chicago. 80 Grn. Bay 82 84 74 76 Hough'n 66 78 76 80 T-Trace. UP. MISS.

VAL. Bemidji. 74 78 0 St. Paul 82 84 0 LaCrosse 80 82 Ch. City 78 82 Dubuque 80 84 D.

Moines 84 88 0 Ch. Field 82 86 Spgld. Ill. 84 90 0 St. Louis 88 88 0 MISSOURI VALLEY Spgld.

Mo 88 90 0 Kan. City 94 96 0 Co'cordia 98 0 Goodland 94 100 0 88 92 N. Platte 90 94 Valentine 90 94 Rapid C. 86 90 82 84 86 90 0 ROCK MOUNT. Miles C.

94 96 0 Kalispell 84 84 0 Chey'nne 86 86 90 88 00000. L. Sprgs. 88 92 Pocatello 90 94 0 Sa.La.C. 96 100 Modena.

86 96 90 96 94 100 Winslow. 90 96 0 Albu'que 90 96 El Paso 92 94 PACIFIC STATES. 70 70 .06 N. Head 56 58 .08 Portland 72 72 .38 Roseburg 64 70 .04 8 88 90 40 82 92 Oakland 66 70 0 98 98 0 112 112 S. Diego 66 68 0 Phoenix 106 108 cloudy.

gRain THE RIVER the tributaries changes Stages 7:30 'V 13.8 12.7 14.0 14.0 13.0| 11.3 12.9|-0.9 15.0 17.5 15.3 14.9 17.2| 17.5| 16.3| 19.2. 16.7 13.2 17.4| 16.6| 25.8| 7.1 22.2| 7.0| Ohio sinou 0.1 0.4 1.3 0.7 0.6 16.4-0.6 0.1 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.3 19.0|-0.1 17.9|-0.1 0.2 0.3 and Mississippi Rivers at 7:30 m. yesterwithin the last 24 hours: Changes 7:30 'V 'N Franklin, Lock 7... 12.5 0.3 Zanesv'le 12.7 1.5 Radford. 0.8-0.3 2.2 Kan'haF.

2.0 London. 9.3| 0.3 Charl'ton 5.9 Winfield. 13.6 2.3 Wil'mson 3.2|-0.2 Pikeville. 1.8|-0.1 Farmers. 3.9 Falmouth 3.9|-0.2 2.1 Lock 14..

9.9 Lock 10.. 11.4--1.3 Lock 7. 12.2-1.2 Lock 4... 7.8 Lock 2... 9.5 0.8 Mt.

Car'el 9.8-0.1 Nashville 110.5|-0.4 Ch'nooga. 9.3| 0.2 Florence. 2.3| John' ville 3.5| Lit. Rock (14.9| 1.3 River Forecast. Stages of and their day, and Pittsbu'h Dam 7.

Dam 10.. Dam 12.. Dam 14.. Dam 16.. P'k'sburg Dam 22..

Pt. Pl'ant Dam 28.. Dam 29.. Ports'uth Dam 33.. Dam 35..

Cincin'ati Dam 38.. Dam 39.. Louisville Dam 44.. Evansv'le Dam 50.. Dam 52..

St. Louis. Memphis. Vicksb'rg N. Orle'ns The Ohio River from the Kanawha to the mouth of the Kentucky at Carrollton, will fall slowly or be about stationary today.

The stage at Cincinnati is 17,2 feet and stationary, a rise of .7 of a foot in the last 24 hours. W. C. Devereaux. Arrival Today.

The Chris Greene, from Louisville, at 9 a. Main Street Whart. Departures Today. The Chris Greene, for Loulsville, at 5:30 p. Main Street Wharf, p.

Evergreen, for Huntington, 5:30 TO INSPECT HARBOR. Federal Business Association To Hold Meet On Boat. The annual harbor inspection meeting of the Cincinnati Federal Business Association will be held June 30, aboard the United States Engineering boat Kentucky. The Federal officials will be guests of Colonel R. G.

Powell, United States Division Engineer. The boat will leave from the foot of Main at 12:15 o'clock and will proceed upstream to permit the Federal officials opportunity to inspect the ravages resulting from the great January flood and the improvements that have been made. F. Assistant posharister, who is President of the association, expects a large representation of the membership on the trip. Vital Statistics BIRTHS.

following births were recorded in Cincinnati yesterday: SHEPHERD Clarence and Minnie (Stamper), 15 East Seventy-third Street; boy. DEVINS -James and Margaret (Strootm man), 2913 Burlington place; girl. FOSTER-Albert and Wavie (Games), 115 West Sixty-fifth Street; girl. MITCHUM William and Dorothy (Brown), 2119 Central Avenue; boy. RUMPKE -Louis and Rose (Buschelman), Morton Road; girl.

JENKINS- Charles and Sarah (Beckman), Churchill Avenue; boy. PETTY, De Witt and Verdie (Abbott), 213 East Liberty Street; girl. DAVIS-Arthur and Nannie (Sanderson), 3212 Walworth Avenue; girl. SMITH--Nelson and Jonnie (Dobson), 918 Chapel Street; girl. and Elizabeth (Crank), Street; girl.

and Mary (Ballard), 125 West Court Street; girl, JONES Albert and Mary (Fitch), 2125 Storrs Steet; girl, MAYES and Maude (Miller), 908 Hopkins Street; girl, -Eugene and Frances (Talbert), 3082 Gilbert Avenue; twin girls. JACKSON-Jessie and Mattie (Nichols), 723 East Sixth Street; girl. HUGHES Walter and Gladys (Dennison), 1415 Race Street; girl, SLAVEN -Harlan and Ruby (Thompson), 429 Clark Street; boy. WETTERICH- John and (Kemphaus), 1032 West Liberty Street; boy. CRESAP-William and Geneva (Dykes), 1121 Broadway; girl.

CHIDI-Dominick and Minnie (Grandolf), 3526 St. Charles Street; boy. JOHNSON-Elmer and Anna (Carr), 1534 Gorman Street; girl, Ralph and Catherine (Hill), 2619 Kemper Lane; girl. WILLIAMS-John and Pauline (Harris), 1115 West Eighth Street; boy. WHITE -James and Laura (Johnson), 670 Carr Street; girl.

-Ray and Florence (De Armond), 6510 Rosewood Avenue; girl. PINKSTON-Maynard and Willa (Noels), 427 Army Street; boy. MARTIN- -Paskel and Mildred (Bingaman), 24 East Seventy-sixth Street; boy. FISHER-Alfree and Bessie (Dean), 520 West Sixth Street; girl. RUSH--Virgil and May (Upchurch), 954 Martin Street; boy.

BROWN--John and Anna (Pearson), 311 Mulberry Street; boy. WILBURN-Lester and Rachel (Barber), 744 West Fifth Street; boy. BROOKSBANK George and Lucille (Webster), 2787 Riverside Drive; boy. WILLIAM-Everett and Cora (Greene), 537 Baum Street: girl. CAUSEY-George and Goldie (Dees), 3930 Ludlow Avenue; girl.

SMART--James and Catherine (Walters), 1017 Freeman Avenue; boy. DEATHS. Certificates of death filed at the Cincinnati Division of Vital Statistics, City Hall, yesterday: Eula Watson, Negro, 40 years old, 610 Mound Street. Clifford Smith, about 24, 1643 Moore Street. Anna Roller, 67, 433 McDowell Avenue.

Henry Engelbrink, 71, 1916 Neyer Avenue. Henry Collier Simpson, 58, 132 West Seventh Street. John Pence, 42, 212 Post Square. John J. Dullagahn, 33, 1738 East Mc'Millan Street.

Mrs. Jane Dinsmore Comey, 36, Willow Hill Road, Indian Hill. Emma Tilford, Negro, 50, 622 West Ninth Street. Joseph Holbrock, 27, 3623 Hillside Avenue. Harry Luebbersman, 51, 3148 Reading Road.

Elizabeth English, 92, 2411 Vine Street. Edward Wake, 75, 7114 Fairpark Avenue. Bridget Greany, 52, 552 Flatt Terrace. Anna Gerdes, 61, 934 Kirbert Avenue. Henry Clayton Newell, Negro, 45, 923 Linn Street.

Ophelia Wright, Negro, 22, 517 Central Avenue. Carrie Ferman, Negro, 33, 423 Poplar Street. Mary Fisher, Negro, 86, 1346 Lincoln Avenue. Anna Riddle, Negro, 36, 1019 Lincoln Avenue. William Jones, Negro, 62, 759 Carlisle Avenue.

Lena McGuire, 51, 5531 Whetsel Avenue. Elizabeth Koch, 38, 2377 Warsaw Avenue. Leo Krummen, 48, 3950 Ruth Lane, Cheviot, Ohio. Hannah Pierce, 49. 4033 Taylor Street.

Harry Sharp, 44, 1931 Race Street. Agnes Delaney, 77, Little Sisters of Poor, Riddle Road. Flora Millson, 60, 1925 Freeman Avenue. William E. Lawyer, 10, Baughncan Road, Crosby Township.

Elizabeth Schroer, 86, 1681 Harrison Avenue. Ella Cooper, 85, Widows' Home, 1310 East McMillan Street. Charles Junker, 66, 125 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg, Ind. Harold Weaver, 34, 3327 DeForest Drive. Dorothy Louise Hale, 36, R.

R. 10, Red Bank Road. Lucille Marlow, 24, 2711 Robertson Avenue. Mary Gertrude Binzer, 77, 3640 Borden Street. MARRIAGE LICENSES.

Stanley Haffey, 24 years old, 257 Hartwell Avenue, truck driver, and Esther Gerard, 24, 20 West Seventy-first Street, beauty operator. Arthur Weisbrodt, 24, Cleves, mechanic, and Helen Wiwi, 22, Harrison, waitress. Carl A. Ireton, 29, Dayton, Ohio, chemist, and Hilda Lindhorst, 26, 2700 Coy Street, bookkeeper. Henry B.

Streeter, 30, 1917 Sherman Avenue, Norwood, bricklayer, and Helen E. Smith, 26, Columbus, clerk. John A. Harlow, 34, 639 West Kirby Street, Detroit, assistant personnel director, and Leanora Crawford, 32, 2533 Hackberry Street. Harry Westendorf, 24, Mount Healthy, painter, and Luella Brinkman, 21, Mount Healthy.

Simrall A. Coombs, 21, 3739 Dirr Street, baker's helper, and Alma Kables, 17, 3739 Dirr Street. George J. Pildas, 25, 822 Cleveland Ave nue, chiropodist, and Emma L. Swartz, 23, 622 Cleveland Avenue, bookkeeper.

Edward Wunderlich, 28, 584 West Fork Road, fruit dealer, and Mildred Lehker, 30, 1528 Ambrose Avenue. Robert E. Webb, 20, 561 Carlisle Ave- J. J. Sullivan Co.

(Bradford J. Sullivan) MA 1600 WO 0133 W. Mack Johnson FUNERAL HOME WOodburn 0475. McMillan and Upland Place. CREMATION CINCINNATI CREMATION CO.


laborer, and Helen Ghant, 17, 406 Smith Street. Oscar Kates, 26, 11.04 Cutter Street, laborer, and Ella Hester, 29, 1046 Cutter Street. Martin Beirne, 42, 3015 O'Brien Street, gardener, and Delia Maloney, 35, 3 Pinehurst Lane, maid. William A. Frederick, 25, 3038 Feltz Avenue, clerk, and Alice I.

Clifton, 21, 433 Boudinot Avenue. Arthur R. Keller, 38, Dayton, makeeditor, and Helen Nielander, 34, Palace Hotel. Wilbur S. Hertstein, 30, 4226 Badgeley expeditor, and Marie Brufach, 23.

deserted Hicks, Avenue, 25 years Cheviot. old, Dayton, Ohio, painter, and Emma R. Jones, 21, 928 Morris Street. Charles Mullalley, 21, 1775 Dreman Avenue, meatcutter, and Rose Kase, 21, 1715 Townsend Street, packer. Jerome A.

Schroeder, 28, 1815 Elm Avenue, Norwood, superintendent, and Ruth A. Schinkal, 24, 740 Clanora Drive. John D. Glazier, 32, 2331 Grandview Avenue, civil engineer, and Viola B. Matracia, 29, 2331 Grandview Avenue, saleslady.

Paul D. Abdallah, 26, 307 Broadway, salesman, and Fadwa A. Hamad, 21, 3028 Cleinview Avenue, typist. Earl S. Borcherding, 24, 3112 Epworth Avenue, statistician, and a Vivian J.

Miller, 22, 2850 Shaffer Avenue. Leonard C. Clifford, 31, New York, security analyst, and Edith M. Murphy, 30, Warsaw and Cleves Pike, teacher. Frank G.

Miller, 30, St. Clair, teacher, and Glendora Gosling, 29, Ross and Glenway Avenues, teacher. Fred J. Cappel, 23, 1052 Marshall Avenue, mechanic, and Louise Tengler, 21, 3211 Glenmore Avenue. Announcements CRAIN SHEPPARD FLOWERS Bonded Telegraph F.

T. Service. D. 19 E. Eighth St.

PArkway 1932-3 W. D. JAco*ckS EDW. W. JAco*ckS FUNERAL HOME WOodburn 0801 Gilbert and Locust Death Notices A.

ADSETIS Rosemary Adsetts, beloved daughter of Mattie Ader Adsetts and the late Benjamin Adsetts, sister of Phyllis Birnbaum, Saturday, June 19, 1937, residence 1678 Central Parkway. Services at the Thomas funeral home, 4418 Whetsel Madisonville, Tuesday, June 22, at 3 p. m. BOHNERT Theresa M. Bohnert (nee Baldus), beloved wife of the late Joseph Bohnert and beloved mother of Mrs.

Eleanor Stevens, Edwin, Herbert and Leander Bohnert, Sunday, June 20, 1937, at 11 p. m. Funeral from her late residence, 1609 Westmoreland, Northside, Thursday, June 24, at 8:30 m. Solemn requiem high mass at St. Boniface Church at 9 a.

m. Members of St. Mary's Married Ladies' Society please take notice. COOPER-Ella Bentley Cooper, Sunday, June 20, 1937. Services at the Widows' Home Chapel, 1310 E.

McMillan Tuesday, June 22, at 2 p. m. HERZOG Carrie Price Herzog, beloved wife of the late Henry S. Herzog, in her 84th year, at her residence, Hamilton Apts. Services at Weil's funeral home, 3901 Reading Tuesday, June 22, 1937, at 2:30 p.

m. HOLTERS Bernard J. Holters, beloved husband of Elizabeth Holters (nee Kuhlman), at residence, 1302 Laidlaw Bond Hill, Sunday, June 20, 1937, in his 82nd year. Funeral from residence, Wednesday, June 23, at 8:30 a. m.

Requiem high riass at St. Agnes Church, 9 a. m. Members of Holy Name Society meet at residence Tuesday evening at 7:45. McCABE-Marian McCabe (nee Connolley), beloved wife of the late Francis J.

McCabe and beloved mother of Francis H. and Lawrence J. McCabe, Monday, June 21, 1937, at her residence, 3725 Morris Tusculum. Due notice of funeral will be given. McGUIRE Magdalen (Maggie) McGuire (nee Williams), beloved sister, of Lulu Lawson, residence 821 W.

Court st. Blessing at 9 a. m. at the Glenn funeral home, 945 W. Court Tuesday, June 22, 1937.

Interment June 23, Nashville, Tenn. and Murfreesboro (Tenn.) papers please copy.1 MAYER-Louis Mayer, husband of Katherine Streich Mayer, of 1562 St. Leger Sunday, June 20, 1937. Services at W. Mack Johnson's funeral home, McMillan at Upland Tuesday, June 22, at 2:30 p.

m. NIEMAN Clemens H. Nieman, beloved husband of Elizabeth Nieman (nee Ellerhorst) and beloved father of Eleanor Nieman, Monday, June 21. 1937, at residence, 2529 Melrose Norwood. neral from Busse Borgmann Co.

Parkway funeral home, Central Parkway and Clifton Hills lane, Thursday, June 24, at 9 a. m. Requiem high mass at Bellarmine Chapel at 9:30 a. m. SCHMIDT-Henry W.

Schmidt, beloved husband of the late Louise Schmidt (nee Meyer), at Ft. Wayne, Ind. Services at Vine Street Cemetery chapel Wednesday, June 23, 1937, at 2 p. m. STEWART-Walter P.

Stewart, husband of Adah G. Stewart, father of W. Powell Stewart, at Austin, Texas, Sunday, June 20, 1937. Funeral Tuesday, June 22, at Austin, Texas, at 2 p. m.

TABORSKY-Barbara Taborsky, widow of Charles Taborsky and beloved mother of Mrs. Emily Wiesmann and Mrs. Alma Detmering, Monday, June 21, 1937, in her 82nd year. Funeral services at the Chas. A.

Miller Sons funeral home, Hamilton ave. at Knowlton Northside, Thursday at 10 a. m. Spanish-American War Veterans. World War Veterans.

Lost and Found H. CASH, $65-East Newport; Monday. Liberal reward. SO 3527. LOST- Small yellow gold pin; initials D.

M. nr. University; reward. CH 5235. U.

S. BOND- Serial No. 83978 on Main, bet. 5th and 6th; reward. 3345 Bevis ave.

Houses--For Sale AT AUCTION--TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. June 26, 2:30 p. on the premises, Walnut Hills, 2309 Ashland 8 1st nice lot; double gar. E. M.

COSTELLO SON, MA 0312. ATTRACTIVE East Hill house of bedrooms; nr. golf course. MA 2504. AVONDALE ERKENBERCHER Buff brick, red tile roof; 4 lavatory, 1st; 4 tile bath, 2d; 2 3d; hotwater heat, stoker; 2 garages; owner building; $10,500.

UN 0130. AVONDALE-51 Erkenbrecher; wonderfully built brick; 3 sleeping porch, all-tile bath, 2nd; 2 rms. above, tile-fl. bath, hot-water heat; 2-car brick garage. THEODORE MAYER BRO.

MA 0921. AVONDALE- Attractive 6-rm. modern brick residence; picturesquely set on 2 acres ground; beautiful trees and shrubs; priced to sell now. GEO. F.

CONVER, MA 1326. AVONDALE -Brick: living dining kitchen, breakfast 1st; 4 bath, 2d; 2 3d; 3-car Hearne in finest condition. HERMAN A. STRAUS, 1010 Atlas Bank Bldg. MA 4545.

AVONDALE HEIGHTS -Two English stone, timber and stucco homes, completely refinished like new; ready for occupancy; reasonably priced; easy terms. LANG VA 2022. BEAUTIFUL LOTS Bonnie Leslie, Ft. Thomas, Southgate; sac. SILVA, SO 1840 BELLEVUE-3 bath, cement cellar; good $2,900.

NAGEL'S, SOuth 2007, BELLEVUE, KY. Cozy 4-rm. $4,750. 540 Berry ave. JOHNS, SO 0695.

BEFORE BUYING or building, see THE SIMPSON-MYERS CONSTR. Builders of finer homes since 1910, MA 4530. BLUE ASH- building; can be made into home; $750. AV 3632, UN 1840. BOND HILL BUNGALOW Living 22 fireplace; dining kitchen, built-in features; 2 bedrooms, tile bath; floored 2d A1 condition; lot 50x145; Avonlea $7,000.

Will arrange financing. CHAS. S. FAXON, REALTOR. EA 0560.

Regent Ave. BOND -New 5-rm. brick tile bath and kitchen: insulated: Venetian blinds; bullt-in. gar. STAYTON, JE 2630.

BOND HILL-15 bungalows. $5,200 to $8,500. Nice locations. Barg. ME 0749.

BOND HILL Will build 6-rm. brick tile bath; $7,800. ME 3322. BOND HILL new 5-rm. brk.

Venetian blinds. VA 4228. BOND HILL -New St. Louis brick: two 4- rm. apts.


6- $4,800. MA 4759. CAMP WASHINGTON-10-r. 4 flats; a bargain at $6,500. KI 4604, JA 7675.

CENTRAL PARKWAY, nr. Ludlow 5 bath; $3,000. KI 2537-1389 W. CHEVIOT-8701 Francis; neat 6-rm. brick; nr.

schools, HEUER, MO. Apartments, Unfurnished -For Rent Home Repairs Can Be Economically Made There is no need to continue to endure that leak in the roof, or the door that refuses to open. Because these columns bring you the happy solution to the problem. You may need a room papered or a complete room added. You may want screens painted or your entire house given a exterior appearance.

Regardless of your needs these new columns will furnish the answer in ten minutes' time. This morning, and every morning, you can find the offers of skilled workmen listed here. They offer expert services at economical cost. Better still, they can be employed by telephone call. Don't put off necessary repairs.

Instead, spend ten minutes' today with CLASSIFICATIONS 31 AND 32, ENQUIRER Want Ads delivered NOW to more readers than EVER before. Houses--For Sale Houses--For Sale CHEVIOT-3467 Alta Vista: 6 perfect throughout; being sold by bank; terms. MO 2544 M-1225. large lot; garage; 1 square to school and CHEVIOT-3700 Herbert 5-rm. brick; car line; $5,500.

WA 4530. CHEVIOT Davis 1-fl. plan; Ige. lot; reas. PA 3922.

CHEVIOT lot 70x210; 1 sq. cars. finished MO 2d: 4032. 3 -New Fnglish St. Louis, 4 bath, 1st and 2d; $8,300.

MO 4095. CITY-11-rm. brick; all $90 reasonable. OWNER, 1507 Race st. CLIFTON, N.

duplex that is nothing short of a dream; 5 and 4 room hot-water heat; a sacrifice. WO 0001. CLIFTON-362 Bryant; 9-rm. home, hotwater heat: financed. ANNE H.

MacNEIL JOHNSON, UN 0475. CLIFTON-3534 Resor attr. 4-bedrm. home; lavatory, brkfst. delightful heat; double gar.

BR 0528. CLIFTON- -Brick, 2 5-rm. 2-car garage; large lot; hot-water heating system: choice location: $13,500. AV 2290. CLIFTON-Mod.

6-rm. semi; handy location: small down payment. PA 6317. CLIFTON HEIGHTS- 342 Ada; 5 tile gar. UN 7891.

CLIFTON HEIGHTS-5-rm. modern semibungalow; priced right. MA 2968. COLLEGE HILL, Van Zandt mod. 6-rm.

good location for office and home; terms. WM. J. PALMER SON. MAIN 1100.

COLLEGE HILL- -Bellealre 6-rm. slate roof, hwd. floors; lot 50x200; gar. CHAS. T.

MacCONNELL, UN 0851. COLLEGE HILL-6396 Heitzler; mod. buff 5 interest; $500 or more cash. MA 2042. COLLEGE HILL -New homes, under construction; 1 5-rm.

brick; open for inspection. KI 0724 or JA 8224. COLLEGE HILL Mod. 6-rm. frame 2-car $7,000.

WILSON, KI 4508. COLLEGE HILL New colonial; under construction. JOHNSON, KI 2866. COLLEGE HILL New homes under construction, Wittlou ave. John Wittekind.

COLLEGE HILL-5-rm. brk. house at last year's price. OTTO HOFMAN, KI 2624. COLLEGE HILL -Bldg.

lots avail. George W. Bayer Son. KI 0724 W. JA 8224.

COLLEGE HILL, circle; 2 new 5-rm. bricks: colonial, English; modern tile kitchen, tile. bath with shower, rathskellar, gars. OWNER, Douglas 718 W. COLLEGE HILL, -Mod.

A1 cond; down payment, bal. like rent. WA 4170, VA 0929 M. DAYTON. 406 Sixth; cozy 5-rm.

brk. $4,500. JOHNS, SO 0695. EVANSTON- -1-family, 6 finished 2d; garage; good condition; $5,250. AV 2290.

EVANSTON- -Bevis dandy 6-r. house; nr. St. Marks; want off. JE 7172.

FAIRVIEW-534 Conroy, brown shingle; 3 bath, h. C. W. PA 8279. FIVE-SIX mod.

St. Louis, maid's bath, dbl. gar. UN 1447 W. 791 Mitchell.

FT. modern; on Dixie; bus service; $8,950. HE 5575. FT. MITCHELL, KY.

Orchard rd; new 6-rm. brick; 2 baths; financed. HE FT. THOMAS -Mod. 5 furnace; repossessed; near school; $3,500.

SO 1840. FT. THOMAS 6-rm. tile bath, shower; nr. Moyer School; $8,200.

HI 1855. HARTWELL -Sheehan a complete little home, 5 rms. and bath, 1st 2 fin. rms. and storage, 2d new furnace; large concrete basem*nt; 2-car screened porch; perfect $5,800.

MORTON BRUCE, VA 2222. HYDE PARK A beautiful new colonial on a 100-foot wooded lot; 4 bedrooms, 2 tiled bath and maid's room with bath; 2-car garage, rathskellar; home insulated throughout. EA 7421; evenings call JE 3965. KOPF KOPF HYDE PARK--Buff brick (insulated); large liv. din.

kitchen, 1st 4 bath, sleep. porch, 2d; hot-water heat (coal or gas); rear yard adjoins park with woodsy outlook; cool hottest nights OWNER. 3769 Ault Pk. HYDE PARK-1133 DELTA. Colonial; 3 sleeping porch, 11- brary, brkfst.

by appointment; price reduced. SALE URGENT. JOHN H. GARBER, MAIN 3045. HYDE PARK HOME- Sold to close estate; S.

w. corner Observatory and Delta fine lot 75x150 with large trees; mod. 8-rm. brick; dble. gar.

"See M. L. BARBOUR, MA 3257, UN 4079 M. HYDE PARK $700 cash, balance $45 per month; 2 4-rm. 2 furnaces, 2 garages; income $45 month; tenants supply heat; near cars, stores.

MR. MEEK, MA 3019. HYDE PARK A1 location; 3 1st; 3 2d; 2 3d; a real home at a very low price. Seen by appointment. OWNER, EA 6843.

HYDE PARK--St. 2 5-rm. rms. on dbl. convenlent location; must sell.

Owner, EA. 2963. HYDE PARK--Delta 6-rm. frame; newly painted and lot 400 ft. deep; $5,400 if sold this month.

BR 1092 J. HYDE PARK- hall, 3-bearm. white frame; hot-water heat; lge. lot; 3 settle estate; $6,500. EA 4300-6988.

HYDE PARK- -Erie; brk. St. 2 4-rm. flets; double leaving city, must sell at once. 8717 PA 1262.

HYDE PARK- St. Louis, 4-4; income $780; 85,950. W. C. HARPER, ME 2415.

KENWOOD Montgomery 7-room frame; slate roof, 3 porches, pantry, baths, furnace, water, gas, barns; large shaded lot; excellent condition; low price. MARSHALL, ME 4132-2617. KENWOOD -New colonial home; large lot; sell or trade. SY 7710. LATONIA-4-rm.

mod. bungalow; garage; conv. located: $4,000. HEmlock 6732. MADISONVILLE New 5-room brick; copper plumbing, insulated: 1-car close to Catholic schools, churches; $5,950.

VA 1072, 3148. MADISONVILLE-1401 Simpson modern wire-cut brick and shingle bungalow; in perfect condition: 3 2-car garage; a bargain at $6,500, $650 cash, balance on easy terms. MAin 0060. MADISONVILLE- -Living dining kitchen, 1st floor: 3 bath, 2d; garage; terms. BR 0241.

MT. ADAMS1018 Celestial; 2 story frame; 2 4-rm. $3,750. MA 2281, MT. AUBURN-8-rm.

new plumbing; $4,300. OWNER, 2239 Loth st. MT. WASHINGTON-4-rm. mod.

large lot; $3,500, See this. BR 1270. MT. AUBURN- -Mod. home; tile bath, Javatory; all $8,500.

AV 6898. MT. LOOKOUT, -Stanley 6- rm. frame: A1 $7,500. ME 0969.

MT. WASHINGTON-Mears 5 rooms; well-built stucco; hardwood; gas; near schools; $5,700. THE WARREN E. RICHARDS MA 0384 or BE 7552 W. MT.

WASHINGTON-Beechmont 5- rm. frame on 90-ft. lot; $4,500. EA 5510. MT.

WASHINGTON- 6 lot 100x200; $4,500, $500 down. BOGART, BE 7365. NEWPORT, SOUTH-3-room modern cottage; bargain; $2,250. SO 1869. NORWOOD -Moundview drive: new brick homes; col.

Eng. type: $8,750. JE 8492. NORWOOD- Mod. 3-rm.

entirely separate; excellent invest. KI 1313. NORWOOD-2-fam. frame and greenhouse; good $7,500. SCOTT, WO 1231.

OAKLEY-7-rm. furn. home; 2-car now rented as a rooming house; returns S73 per month; A comfortable living quarters for owner; located 1 sq. from all business furnishings and home; $6,600. ME 8130, EA 3339.

OAKLEY First time offered: mod. 6 2-car- bargain, ME. FOREST HILLS HYDE PARK If you plan a home You feel you are a hundred miles from any city when you are in Forest Hills, though only 15 minutes from Fountain Square. Forest Hills, Ault Park Forest Reserve District 18 protected with forest timber, pure air, and wide sweep of open country. Three types of development are definitely planned, and already well developed: 1 plus, homesites.

These will be restricted and regulated in a perpetual plan of architecture, location of individual homesites, and personnel. Values start at $30 per foot upwards. Phone PAUL STEWART, Agent, MA 3342. CHOICE LOTS on Werk $600 and up. EDW.

WISSEL, Builder, MO 2015. GROVE PARK Near Withrow; level lots. FRANK A. BAXTER, ME 0858. HYDE PARK- Richwood beautiful wooded lots, with a view.

M. E. GARRISON MAIN 0311. LOT -100x300, restricted; only $15 in High Acres, on State Route 126, n. of Cooper rd.

Call AV 4558. PARK HILLS, sites ranging from 50 to 100-foot frontage for sale at prices of $1,500 up; on easy terms. BUY and BUILD NOW. Call LEE REALTY HEmlock 0962. PLEASANT RIDGE- 50x165-foot lots in Cortelyou Pl.

$25 to $30 PER FOOT; all assessments paid. JE 3075. PRICE HILL Schiff apt. site; lot 50x136; $2,000. ME 6699.

WESTWOOD-Desirabe building sites on concrete no assessments. WALTER A. MUNDORFF. MA 2859, MO 2271 J. WESTWOOD Temple Park drive, lots for sale.

MO 3017 J. WESTWOOD Large wooded lots; reasonable building restrictions. MA 1509. WYOMING Rustic lot, high ground; trees and creek; all no assessment; near cars, schools. OWNER, VA 0772.

Real Estate--For Exchange PRICE HILL Spacious 6-room English type; large lot; for St. Louis on Price Hill; pay difference. WA 5475. Wanted Real Estate HAVE CASH BUYERS for all type houses in Norwood, Bond Hill, Hyde Park, and Pleasant Ridge at reasonable prices. THE JAMES P.

MULFORD 4604 Montgomery Norwood. JE 0743. PRICE HILL--If you have property for sale call SEHLHORST GRUETER, WA 6662. WILL BUY 1 OR 2 FAMILY, OAKLEY OR HYDE PARK. EAST 3198.

Apartments, Houses, Rent A1 MT. $32. W. HILLS-4-5 complete; 6 complete; $60. NEW complete; $35.

WO 4447. AA1- -Attractive 3-rm. also 2-bedrm. heat; Frigidaire. 'AV 2481.

A1 LOC. WALNUT HILLS- 3-rm, gas, $37. Many others. CRAIG RENTALS, 2448 Gilbert, WO 1153. A-1 Hills; new eff.

tile bath; $30. Many others. CRAIG RENTALS, 2448 Gilbert, WO 1153. AVONDALE- lease my elegantly furn. spacious 4-rm.

modern apt. complete to convenient responsible family with best references; reas. W. AVONDALE -Flora Villa, 723 Gholson; 2- rm. kit'te priv.

trans. AV 1335. AVONDALE- Rockdale 538 Rockdale; liv. dressing in-a-door bed, dinette, bath, cool, pkg. AV 9447.

AVONDALE -Modern comp. reas. rates. 520 Hale ave. UN 0530.

HYDE PARK furnished 6-rm. home; choice location; 25-ft. living piano, hdw. tile bath; large porch: nice yard, trees, shrubs; $75. MA 1181.

HYDE PARK- furn. heat, gas, electric; 2d; $45. BR 1767. HYDE PARK-3 conveniently priv. bath, refriger.

EAst 7250. MT. AUBURN-2046 Auburn; newly decorated 1-2-3 room bathroom and kitchenette apts: everything 5 min. to city; adults; reference. MT.

WASHINGTON-Mod, 5-room 1-floor plan, nicely large, shady lot; to responsible party; $65. JE 1490. PRICE HILL- Rutledge attr. 5-room heat, Frigidaire, tile bath, porch; gas, $65. AVon 4718.

PRICE HILL -For summer only, 4 or 6 rms. 4649 Glenway Avenue. THE PRESIDENT -Completely furnished apt. Reading rd. at Greenwood.

AV 9201. WALNUT HILLS -2 kitchnet; elec. 2nd flr. 1518 St. Leger pl.

WO 0641 R. WALNUT HILLS-1303 Cypress; 3 rooms; yard; lat; adults. evenings 7. WALNUT HILLS-1303 Cypress; yard, adults; evens. 7.

Apartments, Unfurnished -For Rent 10 COMPLETE assortment of furnished A and suburban unfurnisted buildings. Free apts. auto in service. modern THE TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST cO, Seventh and Walnut Sts. PA 1046.

OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. A-1 Wal. Hills, 3-rm. tile bath: $35.

MANY OTHERS. CRAIG RENTALS, 2448 Gilbert, WO 1153. A 5-ROOM 11, first floor in the Warwick, Reading rd. and Blair; $60 month; equipped kitchen, maid's and storage room; janitor on premises or THOS. EMERY SONS, MA 0845.

A 4-ROOM EFFICIENCY-Palmer Reading rd. and Forest $44. See Jan. or THOS. EMERY SONS.

MA 0845. ATTRACTIVE 3 rms. and dinette; mod. apt. heat, range, hwd.

in-a-door, tile bath, shower, Janitor; parking space; $42.50. A.Von 4718. AVONDALE -Sonia 3705 Beatrice quiet modern 5-room incl. heat, hot water, equip. tile bath, Janitor $52.50.

Apply janitor, UN 0373, or Robert A. Cline, Inc. The Enquirer Building. CHerry 1444. AVONDALE 6-rm.

dining living AVONDALE 6-rm. dining living kitchen, 2 reception hail, butler's pantry; garage; heat all mod, conveniences; reasonable rent. Inq. 2d Lexington ave. AV 1431.

AVONDALE-414 Rockdale; beautiful 6- rm. steam heat; all solarium, hwd. floors; $45. AVONDALE344 Northern; 2 4-rm. flats; newly remodeled; nice loc.

AV 5260 M. BEAUTIFUL 7-rm. lower St. Louis: heat, Frigidaire; porch. HArvey 3383 M.

BOND HILL 4 rooms, hot-water heat; yard; no garage; adults; newly $40. 4801 Reading rd. BOND HILL 5 1st; sunken living tile bath; garage; $60. ME 4545. BOND HILL-1236 Regent; new fls.

throughout; newly painted; 4 bath, lot, cold water, heat; adults. ME 4368. BOND HILL 4-rm. stove, heat, hot water; porch, gar. AV 4365.

CAMP Sidney 4 2d floor; all convenience, with coal. CHOICE LIST-4, 6 ROOM $40 up. BABBS, 8 W. McMillan. AVon 6776.

CLIFTON-4 heat: $35. Evanston-5 tile bath; $40. Hyde Park- $35. Mt. -2 $27; 5 $35.

W. Hills-4-rm. $36. WO 4447. CLIFTON-3413 Whitfield 1st 6 sol.

tile bath, hdwd. maid's rm. and bath on 3rd $60. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST Main 5400. CLIFTON 3405 5 kitchen equipped, porch, heat, jan.

service. KI 4376, AV 0057. CLIFTON-4 heat, heat, $45; 5 $55. DEMOLET, AV 3990. 359 Ludlow; 1 and 5 rm.

porch. UN 2047, CLIFTON-5 rooms; colored tile bath; porch, heat, janitor, kitchen maid's room: $75. UN 2576 M. CLIFTON-4-rm. St.

L. lower tile bath, hdwd. ideal handy to cars; $45. 2466 Fairview. CLIFTON-Reduced; 2810 Stratford: 4-rm.

heat, porch. 1. AV 4922 R. COLLEGE HILL, all 1st central location; $50. BECKER, KI 2600-0488.

ELBERON APTS. Price Hill-4 1st newly decoorated: Frigidaire, heat, janitor; $55; garage opt. WA 6695. EVANSTON-3432 Bevis: 4-rm. 2nd $40.

Wo 0313 W. EVANSTON-3325 Trimble; 4 2nd bot-water heat; $30. FT. MITCHELL, Exclusive location; beautiful 5-room apt. with maid's quarters; will rent furnished or unfurnished; reasonable to right party.

HEmlock 8015- 8016. HYDE PARK 3640 PAXTON RD. OAKLEY-2-FAMILY. 3 rooms, bath, 1st; 3 rooms, bath, 2d: 2 rooms, 3d; 2-car garage; lot 40x140; good location; easily financed. CHAS.

S. FAXON, REALTOR. EA 0560. OWN YOUR OWN HOME, Save money and get exactly what you want: plans, estimates submitted frec. JACKSON REALTY EAst 9701-3162.

PLEASANT RIDGE- -KENNEDY HGTS. have several 5-rm. bungalows in good locations, also 6 and 7 rm. houses with large lot; special 4-bedrm. house with acres.

RAHE, 5964 Montgomery rd. ME 8829-1894. PLEASANT RIDGE--English home of hot-water heat; double deep lot; must sell: owner left city; price greatly reduced to $6,800 for action. MR. DEARWESTER.

ME 2662-0154. PLEASANT RIDGE -Indian Mound beautiful 3-bedrm. home: the last word in modern construction; just 1 year old; owner will sacrifice; exclusive location; district of fine homes. EA 5007. PRICE HILL -Near Carson School; nearly new 6-rm, brick tile bath, shower; garage; priced to sell.

WA 1465. PRICE HILL -Ross 7-rm. frame; arranged for 1 or 2 slate roof; level shaded lot; a beauty. WA 1278. PRICE HILL In Overlook: 6-room brick; garage: lot 50x150; $7,500.

WA 4530. PRICE -Nine-room, 2-family brick; nice lot; 2-car garage; $7.000. WA 4530. PRICE HILL- -Rosemont; brick St. Louis; 2 4-rm.

2 barg. WA 1465. PRICE HILL Overlook, 5-rm. $5,850. MEYER, 5020 Ferguson.

WA 2607. PRICE HILL -New 4-rm. brick: tile roof: $5,650. BIECKER, MO 0234. PRICE HILL -New 4-rm.

brick, 1-rm. 2d; $6,250. WA 2876 or MO 4095. PRICE HILL-4 rooms. 5 rooms, 1-floor; garage; $5,000.


290 Union Central Annex. Tel. MA 1886. -New, all-brick English bungalow; living dining breakfast all-tile kitchen and lavatory, first floor: 2 large bedrms. and tile bath, 2d; steel casem*nt windows, marble sills: insulated and furnace: 2-car garage.

Priced positively below reproduction plus modest terms. This 18 truly a genuine bargain. ROBERT H. WACHENDORF. VA 1440.

ROSELAWN-Bungalow; 4 1g. rms. and brkfst, rumpus hdwd. throughout; all tile bath; small down payment; financed. ME 9782.

WALNUT HILLS- -Nr. De Sales; St. 2-4 2 bargain. WO 7766-4577. $7,500 WALNUT HILLS, Hewit: 1 or 2 3, hall, large pantry, 1st; 4, sink, 2d; fin.

large lot; $6,000. JE 7172. WALNUT HILLS 6-rm, 3 mod. WO $5,950 WALNUT HILLS 2346 Laredo, Alms Hotel; 6 2 $6,850. MA 0398.

WESTWOOD -Excellent location; St. Louis same as new; strictly 5 tile bath down, tile bath This 1s a good investment. Priced up. to sell. PROGRESSIVE REALTY SERVICE, VA 2125, MO 1373.

WESTWOOD-2766 Montana 7-room buff brick; tile bath, 2-car garage, hotwater heat; lot 126x200. REALTY PA 5298. 1302 Main et. WESTWOOD -New 6-rm. brick; large lot; terms $1,000 down; small monthly payment.

MO 3839 W. WESTWOOD-4-apt. 1 sq. to Westwood School; showing better than best condition. WA 4530.

WESTWOOD-CHEVIOT-We have 50 homes priced $3,200 up. DORNETTE, MO 0102. WESTWOOD- -Beaut. new 5-rm. brick comb.

stairs; gar. BUILDER, MO 0016. WINTON PLACE- -Have home and income, 4 4 porches; Ige. lot. EA 0464.

WYOMING-Larchmont this 4-bedrm. 2-bath home, 6 years old, on a beautiful lot, is being offered for almost halt its original cost; a real bargain. THE HAROLD ROE SMITH 229 E. Sixth St. PA 1220.

WYOMING beautiful lot, 100x250: 10- rm. home; can be remodeled into St. Louis; near school and the pike: low price. Call John Fitzsimmons, MAin 1780, THE FRED'K A. SCHMIDT CO.

WYOMING4-rm. bungalow; strictly modern; double garage; barn and 2 acres ground; entirely fenced; lovely spot. ME 1638. WYOMING colonial, built last year; recreation rm. in basem*nt; wood-burning fireplace; garage; wooded lot, 60x 200; $7,200.

MORTON BRUCE, VA 2222. Investment Property--For Sale TO SETTLE ESTATE NEWPORT-A1 location; bldg. contains bar and 2 sitting rooms, kitchen, bath, 1st floor; rathskeller in basem*nt: 2 3- rm. flats, baths, on 2nd; room for gas service station; occupied. 80 3828 R.

31 E. Sixteenth st. Sunday, or after 6 p. m. week days.

CHEVIOT, business corner, 56-ft. frontage; in center of activity. MATHIAS, MO 1133. CITY- -Near w. -c.

flat; 6-rm warehouse; 8 cars; steam heat; storage; 8 buy; like new; cost quick to settle estate. JOE P. SIBCY, ME 6785. EXCELLENT BUSINESS SECTION- Lge. cor.

store, mod. flats; income $3,000 a year; a real $27,500. ME 9781. PA 1262. ENGLISH brick; rents HYDE PARK--3 stores; brick; yearly infor $50.

WA 0832. come owner needs money; will sell for $16,000. PA 4395. PLEASANT RIDGE -New brk. just compl'd; rented; $18,500.

WO 1400. NORTHSIDE -Beautiful St. Louis; 2 5-rm, flats, and 3 all separate; 3-car in best location; owner says sell. SUMMIT, KI PRICE HILL-4-apt. brick.

A1 location, income $154; $13,500. WA 5475. NORWOOD-4 tile; $7,950, $795 3 cash; rooms others. each; JOHN E. MANTHEY JE 0646-3336.

Farms, Country Homes--For Sale CHERRY GROVE 6-rm. brick, hardwood, wood-burning fireplace; very modern; acres, landscaped; $8,250. BE 7552 W. FARMS, country homes, business locations. L.

W. VERBRYKE. Phone Bethany 472. HAMILTON acres; on pike; school bus; Colerain Township; rolling limestone land; 5-rm. house; barn, water; fine view; $3,700.

WANT OFFER. 206 E. Fifth D. W. BEELER, Cin'ti.

PA 3224. HOMES AND FARMS- -Prices and terms you can pay. L. C. Hopkins 519 Main MAin 0530.

Cin'ti. WEST FORK 8 city water, fur RICHEY, Avenue Hotel, eve. 70 ACRES- 133; 7-rm. house, bath, furnace, barn, other land rolling; fair fencing; well watered; 5 acres timber: $4,200. THE FRANK MALICK MA 4084, 160 ACRES- Fine trade for city property.

C. RATLIFF, Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 393 R. 34 ACRES -Route 28; 5 barn; electric available; a garden with market at door; $2,500. SYcamore 7427.

ACRES Blue Ash; 6 bath, electric, city water: poultry house, fruit; $4,500. SYcamore 7427. 14 ACRES-10-room house; opposite golf links. Van Zandt rd. Inquire.

1938 Van. Zandt. JA. 8284 J. OPEN DAILY 7 TO 9 P.

M. New 4-apt. 4 dinette, porch, garage, shower, kitchen equipped. For appointment call Mr. Kell, EA 5657.

SCHOEPPEL, Mere. Liby. PA 1210. HYDE PARK 3784 Brand-new 5 porch; stove, refriger. heat; hot and cold water; $75; sq.

cars. ME 6688. HYDE PARK MANOR 2805 Madison rooms, dinette, equipped kitchen with refrigeration; 1114 bath, shower; $45. JE.7083. HYDE PARK-3387 ERIE AVE.

EA 3822. The Ravenswood, new mod. 5 and 6 room large living room; shower bath, heat; range, hot water: near Kilgour School; garage, $5. ANDERSEN HOLZ. HYDE PARK.

Madison Court Madison 1-3: 1-5 room apt. in this excellent modern building, under PENKER agement. EA 7111. HYDE PARK-5 maid's, tile bath, shower, Frigid. ME 1254.

HYDE PARK-3850 Hyde Park lower 4 garage; $40. JE 3230. HYDE PARK-5 2d, kitch. adults; best loc. EAst 0461.

HYDE PARK- -Delightful new 5-rm. 1st with $90; Linwood and Tweed aves, Phone TErrace 7335. KENNEDY HEIGHTS- 4 spare 2d f1. brick St. $40.

6441 Kennedy ave. WO 2674. KENWOOD -Beau. 5 rooms (or 6 rooms), tile nished; bath, heat, hot water and light furgarage, porch, lawn; ME 7316, WO 1854 W. MT.

AUBURN-2531 Burnet; kitchen heat; $42.50 up. AV 2481. MT. AUBURN-2430 Maplewood; 5 with $45. MT.

AUBURN -Beaut. 6 newly $65; St. L. AV 0787. NORWOOD, St.

upper; on bus line, 3811 Spencer. JE 0952, NORWOOD 3-room 1st, bath; adults; $37. WO 6605. upper; hwd. heat; $40.

MElrose 4839. PARK HILLS, heated; dinette and kitchen equipped; $55. HE 1315. PHELPS TOWN HOUSE -Furnished or unfurnished apts. on lease.

MAin 4152, PRICE HILL-1009 ACADEMY AVE. 5 rooms, first or second floors. THE REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT, THE PROVIDENT SAV. BK. TR.

Seventh and Vine. CH 6111. PRICE HILL -1241 Iliff 3 rms.1 modern; couple only; $22.50. WA 1560. PRICE HILL 3 in-a-door bed; heat, $37.50.

1642 Kleemier ave. WALNUT HILLS. PARK AVENUE Apartments built for discriminating people with every comfort and convenience. Lovely grounds; garage in building; elevator service. Available 5-room apartments; $80.


JE 3471. WALNUT HILLS- Upper St. Louis, 6 elec. range, porch, gar. 2339 Ashland ave.

WALNUT HILLS- -Eden Park 3 range, heat, janitor; $36; garage reference. UN 2576 M. WALNUT HILLS. 2833 May 4 bath; adults. ME 4376.

WALNUT HILLS-2130 Fulton; 2d bath; $25. CH 2227. WALNUT HILLS- 5-rm, heat, janitor service, Frigid. AV 5539 J. WESTWOOD-5-room modern every convenience: best location: Georgian Hall, Harrison at McKinley.

MO 3229. WESTWOOD-Lovely 4-rm. garage; beautiful grounds; best loc. MO 1131. Houses--For Rent 11 ATTR.

gar. "built in. 3824 Woodburn nr Victory Prky. Open 5 to 6 P. M.

BOND HILL-6-rm. and den, choice, new part, quiet street; porch; tile bath, shower; garage; $75. WO 3333. COLLEGE HILL Nice 5-room home; garages; good $50. KI 2600-0488.

COLLEGE HILL-7-room; modern; 2-car garage; $50. KI 3076. DEER PARK-Five-rm. house; good inside newly decorated; tile bath; garage; $38. VA 0208.

EVANSTON-5-rm. 1-fir. new part, exclusive location; hdw. floors, porch, tile bath; garage; $50. WO 3333.

FT. MITCHELL Dutch Colonial; 6 breakfast nook; tile bath; extra b. 1. level lot $65; English type brick, 6 solarium; hot-water heat; b. 1.

large yard; $75. HE 1588. FT. MITCHELL colonial; Ige. gar.

MA 5159, HE 2519 W. FT. THOMAS-117 Sherman; 6 bath; hot-water heat. WEBER, HI 1046. HYDE PARK- 4-bedroom home; tile bath and shower, screened sleeping porch, maid's room and bath; 2-car garage; quiet street, near Withrow: $90.

CARR, ADAMSON KRAMER, INC. EAst 5515. WOodburn 5211. HYDE PARK- Charming 3-bedrm. colonial; brkfst.

mod. built-in cabinets, toilet, 1st; all-tile bath, shower; excellent neighborhood; $75. OSCAR E. BAUMAN EA 4343. HYDE PARK- Several desirable 4-bedroom family homes; double garage; attractive yard; excellent location: reasonable rent.

FAY McDONALD, EA 5007. EA 1305. HYDE PARK-4 tile bath, brkfst. 2-car nr. Hyde Park School.

3442 Zumstein. EA 6244. HYDE PARK-6-rm. home; new, quiet street; tile bath; $55. WO 3333.

HYDE PARK-3 4-bedroom houses; $75- EAst 0678. MADISONVILLE 5201 Whetsel 5 rooms. bath, garage; $40. ME 2100, WO 1027. MADISONVILLE.

6603 Madison rd. 6 rooms, $45. BARRETT MA 2281. WESTWOOD-5 $45; 6 gar. $55; 7 $45.


WO 1283 W. CLAY AND LIBERTY-Store, 1 $25. CLIFTON-3251 Jefferson; $15. VINE, 7211-Large; $35. MA 2729.

HYDE PARK SQUARE Storerm. on first floor, 13x50; basem*nt; $50 ea. EA 7203. LION 434 Elm; sm. lofts; up.

Third 5-story 11,000 sq. ft. Third 6-story 15,000 sq. ft. 410-14 Elm: lofts, 6,000 sq.

ft. per floor. 412 Elm: store, 23x90, with basem*nt. STAHMANN-GRAVES, 307 Ingalls Bldg. CH 2682.

MARIEMONT 3906-08 Oak double store, in shopping center, for dry goods, ladies', men's and children's wear; also an opening for shoe store. Call 9 to 5. MARIEMONT RENTAL OFFICE, BR 1300. SPRING GROVE 47,000 sq. 1 floor and balcony; private railroad siding.

PArkway 7243. 319 SYCAMORE sq. light pass. and freight elevators. MA 1306.

322-4 E. 3D Space for Light Mfg. or Storage, Fine Light Elevator Service. Offices, Desk Room -For Rent 13 A1 PRIVATE OFFICE DESK SPACE; MAIL, PHONE SERV. PA 5068.

ATTRACTIVE OFFICES- -Various sizes; mod. rentals. Neave 4th and Race. LIBERAL -24 East Sixth 2 priv. offices, with large wafting also 3,000 sq.

at 75c; 6,370 sq. ft. at $1. PRIVATE OFFICES With or without phone and secretarial service; reas, rental. 4 W.

Seventh st. CH 1444, MA 6640. RACE 707-Exceptionally desirable offices for doctors, dentists, lawyers, and other professional men. See Bldg. Rental Manager or call our Real Estate Dept.

THE CENTRAL TRUST MAin 4900. Moving, Trucking, Storage 15 Household and pianos office and reA1 MOVERS. specialists guar. moving and storage. frigerators.

Call us for CH 7505.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)
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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.