St. Joseph Gazette from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)

I 1 1 1 1 SECTION St. Joseph Gazette. ESTABLISHED 1845 ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1921 VOL. 132.

NO. 253. OF INTEREST ST TO WOMEN Not Only the Very Best of Shoes the Very Best of Store M. Platt. Miss Anna Winnemore and Miss Minkie King will be the managerm of the crossroads store.

Mrs. E. Reid and Mrs. Fred Derge will direct the vaudeville acts. Miss Edna Speer, Miss Lillian Berenberg, and Miss Deedie-May Austin will sell candy at the candy booth.

The decorations will be done under the direction of Miss Isabel Evans. Wild thistle, goldenrod, ters, sunflowers and corn stalks will be used. This week motor cars will be suppEed with car signs bidding the publie take heed of the date of the fair. The signs will also announce the dance which will be given Friday night on the pavilion on the fair grounds. Cards will be placed in windows and other conspicuous places.

Itiis hoped to attract thonsands of people to country fair. A parade through the downtown streets is being arranged for Saturday evening, but the plans are not yet completed. Sponsors for the elabroooms this week will be: Monday, Dr. Maude Wigner and Dr. Blanche Rennick.

Tuesday, Miss Julia Luckett and Mrs. Dillie Barnes, Wednesday. Mrs. W. 8.

Aldrich and Miss Grace Stanley. Thursday, Miss Nelle Wilke and Miss Modena Newman. Friday, Miss Pearl McClurg and Miss Genevieve Sanford. Saturday, Miss Louise Schwarting and Miss Beatrice Schwlen, CANBY MR.C.S. CANBY MR.HENRY DONALD MR.HENRY DONALD Connett-Ozenberger Miss Connett and Ralph Lia Ozenberger were married at 6:30 oclock Saturday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Carroll Connett, 730 South Fourteenth street. Dr. William Ray Dobyns, of Birmingham, formerly pastor of the First Presbyterian church, St. Joseph, officiated.

Miss Nancy Cartlidge, of Redlands, played the wedding music. Miss Emily Connett attended her sister as maid of honor and Miss Elizabeth. Brown and Miss Anna Rutt were the bridesmaids. Wesley Connett, brother of the bride, was best man. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served to the bridal party, members of the two immediate familles and a few intimate friends Mr.

and Mrs. Ozenberger left for a wedding trip to Colorado, after which they will be at home at 1112 Ashland avenue. Mr. Ozenberger is the son of Mrs. Catherine Ozenberger, 1112 Ashland avenuer To Attend Weddings Miss Ethel Evans will leave Thursday night for Chicago and from there she will go to Racine, to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Mary Jones, and son Morris, Sept.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Evans will leave next Sunday for Racine to attend the wedding.

From there they will all go E.R. BURNS MR.W.H (to Carmi, to attend the of their son, C. Winfield Evans, and Miss Betty Crebs, Oct. 1. Miss Erans will be a bridesmaid at this wedding as will also Miss Mildred Clarke of Chicago, formerly, of St.

Joseph. Mr. -Evans and his bride will go to Califoruia for their wedding trip and will later, make their home Fin Los Angeles, where Mr. Evans has been located for several years. Children's Party SECOND SECTION TARKIO CIVICS CLUB TO PRESENT MISSOURI PAGEANT IN OCTOBER Tarkio, Sept.

civics club of Tarkio will preesnt a historical pageant here in October. The dates are not set. The pageant will pleture the history of Missouri, The district meeting of the State Federation of Women's clube trill be held in Tarkio, Oct. 20 and and the pageant will be a feature of the entertainment. The pageant will consist of a review of floats representing various phases of state history.

"Tarkio res-) idents will be in costume to represent historical people of the state. This will be followed by Interpretative dances, picturing the factors that have contributed to the growth of the "center" state. The general committee is composed 1 of Mra. H. W.

Hurst, Mrs. F. M. Wenger, Mrs. L.

H. Sommer, Mrs. J. W. Travis and Mre.

W. I D. Rankin, The quarterly meeting of the Civles club will 1 be held Tuesday afternoon at the Christian church. Beaides the regular reports, there will be a general discussion of local problems and plans for the winter. will be outlined.

The legislative department will present city ordinances for study and discussion. A summary of the appraisal report of the Tarklo Electrie properties will be read and suggestions for the solution of the present dificulties will be requested. Mrs. R. M.

Stevenson entertained the Tarkio Federation of Women's clubs at her home Tuesday afternoon. Reporta were submitted in preparation for the district federation meeting. which will be held in Tarkio next month. Miss Blanche McKee and Fred Mueller were married Wednesday night at the home of the bride. The Rev.

J. A. Thompson officiated. Only immediate relatives were present. Mr.

and Mrs. Mueller will make their home in Tarkio. Entertains With Hay Ride A hay ride was given Thursday night by a group of young people Ineluding following: Mr. and Sire. C.

W. Wyatt. Misses Lillian and Helen Murphy, Vera Ruedy, Hilda. Bertram. Pearl Calvert, Hattie Stoltz, Mary Catherine Boeshans.

Ruth and Louise Ryan, Mable Verasue, Helen Redmond, and Measra, Carl Nidy, Donald Casey, Paul Rowe, Claude Spratt, Bernard Verssue, George Carolus, Wickmer Charles Bova, Pat Frank and Carl Herzog. Marshmallows were tousted and wieners ronsted over camp fire off the DeKalb road. Informal Dinner Miss Lillie Helton, teacher of the Star class of the First Methodist church, was the honor guest at an Informal dinner Friday night at the home of Miss Esther Soloman. 218 North Seventeenth, street. by the members Covers were laid for Misses Helton, Dorothy Tedlock.

DePhaun Murphy, Gueste Kinman, Jeanne Stingley, Imboden. Laura Clark. Velda Wooden. Louise Carter, Catherine Smith and Esther Soloman. Dorothy COL MN Dear Mine 1 am in trouble again and need your advice concerning my relations with a certain young man whom I have been going with constantly since last fall.

I am quite fond of him. He la nine years my senior and in quite setted and business-like. In fact, he bar made much progress in the business world. We are both sure we love each other and know there never can be anyone else for either of 15. I am 20 years old and my folks think 1 am too young to marry and besides they do not like my friend.

Miss Dale, he is so good and I know he adores me. Don't you think a man almost 20 years old is old enough not to be fickle? He is very jealous of men and I am of him, too. I know I cannot give him up, so I do not even think of such thing. He has been married: before and has a child. Sometimes when he is out of town to out with other but he has asked me not to so I remain at home.

He does not dance nor take part in any of the amuse. ments that other young people enJoy. have some boy friends my own age. They ask me to go places with them once In a while. Do you think it would be very Improper for me to go to a dance or show once in a while with one of them? Now I would not give up the man I love for any of these boys, but I would like to go to a dance once in a while.

What do you think? I think with your parents that you are very young. You may love this man all right, but you are not ready to marry yet. Indeed. I do think you should accept the company of the younger boys. Go to a dance once in a while if you like.

Now do not think dancing is essential. I perhaps have the same regard for things that your parents have and man you say you love. But believe a little dancing properly indulged in in good for most young people. At least It la necessary for you to know positively that you do love this man and you can find this out if your go with others at the same time, Dear Miss. Dale: One night last week three.

girls were visiting me. There was a carnival in town and none of the crowd wanted to go, 80 we went to a candy kitchen for re I freshments. Then we came home. man, nipposed to be a friend and lodge member with my husband, had been drinking. He would not went to him and told him that sell my husband where he learned this amazing bit of information, however, My husband was furious.

We girls went to the man who had told. the tale and asked him to go with 118 to my husband, but he refused to do it. Re told me one person had told him and told my husband another. I have asked both and they stoutly deny it. What can be done to I regain my husband's faith in me? He thinks friend in the man who told him the story about me.

but can see only a maker In him. Please tell me what you think. If you were not drinking and the story is absolutely not true, tell your husband It he has no reason to doubt you he will know that the man who brought the information to him was misinformed and will take Child Portraiture 5a Carl Gist FREDERICK 8054 AVE. THOMAS ANDREW, Son of Mr. and Mrs.

T. A. Donegan, 1512 Charles St. steps to make him apologize. But If you have given your husband reason to doubt you then you will simply have to bear the burden and try in the future to establish a greater faith, Of course you knds? wbether or not the report is true.

Dear Tine Dale: We are two girls 16 years old. We would like for you to tell us a few things. One of us has dark auburn hair and is 5 feet 7 Inches tall. How should she wear her hair and what colors would be most becoming? I am feet 11 inches tall, How should I wear my hair and what colors would be best for me? We are popular at school A boy wants to take me home from high school every evening in his car. Should I.

let him? Wear navy blue or dark brown for school. Woolen frocks are neater and far better than frocks of any other material for school dresses. It would be hard to tell you how to wear your hair. Do it in the most becoming manner without following any of the extreme fashions. Ask your mother about "the motor car rides from school.

Her advice would be beat, NOTES AND PERSONALS Miss: Mildred Emmons, who for two years has conducted studio for dancing In St. Joseph, will not reopen her studio this winter but she will come from Kansas City twice a week to give private lessons In a few uncompleted courses and to conduct a class in aesthetic dancing. Her hours will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs.

E. J. Lins and daughter, Mildred, have gone to Kansas City, where they will make their home. Mrs. R.

Wood and son, Robert, 2824 Felix street, have returned from a visit of two months in San Diego and Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. J. A. Stucky of Lexington, Ky.

will come Monday to spend a few days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. 'H. W. Westover, 1401 Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Driskell, 2225 South. Fourteenth street, are the parents of a son, born Sept. 10. Mre.

Driskell was Miss Pearl Eustace. Dr. J. P. Bass has returned from a week's vacation on Current river, in the Ozarks.

Mrs. I. T. Johns, 1102 Corby street, returned Saturday from St. Louis.

She was accompanied by her niece. Miss Katherine boretta Flynn, who will Academy of the Sacred. Heart Monday, W. D. Summers, 2109 Messanie street, left- for a trip to Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota.

Miss Gladys Webster will leave Monday for Chicago to resume her studies at the National Kindergarten college. Miss Esther Hund will leave Tuesday for St. Charles, to resume her studies at Lindenwood college. Marion Buckles, son of Mr. and Mrs.

0. L. Buckles, 2324 St. Joseph avenue, and Richard Petrikowsky, son of Mr. and Mra.

Fred Petrikowsky, 2015 Dewey avenue, left Saturday morning for Lawrence, to enter the University of Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. S. H.

Goul and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goul left Thursday for California to make their home. Mrs. Fred Goul was Miss Alice Pagan.

Leslie Nichols will leave tonight for St. Louis to enter Washington university. A daughter bas been born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard F.

Sarber of Indianapolis. She has been given the name, Ruth Letitia Mrs. Sarber was Miss Frances Lins of St. Joseph. The monthly coffee of the Zion Evangelical church, Ninth and Jule streets, will be held Thursday afternoon at the church: Mrs.

Minnie Fenner, Mrs. T. Haas and Mrs. E. F.

Abersold will be the hostesses. Roland W. Stuebner will leave today for Omaha, where he will spend next week attending the Phi Rho Sigma medical fraternity convention. After returning home he will leave for St. Louis to resume his studies at Washington university school of medicine.

The Baby Welfare association will meet at 10 oclock Wednesday morning at the Hotel Robidoux. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinnuer of Steinauer, and Mrs. John Wood of Pawnee City, left Saturday for their homes, after a visit at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. B. S. Hil, 1117 North Sixth street. Miss Jeanette Brown will return tonight from Columbia.

where she has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Odon Guitar. Miss Vilma Wyatt, Miss Mary Ann McDonald and Miss. Mary Chesney Forgrave will leave next Sunday for Godfrey, to attend school at Monticello college. Miss Mary Nichols of Kansas City has returned to her home, after spending several days in St.

Joseph visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nichols, COUNTRY FAIR NEXT SATURDAY WILL BE EVENT OF THE WEEK Plans are fast taking shape for the "country fair" to be held Saturday night on Fairleigh Heights, Noyes boulevard, under the auspices of the Business Women's club, The affair will be the largest of the kind ever undertaken by a local club. The finance committee in in charge, with Miss Marie French as chairman. Practically every expense pertaining to the presentation of the fair will be covered by: donations from various firms in the city.

The street railway company will furnish all lights. The dancing pavilion will be erected by a local construction company and lumber furnished by a local lumber company. booths will be built in the same way. The country crossroads store which will actually supply all cuetomers with household needs, will be the feature of the entertainment. The supplies for this "store" will be donated from various mills, wholesale houses and stores in the city.

Aside from the store, there will be separate concession and refreshment booths. Miss Beatrice Schwien will be in charge of the fortune tellers' tents. Mias Ella Cowan, Mrs. E. MR.HARRY JAMES MISS MARY NORTON MRS.

CORA GREER But Luncheon for Miss Garrett Miss Marjorie Gunn entertained at luncheon Saturday noon at the Leader tea room in compliment to Miss Mildred Garrett, who will be married Sept. 14 to Robert Hopkins, The guests included: Mrs. Frank Voss, Misses Ona Robinson, Edith Cornelius of Maryville, Mildred Halof Manhattan, Kas. Hazelle Moran, Mildred Lechler, Louise Brown, Virginia Gunn, Edith Norman and Marie Lawson. Mrs.

Jack Moore, 2117 Felix street, entertained at her home Friday afternoon to eighth birthday of her daughter. Della May. -A Aheater party at the Electrie theater was a part of the entertainment, after which, refreshments were served at Mra, Moore's home. There were twenty five little guests. Hostesses for Rest Room The St.

Joseph chapter of the Daughters of the American tion will provide for the lunch and rest room at the Y. W. C. A. this week, as follows: Monday, Mrs.

J. E. Clark and Mrs. J. T.

Jamison. Tueaday, Mrs. Louis Har and Mrs. John Shireman. Wedneeday, Mrs.

C. S. Kemper and Mrs. George E. Wagner.

Thursday, Mrs. A. L. McDonald and Mrs. W.

A. Challis. Friday. Mra. O.

G. Gleaves and Shelly Miller. Saturday, Mrs. J. B.

Mons and Miss Caroline: Landla. MEDONALD MISS NELL NORTON IS THE GRIFFITH IDEAL With keen appreciation and pride we publish this group photograph of our highly trained and efficient organization. The service of these experts- -together with the world's best shoes, for which this store is famous- are yours to command. This is the home of the Hanan Shoe for Men and Women, as well as other world famous makes. 507 McCallum and Van Famous Hosiery for Men FELIX Top Glove Hosiery Here STREET Women Here Wetan Club Elects The Wetan club elected the tollowing officers at A meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

Will Casey, 1915. Messanie street: Mrs. M. Selp, prestdent; Mrs. Earl Truitt, vice prestdent; Mrs.

Joseph Hull. treasurer; Mrs. E. L. Moore, reporter, 1 Oclock Luncheon Miss Kate Graham entertained informally at luncheon at the Leader tea room Saturday to compliment the Rev.

and Mrs. William Ray Dobyns and Miss Mary Ray Dobyns of Birmingham, who are visitIng in St. Joseph. Cookie Club. Meets The will open fall activities with a meeting Tuesday afternoon at, the home of Mrs.

T. O. Strong, 2807 Felix street. The women will sew for the Sheltering Arms. MR.


St. Joseph Gazette from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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