Paving the road to civil war (2024)

Victor Davis Hanson: ‘The most politicalized and weaponized 4-star Chairman of the Joint Chiefs’
“As Gen. Milley leaves office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, on his last day he goes out ranting about his loyalty to the Constitution and not to a ‘dictator’—blasting Trump without mentioning Trump, and thus trumping as it were Trump’s own excesses with those of his own,” Hanson posted on X. “So transits the most politicalized and weaponized 4-star Joint Chiefs of Staff since the office was created.”
“Would that instead Milley had at least explained the 2021 historically disastrous flight from Kabul and defeat in Afghanistan, or the radical implementation of woke agendas into the Pentagon retention and promotion policies, or why he felt the illustrious and renown Professor Kendi, of current Boston University ‘Center for Antiracist Research’ infamy, should be required reading for the U.S. military at time when its recruitment is descending into historical lows and its deterrent reputation is seriously questioned,” posted Hanson.
ive the feeling both the surrender in astan of 80 billion in arms, ammo, and combat vehicles to include aircraft and his calls with chicoms behind President Trumps back constitute treason

Putin to stage first nationwide exercise simulating nuclear attack from the West
‘Our strategic capability is our [nuclear triad],’ he said.
‘This is what is designed for the landmass of the United States of America. This is specifically for them.
‘And they know very well that after that there will be no United States of America. We 100% inflict an unacceptable defeat on the USA. They know that.’
did i already mention the numerous discussions ive seen on video by russian troops and their supporters calling for the literal return of the soviet union? this seems to be a trend

Is There A Large Group Of Officials At The Pentagon That Actually Believe That Aliens Are Demonic Entities?
Pentagon commanders have clamped down on research into extraterrestrials because of their religious beliefs, it’s claimed.
Leading UFO researcher Ron James says senior figures in the US government fear aliens are in fact demons. Ron, who is Director of Media Relations for UFO research group MUFON, claims there is “a very large contingent of people” within the Pentagon who opposed the work of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program [AATIP] because they think the UAPs regularly reported by US military sources are piloted by creatures from Hell.
prett sure 0bama has weeded out all christians from the flag ranks, so these satanists will support fully our new demonic overlords once they make their scheduled appearance

Disgraced General Mark Milley Ends Career with Awkward Pleading for Applause: 'That Was Weak'
When Milley asked his classmates from Princeton to give him a shout-out while delivering a speech before he stepped down from his position, there wasn’t much of a response. Milley, in a rare moment of mental acuity, commented, “That”s pretty weak, actually. Not sure what to make of that.”
He then asked attendees from West Point to do the same. “That was even weaker,” was all Milley could say.
Even if Milley was acting semi-facetious in his reaction to the lame response from the crowd, the moment was a prime example of poetic justice. Milley’s career was weak, at best. At worst, he was even weaker “than the stuffed men” of Eliot’s poem.
To put it bluntly: Milley’s career has been filled with failures.
Almost two years ago to the day, Milley told Congress that he knew former President Donald Trump wasn’t planning to attack China and that was why he called his Chinese counterpart, General Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army, as reported by PBS News Hour.
According to the New York Post, ​Milley in his testimony to the House Armed Services Committee, told Li, “[H]ell, I’ll call you. But we’re not going to attack you.”

“Which Patch and unit is this committing treason? Who is the Commander?”…
“Video from source in Eagle Pass shows Border Patrol cutting through razor wire placed by the state of TX to allow migrants to enter & be processed after crossing illegally,” he wrote. “@TxDPS tells me this is the first time they know of this happening, and that it’s being looked into for potential destruction of TX property. The federal government’s position is that once migrants are on U.S. soil, under U.S. law, they need to be processed, and cannot be repelled or turned away. Texas is taking a much different approach, and has been physically blocking migrants under orders from Governor @GregAbbott_TX.”

British Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine
U.S. troops are conducting military exercises in eastern Moldova {link}. The CIA and State Department are the operational mechanism for all Ukraine military operations, and in total control of the Ukraine government {link}. American contracted mercenary troops operating in Ukraine are being treated at U.S. military hospitals in Germany {link}. U.S. military operations are flying drone missions above Ukraine, and U.S. satellites are coordinating the battlespace. Additionally, the U.S. is sending Abrams tanks, F-16 fighter jets along with support and training teams, and long-range missile launching systems into Ukraine. {link}

Taiwan Launches First Domestically Built Submarine
Faced with an ever larger and more capable Chinese Navy, Taiwan is responding by building a class of its own diesel-electric submarines.
Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing Wen presided over the launch ceremony for the Hai Kun (SS-711) in the southern port city of Kaohsiung today. The name Hai Kun has been said to describe a mythical giant flying fish, popular in Chinese literature, but also has been translated into English as ‘Narwhal’.

Security experts fume over report linking Pentagon official to covert Iranian influence unit
Ariane Tabatabai currently serves as the chief of staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict. Critics say that Iran's insertion of influencers into the State Department undercut American interests by, in effect, negotiating with itself by influencing key decision makers.
An article published in Semafor this week linked Tabatabai to the Iranian Experts Initiative (IEI), a Tehran-backed project to advance its positions and improve its public image across the world. The outlet obtained a litany of communications between IEI participants and the Iranian government. Among those communications was an email from March 2014 in which Iranian diplomat Saeed Khatibzadeh confirmed meetings with Tabatabai and another academic, saying that "]w]e three agreed to be the core group of the IEI."

Senate Passes Interim CR Extending Budget 45 Days – DC Going Bananas That Ukraine Funding Not Included
There was no additional funding for Ukraine in the House or Senate bill. DC is going bananas, claiming that everyone supports additional multi-billion expenditures for Ukraine, but during a Senate Republican meeting earlier today, even John Thune told Mitch McConnell the ask for more Ukraine funding was a bridge too far.
The bill will now go to Joe Biden for signature, and the temporary “govt shutdown” crisis is delayed. There is a complete disconnect between the will of the American people, and the priorities of the DC Uniparty.

Putin orders first ever nationwide nuclear drill, prepares nuclear bomb test at Arctic Circle
Russia will hold its first nationwide drill simulating widespread nuclear strikes on the country, daily Magyar Hírlap writes.
The one-day nuclear attack exercise is based on the assumption that NATO will launch a nuclear strike on Russia, destroying 70 percent of Russian housing and life-support facilities. In the scenario, martial law is imposed in the country and a full-scale mobilization is ordered.
The test will also model the secondary threat posed by damage to nuclear power plants and other key facilities.
State and regional authorities will have to organize emergency rescue teams to provide food, medical supplies and protection against radiation.
According to the preparatory document, there is a need to prepare for an escalation of war, including a global conflict involving nuclear powers.

Now There is Evidence the FBI Planned the January 6 Operation and Planted Documents Days Earlier That Were Later Used Against Innocent Americans
In February of this year, The Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuovo wrote about a shocking development in the US government’s case against the Proud Boys.
it was discovered that the Government itself was the author of the mysterious “1776 Returns” document.
The 1776 Returns document is the title of a 9-page paper that outlined strategic plans for the takeover of US government buildings on January 6, 2021.
It was confirmed in court that the FBI was behind the document and and FBI operative was the author of the document.
The mysterious document was sent unsolicited to Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio’s Telegram right before January 6th by a “love interest” named Erika Flores.
Flores reportedly testified to the January 6th Committee that A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL was the author of the entirety of the “1776 Returns” and that this FBI and CIA member or associate asked her to share it with Tarrio!

Disgusting Merrick Garland: “We Do Not Have One Rule For Republicans and Another Rule For Democrats” (VIDEO)
Garland’s DOJ indicted President Trump TWICE on junk charges while shielding Hunter Biden from serious tax, FARA and money laundering charges (Hunter has since been indicted on a gun after major backlash).
He has prosecuted and thrown the book at more than 1,000 J6ers. Many J6ers have been held in inhumane conditions in the DC gulag without a trial date. Peaceful, non-violent J6ers are facing years in prison for the ‘crime’ of wandering around the Capitol building for a few minutes while ignoring Antifa and BLM terrorists.
Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years even though he wasn’t even at the Capitol on January 6!
Garland has locked up elderly pro-life activists for protesting at abortion clinics while ignoring left-wing terrorists bombing pro-life facilities.
Merrick Garland had the gall to claim his DOJ doesn’t have two sets of rules for Republicans and Democrats.

It Never Stops: Mike Lindell’s MyPillow Under IRS Audit for Alleged Unlawful Employment Practices (VIDEO)
Mike Lindell recently appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast to discuss the latest incident that is causing alarm bells to ring for conservatives across the country.
“It’s been a new attack, Steve,” Lindell told Bannon. “You know, we had American Express go after us and reduce our credit to virtually nothing. Now we have audits.”
The IRS audit purportedly targets employment at MyPillow’s call centers, specifically those that employ remote workers, including stay-at-home mothers and other individuals. According to Lindell, the issue began in California and has now extended to three other states.
“They’re going after my employees during the China virus, you had all these at-home moms and stuff. Everybody out there taking calls at our call center under contract labor across the country. Now they’re doing employee audits.”

Today Is Jeremy Brown’s Birthday – Jeremy Was Sentenced to Over 7 Years in Prison After He Refused to Work as an Undercover FBI Operative on January 6 and Then Later Released Audio of His Meeting with FBI-DHS Agents
In March of 2021, Jeremy Brown began speaking out about how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) contacted him in December 2020 and attempted to recruit him to spy on patriots and everyday Americans on January 6th.
In December 2020 FBI-DHS agents contacted Jeremy Brown at his home for “posting some things online.”
Jeremy later released video surveillance of the FBI contacting him at his home. And Jeremy then later released the audio recording of his actual meetup with the FBI.
Jeremy struggled for months about whether or not to go public with this information. But according to his Facebook page — “After listening to politicians and the FBI Director, Chris Wray, tell lie after bald-faced lie to the American People, he could not stay silent any longer.”
as i recall, and as the pdf posted a few hundred posts previously in this thread, the fedz were working on creating a "alienated father digruntled vet militia" specifically to attack scotus because the court system gave their children to their mothers, killing conservative judges and giving excuse to the abolition of the 2nd amendment and confiscation of all firearms, allowing the conservative judges to be replaced with nwo types, it all fell apart when the guy who was one of those contacted by the fedz to do their dirty work spilled the beans, then this guy Jermy Brown makes a vid of his interactions with the fedz trying to recruit him, who knows what is going on, just keep in mind the alleged fedspiracy to create a "alienated father digruntled vet militia" (say that three times fast just for fun)

Germany’s worst Syrian criminal? Migrant accused of raping 12-year-old girl and 33-year-old Ukrainian refugee has dozens of other crimes on his record
However, the little girl is not the only one raped by the migrant, according to prosecutors. He allegedly raped, strangled, and robbed a Ukrainian woman in a refugee accommodation in June 2022. He also reportedly threatened to “gouge out her eyes.”
When arrested by police, he spat on them and told them he would “f**k their mothers.”
Despite the long list of crimes, the perpetrator is facing only five years of prison if convicted, and his sentence could be reduced in a variety of ways. A verdict in the case is expected in November.

Maria Bartiromo on Alex Marlow’s Initial ‘Breaking Biden’ Revelations: ‘This Is So Stunning’
“Alex, we have been talking about the fact that the family of Joe Biden may very well be still doing influence peddling through Hunter Biden’s art,” FNC host Maria Bartiromo said. “What else do they need? The evidence has been overwhelming to impeach this guy. Will they?”
“We have ample evidence,” Marlow replied. “And you can go back to all of these Chinese business deals, where there’s still so many stones unturned, Maria, for example, that Hunter sold Rosemont Realty to an entity that was known by Xi Jinping as the Dragon Head because of its strategic importance. Hunter got paid off for it, but he also retains a stake in this company. We have no idea how much that stake is. And the executive branch is not going to be forthcoming. That’s why we need to pursue impeachment because the executive branch is trying to obfuscate and trying not to answer questions, trying not to turn over documentation, communications and bank records.”
“They have to do all of this,” he continued. “This all has to get done right away because the deals are limitless, and they are ongoing.” Marlow went on to detail ties between the broader Biden family network and the Bank of China. “And that’s just one place,” Marlow said. “How about Ukraine? The tie between Jim Biden, the former nightclub owner who is not only tied into the effing spy chief of China, which is Hunter’s words, not mine, he also has deep ties in Ukraine.”

James Comer Subpoenas 20 Wires Totaling $1.3M Received by James Biden
Comer’s subpoena appears to be directed at obtaining records linked to President Joe Biden’s corporation, “CelticCapri Corp,” which received nearly $10 million in 2017 without specifying revenue line items. “So that’s an LLC account. It wasn’t a shell company — that was a real LLC account with more earnings in there than what we can find. So that is an account we plan to subpoena as we follow the money,” Comer said last week.
James Biden, an often overlooked member of the Biden family, is President Joe Biden’s younger brother and Hunter Biden’s uncle. James and Hunter were business partners with CEFC China Energy Co., an organization closely aligned and linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP.)

Desperate DeSantis Appears on Bill Maher Show to Defend Joe Biden from 2020 Election Questioning
Last night, in a desperate move to appeal to the left, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appeared on HBO with Bill Maher to defend Joe Biden from criticism. Mr. Maher was more than happy to bring up the issue of 2020 “election deniers” like Kari Lake, and DeSantis was more than willing to join the Maher parade.
Amid DeSantis’ 12% support system, there was likely a percentage of Trump supporters who were willing to grant benefit of doubt; that segment will likely now disappear.
keeping in mind he signed the law that said florida can force you to take a vax

Civics Illiteracy? College students couldn't decipher between US, Russia constitutions, prof says
Thomas Jefferson famously said that "wherever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government." Some educators are alarmed that literacy regarding the U.S. Constitution has been on the decline for a while, according to studies.
"So for the last decade, I assign my students a constitutional exercise," Giordano said on the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "It's to see if they could identify the Constitution, and 90% of my students can't differentiate between the American from the Russian constitution. It really is startling."
Literacy regarding the U.S. Constitution has been on the decline for a while, according to other studies.
According to a survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania's Annenburg Public Policy Center, only one in six U.S. adults could name any of the branches of government.

VIDEO: Politician Talks About Buying Border State Congressmen in Mexico
A private law firm released a controversial video showing a top politician in northern Mexico openly talking about using government funds to buy the allegiance of state congressmen. The video is part of a private investigation by the law firm representing a former governor from Tamaulipas. The governor claims to be the target of political persecution and that the current government turned the state over to criminal organizations.
who has the money to buy politicians in mehico? the cartels.... oh and the chicoms and mozlomz

Watch: Tucker Carlson Says 2024 Won’t Be Trump vs. Biden, Warns It’s About to Get Serious
He threw in as a sidenote: “By the way, if it’s [California Gov.] Gavin Newsom, we all should be very, very concerned. That guy’s scary and I mean it.”
“These issues will be forced soon. … The road from here to November of 2024 is going to be filled with developments nobody in this room could foresee. I can promise you that,” Carlson said.
“So it’s about to get very serious. … Everything is at stake,” he added, as the nation is engaged in a spiritual battle.

Meet the Violent Criminals Roaming the Illinois Streets Thanks to State's Cash Bail Ban
Dem governor Pritzker said abolition of cash bail would bring a 'more equitable and just Illinois'
After that law went into effect mid-September, an array of violent arrestees who may have otherwise remained behind bars were released from custody without bail. One Illinois man, whose rap sheet includes 15 arrests, was released after he allegedly bit a police officer and squeezed the officer's testicl*s. Another man, who was already on parole for armed robbery, avoided pretrial detention after allegedly breaking into a high-end boutique. A third woman was released from custody after she appeared to attack four Chicago police officers—the woman's release came on the first day the state's bail reform law went into effect.
lol just noticed pritzker looks like a fat desantis

On Board the Biden Express: Daily Mail Joins With African Migrants at the Daily Sold-Out Flight TK800 from Istanbul to Bogota Fueling the Surge at America’s Southern Border secured seats on the now-infamous Flight TK800, traveling from Istanbul to Bogota. This flight has gained notoriety as a channel for African migrants aiming to reach the United States, capitalizing on Joe Biden’s open border.
Every day, Flight TK800 from Istanbul to Bogota is sold out, serving as a major conduit for thousands of African immigrants making their way to America’s southern border.
After landing in Bogota, the illegal immigrants continue their journey to Nicaragua—a country with lax immigration policies. Nicaragua rarely checks on the movements of these illegal aliens, making the country an ideal location for those aiming to enter the U.S. This absence of oversight creates a perilous situation.

Pennsylvania latest state to embrace automatic voter registration, triggers new integrity fears
“Recent history proves that automatic voter registration is inherently problematic,” said Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project.
“Automatic voter registration is a commonsense step to ensure election security and save Pennsylvanians time and tax dollars,” Shapiro said in a statement. “Residents of our Commonwealth already provide proof of identity, residency, age, and citizenship at the DMV – all the information required to register to vote — so it makes good sense to streamline that process with voter registration.”
wonder if automatic registration will devolve into automatic voting

MI Sheriff Warns Residents in Wealthy, Majority Democrat-Voting County: “Organized Transnational Gangs” Are Breaking Into Exclusive Homes… Here’s What He Says They’re Stealing…
In Sept. 2022, US Congressman Troy Nehls warned Americans that the DHS had confirmed to him that Venezuela was emptying its prisons and sending its violent criminals to our borders…
those of us old enough may recall castro doing the same in the 80s, sending his prisoners to the US in dingys

Trump Saddled With Rap That More Accurately Fits A Corrupt Biden
Biden also viewed as 'nice family man' who 'cares' about his troubled son
It is hard for me to think of any other national figure who has been as dishonest as Biden during his misnamed “life in public service.” Evidence continues to pile up about Joe’s money laundering as well as that of his son and brother. Our president has been caught repeatedly telling lies about his business dealings with Hunter, regarding how the two have shaken down foreign dignitaries. Biden also tells baldfaced lies about his less than glorious past and has plagiarized the texts of other politicians, a fact that the Democrats and media have certainly avoided playing up. Among his other outrages, he purloined classified documents while still a senator; and some of this information may have been used by him and Hunter in making lucrative deals with foreign governments.

All in The Family – Joe Biden’s Granddaughter Lived in White House While Representing Govt Interests of Peru
While working for the firm as an “international arbitration associate”, Naomi Biden represents the interests of Peruvians in an energy dispute and lawsuit. Naomi Biden lived in the White House from August 2022 to March 2023.
No word on whether she registered under the laws of the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). The IRS investigators of Hunter Biden were blocked by the DOJ from interviewing Naomi.

While Demanding Ukraine Funding, Joe’s Last Marble Falls Out of the Bag
I’m not saying he has entirely lost all his marbles, but there’s certainly a giant hole in the bag.
Toward the end of his remarks demanding more money for Ukraine, Joe Biden was questioned by the DC stenographers. In one segment he was questioned about Kevin McCarthy keeping his word to provide unlimited billions for the Ukraine laundry operation. As Biden started to talk about McCarthy… something went wrong and he had a Mitch McConnell moment.

Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Mitch McConnell – Donated Multi-Millions to McConnell’s List of Anti-Trump Republicans
60 MINUTES: According to Lewis, Bankman-Fried wanted to help McConnell fund Republican candidates at odds with Donald Trump…
MICHAEL LEWIS: What is the subtext of this dinner, is Sam is gonna write tens of millions of dollars of checks to a super PAC that Mitch McConnell is then gonna use to get elected people who are not “hostile to democracy.”
JON WERTHEIM, 60 MINUTES: Wait. So, Mitch McConnell has a list of Republican candidates who are, sort of, on the playing field for democracy versus what he deemed outside?
MICHAEL LEWIS: He and his team had done the work to distinguish between actual deep Trumpers and people who were just seeming to approve of Donald Trump but we actually willing to govern.

Supreme Court rejects long-shot case to disqualify Trump from 2024 election
Castro, who has not qualified for any of the GOP primary debates, said he still plans on exploring his other legal options.
The Supreme Court's decision to not hear Castro's case comes as activists have attempted to keep Trump off the 2024 ballot by invoking the 14th Amendment, which bans politicians from holding some public offices after having taken an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and then having "engaged in insurrection or rebellion."

This May Prove the $260K Wires From China Were for Joe Biden
A beneficiary address can either be the address listed on the recipient’s account or the address provided by the person sending the wire. The wire records do not clearly indicate who provided the address in question.
“Bank records don’t lie but President Joe Biden does. In 2020, Joe Biden told Americans that his family never received money from China,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said earlier this week. “We’ve already proved that to be a lie earlier this year, and now we know that two wires originating from Beijing listed Joe Biden’s Wilmington home as the beneficiary address when he was running for president.”

German Leftists Freak Out and Call for Censorship After Elon Musk Points Out 8 German NGO Ships Are Dumping Illegal Aliens into Italy and Germany’s Conservative AfD Party Wants It to Stop
The leftist government in Germany is furious after Elon Musk outed them for funding at least 8 German NGO ships to pick up illegal aliens off the African coast and dump them in Italy.
The international left has been doing this for years. They are actually paying for the invasion and funding NGO ships to make it possible.
The warped do-gooders from Germany believe they are “rescuing” poor Africans and giving them a better life – in Italy! There should be an immediate transfer of these thousands of illegal aliens directly to Germany after they make land in Italy.

Democrat Squad Member Jamaal Bowman Hurled Emergency Exit Signs on Floor Before Pulling Nearby Fire Alarm – a Dangerous Criminal Act – WHERE IS THE DOJ?
According to a source familiar with the matter, Bowman casually approached the door earlier in the day, ripped off the emergency signs, and threw them on the floor.
He then attempted to open the door and pulled the fire alarm. After the alarm was triggered, Bowman left the building through a different door on the first floor and made his way across the street to cast votes. At no point did he apologize or indicate that pulling the fire alarm was a mistake.
In response to Bowman pulling the alarm, his digital director, Emma Simon, offered a lame excuse, stating, “Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion.”
kinda reminds me of this;

Gingrich: 'Expelling' Gaetz from House GOP conference, stripping committee assignments 'rational'
"The effort to expel Matt Gaetz for being a destructive, irresponsible anti-Republican may be a step too far. Expulsion from the House requires a two thirds vote," Gingrich says
"The effort to expel Matt Gaetz for being a destructive, irresponsible anti-Republican may be a step too far. Expulsion from the House requires a two thirds vote," Gingrich wrote Sunday on X, formerly known as Twitter.
"However expelling him from the House Republican Conference and eliminating all his committee assignments and all resources other than those an individual member is entitled to would be a rational response to his suicidal efforts to cripple the House GOP."
Gingrich also questioned Gaetz's status as a Republican lawmaker.
"Is Gaetz secretly an agent for the Democratic Party? No one else is doing as much to undermine, weaken and cripple the House GOP," he wrote.
after all these years gingrich is still rino

Upstate NY county blocks NYC’s bid to move homeless north to ease migrant shelter crisis
“These reforms will give longtime New Yorkers the ability to move out of our city’s shelter system to other parts of the state with more affordable housing options, while simultaneously opening up space in our city’s shelter system for the approximately 10,000 migrants who continue to arrive in the city seeking shelter month after month,” the statement said.
But not so fast, Picente said.
“Oneida County has the same capacity issues as New York City, and this maneuver to push their homeless into our community would not only ravage our ability to serve our people in need but would devastate the affordable housing market and incentivize landlords to displace good local tenants,” the county executive said.

WATCH: Did the World Economic Forum Already Signal the Next Manufactured Crisis?
Mazzucato specifically mentioned how they failed to vaccinate the world or spread the climate change agenda.
She stated that people simply “didn’t understand” climate change, and then suggested a different approach, essentially using the drinking water to induce fear mongering:
“Water is something that people understand,” stated Mazzucato before explaining how to build citizen engagement around the dangers of water contamination:
“There’s also something about really getting citizen engagement around this, and really in some ways experimenting with this notion of the common good.”
my guess is more along the lines of a fabricated financial collapse

Alarmgate: MTG leads Republicans in urging DOJ to prosecute Bowman like J6 defendants
"Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire alarm in the Cannon building this afternoon and interrupted the official proceedings of the House as Republicans worked to keep the government open," Greene wrote.
"Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire alarm in the Cannon building this afternoon and interrupted the official proceedings of the House as Republicans worked to keep the government open," Greene wrote on X, formerly called Twitter.
"I’m calling on the DOJ to prosecute him using the same law they used to prosecute J6 defendants for interfering with an official proceeding," she continued. "The Democrats literally will do anything to shut OUR government down because billions aren’t going to their favorite country: Ukraine."

BREAKING: Dem Rep. Jamaal Bowman in police custody after pulling fire alarm to stall House vote…
Triggering a “false fire alarm” is considered a misdemeanor in the District of Columbia, carrying a sentence of up to six months behind bars. But many J6ers have been charged and convicted under the 20-year felony “obstructing an official proceeding” statute for disrupting the ceremonial ratification of electoral college votes on January the 6th. So, will he be arrested under the extremely dangerous precedent set by corrupt Merrick Garland and D.C. District Attorney Matthew Graves of Fatima Goss-Graves fame? That’s what independent journalist Julie Kelly is asking.

Muslim Nations Make Another All-Out Effort to Compel the West to Abandon Free Speech
Such responses demonstrate a superficial (at best) understanding of the freedom of speech, but as they come from Muslim countries, they’re understandable. Less forgivable was a recent statement of the High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations, Miguel Angel Moratinos. His office said: “While the High Representative stresses the importance of upholding the freedom of expression as a fundamental human right, he also emphasises that the act of Quran-burning, amounts to an expression of hatred towards Muslims. It is disrespectful and insulting to the adherents of Islam and should not be conflated with freedom of expression.”
In other words, the High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations does not really believe in the freedom of expression as a fundamental human right at all. He believes that when someone threatens to kill you over your expression, you should adopt a respectful silence. In other words, he wants the West to submit to Sharia blasphemy restrictions.

Greenpeace Canada Co-Founder Admits “We Are Not In A Climate Crisis”
The co-founder of Greenpeace Canada told podcast host Dan Proft that “climate alarmism is 100% untrue.”
“They said it was the hottest year in the history of the earth the other day, and it’s not,” Moore told Proft on the “Counterculture” podcast.
“That’s just, period, a lie.”

Survey Reveals Continuing Marxist Infiltration of Mainline Protestant Denominations
The survey reveals that mainline clergy from the “seven sisters”: the United Methodist Church (UM), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Presbyterian Church (USA) (PCUSA), the American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA), the Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ (UCC), and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (DOC) — are far more liberal than their congregations. And they have been getting more liberal since the last time PRRI conducted its survey, 15 years ago.

Video of MSNBC host calling non-Muslims “animals and cattle” and comparing hom*osexuals to pedophiles resurfaces…
The team at MSNBC must be in damage control mode after an old video clip of one of their hosts resurfaced. The host, Mehdi Raza Hasan, is a British-American broadcaster with radical left-wing views who hosts controversial shows on both MSNBC and Peaco*ck. Hasan is a controversial figure, well-known for spreading lies and fueling racial divisions and fear. The recent resurfacing of this particular clip provides insight into his underlying radical Muslim beliefs. Evidently, he harbors some deeply ingrained opinions; on one hand, he seems to view non-Muslims as “animals,” while also believing hom*osexuality is tied to pedophilia–sadly, research does back that theory up.

Germany: Migrant escapes mental hospital, stabs German saleswoman to death
After an African migrant escaped from a psychiatric hospital in the German city of Wiesloch and killed a 30-year-old saleswoman, he will again avoid jail time. Instead, he is being sent back to the same psychiatric clinic he just escaped from, and the Green party is now being blamed for the incident
The 33-year-old suspect, Ahmad M., who came to Germany as an asylum seeker, was attending a “work therapy” session, which is offered by the Nordbaden Psychiatric Center. Despite his violent history, he was permitted to work at an unspecified location due to “progress” doctors said he had made in his psychiatric condition. While working there, he escaped the location and ran into downtown Wiesloch. Although accompanied by psychiatric staff, they lost sight of the man, who then proceeded to find a target he picked at random.
At 1:00 p.m., he stabbed Lisa S. to death while she was working inside the TEDi discount store located inside the “Kubus am Adenauer” shopping center. Police say he stole a knife from a bakery, which he then used to kill Lisa S.

Arizona State Senator tells girls uncomfortable showering with biological males to ‘get a shower curtain’
A video recently surfaced of Arizona State Sen. Christine Marsh (D-Phoenix) recommending the legislature deal with girls who are uncomfortable showering alongside boys in school locker rooms by simply passing a bill requiring shower curtains.
The video, filmed in February 2023, was taken as Marsh voted against a bill that would have required schools to provide “reasonable” accommodations in showers or bathrooms for cross-dressing or transvestite boys so that they don’t infringe on the privacy of other students.

Trump Wins & Loses, Biden Impeachment, More Ukraine War
Joe Biden is facing impeachment in the House of Representatives. The Democrat talking point: “There is no evidence.” Of course, just the opposite is true. There is plenty of evidence that Biden and many in his family took secret money from foreign sources. In other words, Joe Biden and family took bribes according to the Republicans on the impeachment committee. They are also calling what Biden and his family did was treason. We will see if there will be a conviction and removal from office when this hits the Senate.
Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering by the thousands in Ukraine since the beginning of summer. 10,000 have reportedly turned themselves over to Russian forces rather than being turned into hamburger. 400,000 to 500,000 Ukraine military have been killed in action during the nearly 2-year war. 80,000 reportedly have been killed during the failed so-called “counter-offensive” that started in early June. The Russians are winning big, and the Lying Legacy Media have been lying to America the entire time. Ukraine is a NATO disaster, and it should stop ASAP.
years ago Sherman Skolnik claimed the west would do everything it could to get russia to launch so the nwo could practice creative destruction

WATCH: Texas Forces Powerless to Stop Migrants Desperate to Breach Razor-Wire Border Barrier
Migrants tired of standing in the waters of the Rio Grande forced their way through rolls of concertina wire to surrender to the Border Patrol. A group of 80 migrants used discarded clothing, garbage, and backpacks to shield themselves from the sharp edges of the wire and successfully defeat the barrier on Thursday. Despite the best efforts laid out by the State of Texas to thwart migrant entries, the migrants successfully entered the U.S.

German court gives probation to two Syrian migrants who raped 15-year-old girl who gave them German lessons
In the summer of 2016, Anika, who is the daughter of a refugee worker, visited the Syrians’ accommodation in the Lüchow-Dannenberg district. First they drank tea in a room together when suddenly the two men became aggressive. According to the indictment, Mohamad T. suddenly held the girl’s arms while her accomplice stripped her and raped her.
After the rape, the duo threatened her, telling her: “If you say anything, we’ll kill your entire family.”
She waited a year to break her silence about the sexual assault, and only did so when one of the perpetrators was about to move into her house.
The judge gave the two men a reduced sentence, pointing to the young age of the migrants at the time of the rape. Schadi A. received a verdict of two years probationary juvenile sentence while his accomplice received an 18-month probationary sentence, plus a €500 fine for both of them. Both men denied the rape occurred.

Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them – Not Making Headlines
Three girls were kidnapped, tortured and raped by an illegal immigrant gang in northern Minnesota recently. One of the girls was an 11-year-old.
Bemidji is located in a rural area in northern Minnesota near the source of the Mississippi River.
22-year-old Oscar Luna was arrested at the scene. Several men were identified at the scene and transported by US Border Patrol to be processed as illegal aliens.

UN Paying Illegal Aliens To Cross The Borders (Video)
Once again, ANY person seeking political office that gives even a tiny hint of supporting the United Nations in any capacity is a traitor to the people, plain and simple. This is just more evidence of how criminal and corrupt the UN has always been. Now, it’s being discovered that the UN is actually paying illegal aliens to cross the borders and who largely funds the UN? You guessed it, the united States.
A Haitian immigrant explained how he was paid 3,600 pesos ($206) in the form of a debit card that was provided by the United Nations.
“Footage of a US-bound Haitian in Tapachula, Mexico complaining that the UN failed to make its payment to him and now his UN debit card is empty. United Nations is behind all the illegal immigrants.”
wondered where all of them were getting airfare to fly here from kraplakastan

Hochul to NYers Objecting to Migrants: We Believe in Statue of Liberty and NYC Is Full, So ‘Other Areas’ Must ‘Embrace’
Hochul said, “I will be very clear about the values of New Yorkers, we have always been a place that has welcomed immigrants. … So, we’ll always be that place. But it’s also a question of capacity right now. We have been welcoming. We have been gracious. We have been supportive. But we have to point out the fact and make sure people coming across the border who think there are plentiful hotel rooms and services in New York City, we hit our capacity. So, we’re asking other areas to embrace these individuals. But we’re not going to compromise who we are as a state with the Statue of Liberty in our harbor. So, that’s what I want to be clear about. That’s important. We’ll retain that. But we just need a slowing right now to help us manage the people who have already come and let people know it’s not the way it was a year ago. We’re at capacity. But getting people out of the shelters is our number one priority, full stop.”

Geofencing: How The Government Used Cell Phone Data To Try To Drive Calvary Chapel Out Of Business
While it is legal for private companies to broker this information, constitutional questions arise when government accesses data from a third party that it would be prohibited from collecting on its own. The lawsuit filed by Calvary Chapel in August argues that Santa Clara County carried out a warrantless surveillance of the church when it acquired information in 2020 on the church’s foot traffic patterns collected by a research team from Stanford University. Court documents show the researchers acquired the information, which originated with Google Maps, from the location data company SafeGraph, which is also being sued by Calvary.
Nicole Berger, SafeGraph’s senior vice president of operations, has said the Stanford team violated the company’s terms of service and non-commercial research agreement. For its part, Google has since cracked down on third-party vendors, though it still uses location and other data for its own operations.

Justin Trudeau Moves to Regulate Podcasts and to Analyze and Track Content and Subscribers
Canadian tyrant Justin Trudeau’s government recently moved to its next phase of controlling the population. The Trudeau government will now regulate podcasts and track content and subscribers. This tyrannical order comes after Trudeau restricted access to news in Canada last August.
This should come as no surprise, Trudeau previously froze the bank accounts of protesting truckers in Canada. The Trudeau government announced that being “pro-Trump” was a factor they would use to freeze accounts.
totalitarians can only think of totalitarianism, fidel is surely proud of his boy

Prof. Hamburger: First Amendment protects the right to hear alternative views, not merely to express them…
People can’t develop their views with any sophistication unless they can consider opinions that enlarge, refine, moderate or challenge their own. So, when government demands the suppression of some speech and chills even more, it reduces the diversity, value and moderation of opinion—and thereby diminishes the opportunity for every individual to develop and express his own considered views. Censorship inhibits the output of critical voices, which lessens Americans’ intellectual input, which in turn limits their intellectual output. Reading and speaking are inextricably linked in conversation.

These Megalomaniac Technocrats Are On Course To Wreck Earth And Outer Space
A video of Elon Musk’s web of Starlink satellites has left onlookers stunned as scientists warn of their little-known risks to the night sky.
There are, at most, around 9,000 stars visible to Earth’s view of the sky, and around 5,000 Starlink satellites, as of August.
The orange dots represent Starlink satellites.
According to new research, low-frequency radio waves are ‘leaking’ into the sky and hurting scientist’s ability to make astronomical observations.
Sky gazers fear that soon satellites will outnumber the amount of stars there are to see, according to comments made on Musk’s social media platform X (formerly Twitter).

Latest Test: 13 High Schools in Baltimore Produce Zero Students Proficient in Math; Spending Per Pupil: $31K
Some 40 percent of the city’s high schools did not have a student who passed the state’s math proficiency, the city’s Fox 45 News reported. Those test results reprise a report from the station in February, when it looked at math proficiency across the school system.
Understandably, critics want the overpaid superintendent fired. The results of the education system versus what taxpayers are spending aren’t worth the money for schooling or the superintendent.

Breaking: Matt Gaetz Says He Will File Motion to Vacate This Week – a Call to Remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker (VIDEO)
Gaetz says this is an “exercise to show the American people who really governs you.” Adding, “I actually think Democrats are going to bail out Kevin McCarthy.”

43 Once American Companies That Are Owned By Communist China & 1 American Company Owned By Trump That’s Entire Line Is Chinese
Many American companies have sold out to foreign countries and are now owned by England, Japan, Canada and sadly, China. Keep in mind that if you patronize a Chinese-owned company you are funding a Communist government. Perhaps knowing the truth of the matter is the beginning of reversing what we have been led to support.
Here are 43 companies that once were American that are now owned by China. The following list was compiled from a larger list of once American-owned companies that are now owned by foreigners. Tell me this is not Deuteronomy 28 coming to pass before our eyes.

Short America & Go Long BRIC Countries – Charles Nenner
Does Nenner see the American Empire ending? Nenner says, “I think it ended already, but we just don’t know it yet. One of the signals of end of empire is bad education, which we have. Another signal is the lifespan of people is shorter than for the people before. What do you want me to say? It does not look good, does it? Another signal is your children have it worse than the generation before. So, there is a whole list of signals, and it points to the United States is in trouble. . . . I would be short America . . . and I would go long the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India China).
Nenner says the stock market is on its way to being “substantially lower, but not just yet.” Nenner also sees the cycles for gold, silver, bonds and real estate all going lower from here, but gold and silver will be going back up longer term. The only thing Nenner likes right now are short-term Treasury bonds. The dollar will hold up for now, but it is headed much lower in the not-so-distant future. Nenner also likes energy, but it is cycling down at the moment. Nenner says, “Inflation goes up and down” and warns, “Inflation is starting another up trend.”

Central Bank Digital Currencies: The End of Privacy As We Know It
Even as countries, including the US begin to roll out their first phase of Central Bank Digital Currencies, many are wise to their schemes and are already beginning to live their lives more simply, grow their own food, and learning to build and barter so they don’t have to partake in the system being created to enslave the world. However, there is a lot contained in the slavery being planned and knowing what is planned is half the battle in fighting against it.

Finance experts warn of BLOODY SUNDAY for Americans: Decades-high mortgage rates, student loans kicking in and Christmas spending will all pressure families this week
Financial expert Dave Ramsey and his team offered advice to Americans hoping to get through the end-of-year spending season
As student loan payments kick back in, mortgage rates continue to soar, and the Christmas season looms, Ramsey says the key to survival is budgeting
As the inflation crisis continues, mortgage rates, interest rates, and median monthly home payments have all hit record highs

Costco Gold Selling Out Within Hours…
On Wednesday, CNBC described the gold bars as one-ounce gold PAMP Suisse Lady Fortuna Veriscan bars. They were reportedly being sold for approximately $1,900, the outlet said.
Costco’s chief financial officer, Richard Galanti, said Tuesday during the company’s quarterly earnings call that the bars were selling fast.
“I’ve gotten a couple of calls that people have seen online that we’ve been selling 1 ounce gold bars. Yes, but when we load them on the site, they’re typically gone within a few hours, and we limit two per member,” he commented.

Paving the road to civil war (2024)
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