🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵 I need a conclusion to end this essay, could somebody help me with it please?🥺🥺 Question A Renaissance is an important period of the world history, it included the Scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Many great scien (2024)


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18 окт. 2020

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

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🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵 I need a conclusion to end this essay, could somebody help me with it please?🥺🥺 Question A Renaissance is an important period of the world history, it included the Scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Many great scientists and philosophers appeared during the renaissance, we can never forget them. Have you ever wondered how important those discoveries and ideas are? And how they changed the world? Let me tell you. In earlier centuries of Europe, ideas about the world and the universe were often shaped by religious beliefs. Church had most power and it ruled people, it told people that the earth is at the center of the universe and all the planets move around it, this theory is called geocentric theory. This state continued until the scientific revolution has came. In this gigantic movement of the Europe history, one great invention was born: the telescope. Telescope was invented by Galileo Galilei in 1609. One day, Galileo used telescope to observe Jupiter, he found that Jupiter has its own moons. This discovery proved that geocentric theory is wrong, also proved that Copernicus’s heliocentric theory (which says the sun is in the center) is correct. Telescopes have opened people’s eyes to the universe.After telescope has been invented, people can see the universe. Another great discovery in the scientific revolution is the scientific method. Scientific method is a method scientists use to prove their hypotheses and developing new ideas. The scientific method is the first systematic and universal method, it had profoundly radical positive impacts on how scientific practices were completed during the scientific revolution, and more directly impacting the actual process of how experiments were conducted. The scientific method also set a universal set of standards for the scientific community for the next few centuries. Except scientific development, people also freed their thinking. Their new thoughts changed governments and people’s life. This big movement is called the Enlightenment, people found new ways of thinking and freed their minds from the old feudal ideas. A good example is Beccaria’s Criminal Justice. Beccaria thought that punishment severity should be based on the harm has caused rather than the intent of the criminal, he also argued that torture should never be used. In Beccaria’s view, the purpose of punishment is to stop the offender commit the crime again and to discourage others ever to commit a crime, so he opposed the capital punishment. Beccaria’s ideas about rights and punishment influence throughout Europe. In the United States, many laws about crime and punishment reflect his ideas. Another important idea which has influenced the modern democracy politics is the natural rights. The natural rights are ideas of John Luke. He proposed three basic human’s rights, which are: life, liberty and property. Locke believed that human nature is good and everyone was born to be free and equal.His ideas were so important that the U.S. government add his theories into the Declaration of Independence. Locke’s ideas contributed to the world that still has a lasting impact today. (2)

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19 окт. 2020

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

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Well, your body paragraphs seem to cover scientific advancements in the first and political/governmental advancements in the second.

As a proper conclusion, I would explain one final time how both of these categories relate to the prompt: “How are these ideas important and how have they changed the world?”

Highly-rated answerer

🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵 I need a conclusion to end this essay, could somebody help me with it please?🥺🥺 Question A Renaissance is an important period of the world history, it included the Scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Many great scientists and philosophers appeared during the renaissance, we can never forget them. Have you ever wondered how important those discoveries and ideas are? And how they changed the world? Let me tell you. In earlier centuries of Europe, ideas about the world and the universe were often shaped by religious beliefs. Church had most power and it ruled people, it told people that the earth is at the center of the universe and all the planets move around it, this theory is called geocentric theory. This state continued until the scientific revolution has came. In this gigantic movement of the Europe history, one great invention was born: the telescope. Telescope was invented by Galileo Galilei in 1609. One day, Galileo used telescope to observe Jupiter, he found that Jupiter has its own moons. This discovery proved that geocentric theory is wrong, also proved that Copernicus’s heliocentric theory (which says the sun is in the center) is correct. Telescopes have opened people’s eyes to the universe.After telescope has been invented, people can see the universe. Another great discovery in the scientific revolution is the scientific method. Scientific method is a method scientists use to prove their hypotheses and developing new ideas. The scientific method is the first systematic and universal method, it had profoundly radical positive impacts on how scientific practices were completed during the scientific revolution, and more directly impacting the actual process of how experiments were conducted. The scientific method also set a universal set of standards for the scientific community for the next few centuries. Except scientific development, people also freed their thinking. Their new thoughts changed governments and people’s life. This big movement is called the Enlightenment, people found new ways of thinking and freed their minds from the old feudal ideas. A good example is Beccaria’s Criminal Justice. Beccaria thought that punishment severity should be based on the harm has caused rather than the intent of the criminal, he also argued that torture should never be used. In Beccaria’s view, the purpose of punishment is to stop the offender commit the crime again and to discourage others ever to commit a crime, so he opposed the capital punishment. Beccaria’s ideas about rights and punishment influence throughout Europe. In the United States, many laws about crime and punishment reflect his ideas. Another important idea which has influenced the modern democracy politics is the natural rights. The natural rights are ideas of John Luke. He proposed three basic human’s rights, which are: life, liberty and property. Locke believed that human nature is good and everyone was born to be free and equal.His ideas were so important that the U.S. government add his theories into the Declaration of Independence. Locke’s ideas contributed to the world that still has a lasting impact today. (4)

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19 окт. 2020

  • Английский (американский вариант)

6.13K pts



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Well, your body paragraphs seem to cover scientific advancements in the first and political/governmental advancements in the second.

As a proper conclusion, I would explain one final time how both of these categories relate to the prompt: “How are these ideas important and how have they changed the world?”

Highly-rated answerer

🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵 I need a conclusion to end this essay, could somebody help me with it please?🥺🥺 Question A Renaissance is an important period of the world history, it included the Scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Many great scientists and philosophers appeared during the renaissance, we can never forget them. Have you ever wondered how important those discoveries and ideas are? And how they changed the world? Let me tell you. In earlier centuries of Europe, ideas about the world and the universe were often shaped by religious beliefs. Church had most power and it ruled people, it told people that the earth is at the center of the universe and all the planets move around it, this theory is called geocentric theory. This state continued until the scientific revolution has came. In this gigantic movement of the Europe history, one great invention was born: the telescope. Telescope was invented by Galileo Galilei in 1609. One day, Galileo used telescope to observe Jupiter, he found that Jupiter has its own moons. This discovery proved that geocentric theory is wrong, also proved that Copernicus’s heliocentric theory (which says the sun is in the center) is correct. Telescopes have opened people’s eyes to the universe.After telescope has been invented, people can see the universe. Another great discovery in the scientific revolution is the scientific method. Scientific method is a method scientists use to prove their hypotheses and developing new ideas. The scientific method is the first systematic and universal method, it had profoundly radical positive impacts on how scientific practices were completed during the scientific revolution, and more directly impacting the actual process of how experiments were conducted. The scientific method also set a universal set of standards for the scientific community for the next few centuries. Except scientific development, people also freed their thinking. Their new thoughts changed governments and people’s life. This big movement is called the Enlightenment, people found new ways of thinking and freed their minds from the old feudal ideas. A good example is Beccaria’s Criminal Justice. Beccaria thought that punishment severity should be based on the harm has caused rather than the intent of the criminal, he also argued that torture should never be used. In Beccaria’s view, the purpose of punishment is to stop the offender commit the crime again and to discourage others ever to commit a crime, so he opposed the capital punishment. Beccaria’s ideas about rights and punishment influence throughout Europe. In the United States, many laws about crime and punishment reflect his ideas. Another important idea which has influenced the modern democracy politics is the natural rights. The natural rights are ideas of John Luke. He proposed three basic human’s rights, which are: life, liberty and property. Locke believed that human nature is good and everyone was born to be free and equal.His ideas were so important that the U.S. government add his theories into the Declaration of Independence. Locke’s ideas contributed to the world that still has a lasting impact today. (11)

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19 окт. 2020

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

415 pts



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🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵 I need a conclusion to end this essay, could somebody help me with it please?🥺🥺 Question A Renaissance is an important period of the world history, it included the Scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Many great scientists and philosophers appeared during the renaissance, we can never forget them. Have you ever wondered how important those discoveries and ideas are? And how they changed the world? Let me tell you. In earlier centuries of Europe, ideas about the world and the universe were often shaped by religious beliefs. Church had most power and it ruled people, it told people that the earth is at the center of the universe and all the planets move around it, this theory is called geocentric theory. This state continued until the scientific revolution has came. In this gigantic movement of the Europe history, one great invention was born: the telescope. Telescope was invented by Galileo Galilei in 1609. One day, Galileo used telescope to observe Jupiter, he found that Jupiter has its own moons. This discovery proved that geocentric theory is wrong, also proved that Copernicus’s heliocentric theory (which says the sun is in the center) is correct. Telescopes have opened people’s eyes to the universe.After telescope has been invented, people can see the universe. Another great discovery in the scientific revolution is the scientific method. Scientific method is a method scientists use to prove their hypotheses and developing new ideas. The scientific method is the first systematic and universal method, it had profoundly radical positive impacts on how scientific practices were completed during the scientific revolution, and more directly impacting the actual process of how experiments were conducted. The scientific method also set a universal set of standards for the scientific community for the next few centuries. Except scientific development, people also freed their thinking. Their new thoughts changed governments and people’s life. This big movement is called the Enlightenment, people found new ways of thinking and freed their minds from the old feudal ideas. A good example is Beccaria’s Criminal Justice. Beccaria thought that punishment severity should be based on the harm has caused rather than the intent of the criminal, he also argued that torture should never be used. In Beccaria’s view, the purpose of punishment is to stop the offender commit the crime again and to discourage others ever to commit a crime, so he opposed the capital punishment. Beccaria’s ideas about rights and punishment influence throughout Europe. In the United States, many laws about crime and punishment reflect his ideas. Another important idea which has influenced the modern democracy politics is the natural rights. The natural rights are ideas of John Luke. He proposed three basic human’s rights, which are: life, liberty and property. Locke believed that human nature is good and everyone was born to be free and equal.His ideas were so important that the U.S. government add his theories into the Declaration of Independence. Locke’s ideas contributed to the world that still has a lasting impact today. (18)

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🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵 I need a conclusion to end this essay, could somebody help me with it please?🥺🥺 Question A Renaissance is an important period of the world history, it included the Scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Many great scientists and philosophers appeared during the renaissance, we can never forget them. Have you ever wondered how important those discoveries and ideas are? And how they changed the world? Let me tell you. In earlier centuries of Europe, ideas about the world and the universe were often shaped by religious beliefs. Church had most power and it ruled people, it told people that the earth is at the center of the universe and all the planets move around it, this theory is called geocentric theory. This state continued until the scientific revolution has came. In this gigantic movement of the Europe history, one great invention was born: the telescope. Telescope was invented by Galileo Galilei in 1609. One day, Galileo used telescope to observe Jupiter, he found that Jupiter has its own moons. This discovery proved that geocentric theory is wrong, also proved that Copernicus’s heliocentric theory (which says the sun is in the center) is correct. Telescopes have opened people’s eyes to the universe.After telescope has been invented, people can see the universe. Another great discovery in the scientific revolution is the scientific method. Scientific method is a method scientists use to prove their hypotheses and developing new ideas. The scientific method is the first systematic and universal method, it had profoundly radical positive impacts on how scientific practices were completed during the scientific revolution, and more directly impacting the actual process of how experiments were conducted. The scientific method also set a universal set of standards for the scientific community for the next few centuries. Except scientific development, people also freed their thinking. Their new thoughts changed governments and people’s life. This big movement is called the Enlightenment, people found new ways of thinking and freed their minds from the old feudal ideas. A good example is Beccaria’s Criminal Justice. Beccaria thought that punishment severity should be based on the harm has caused rather than the intent of the criminal, he also argued that torture should never be used. In Beccaria’s view, the purpose of punishment is to stop the offender commit the crime again and to discourage others ever to commit a crime, so he opposed the capital punishment. Beccaria’s ideas about rights and punishment influence throughout Europe. In the United States, many laws about crime and punishment reflect his ideas. Another important idea which has influenced the modern democracy politics is the natural rights. The natural rights are ideas of John Luke. He proposed three basic human’s rights, which are: life, liberty and property. Locke believed that human nature is good and everyone was born to be free and equal.His ideas were so important that the U.S. government add his theories into the Declaration of Independence. Locke’s ideas contributed to the world that still has a lasting impact today. (20)

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🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵 I need a conclusion to end this essay, could somebody help me with it please?🥺🥺 Question A Renaissance is an important period of the world history, it included the Scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Many great scientists and philosophers appeared during the renaissance, we can never forget them. Have you ever wondered how important those discoveries and ideas are? And how they changed the world? Let me tell you. In earlier centuries of Europe, ideas about the world and the universe were often shaped by religious beliefs. Church had most power and it ruled people, it told people that the earth is at the center of the universe and all the planets move around it, this theory is called geocentric theory. This state continued until the scientific revolution has came. In this gigantic movement of the Europe history, one great invention was born: the telescope. Telescope was invented by Galileo Galilei in 1609. One day, Galileo used telescope to observe Jupiter, he found that Jupiter has its own moons. This discovery proved that geocentric theory is wrong, also proved that Copernicus’s heliocentric theory (which says the sun is in the center) is correct. Telescopes have opened people’s eyes to the universe.After telescope has been invented, people can see the universe. Another great discovery in the scientific revolution is the scientific method. Scientific method is a method scientists use to prove their hypotheses and developing new ideas. The scientific method is the first systematic and universal method, it had profoundly radical positive impacts on how scientific practices were completed during the scientific revolution, and more directly impacting the actual process of how experiments were conducted. The scientific method also set a universal set of standards for the scientific community for the next few centuries. Except scientific development, people also freed their thinking. Their new thoughts changed governments and people’s life. This big movement is called the Enlightenment, people found new ways of thinking and freed their minds from the old feudal ideas. A good example is Beccaria’s Criminal Justice. Beccaria thought that punishment severity should be based on the harm has caused rather than the intent of the criminal, he also argued that torture should never be used. In Beccaria’s view, the purpose of punishment is to stop the offender commit the crime again and to discourage others ever to commit a crime, so he opposed the capital punishment. Beccaria’s ideas about rights and punishment influence throughout Europe. In the United States, many laws about crime and punishment reflect his ideas. Another important idea which has influenced the modern democracy politics is the natural rights. The natural rights are ideas of John Luke. He proposed three basic human’s rights, which are: life, liberty and property. Locke believed that human nature is good and everyone was born to be free and equal.His ideas were so important that the U.S. government add his theories into the Declaration of Independence. Locke’s ideas contributed to the world that still has a lasting impact today. (21)Что означает этот символ?

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🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵 I need a conclusion to end this essay, could somebody help me with it please?🥺🥺 Question A Renaissance is an important period of the world history, it included the Scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Many great scientists and philosophers appeared during the renaissance, we can never forget them. Have you ever wondered how important those discoveries and ideas are? And how they changed the world? Let me tell you. In earlier centuries of Europe, ideas about the world and the universe were often shaped by religious beliefs. Church had most power and it ruled people, it told people that the earth is at the center of the universe and all the planets move around it, this theory is called geocentric theory. This state continued until the scientific revolution has came. In this gigantic movement of the Europe history, one great invention was born: the telescope. Telescope was invented by Galileo Galilei in 1609. One day, Galileo used telescope to observe Jupiter, he found that Jupiter has its own moons. This discovery proved that geocentric theory is wrong, also proved that Copernicus’s heliocentric theory (which says the sun is in the center) is correct. Telescopes have opened people’s eyes to the universe.After telescope has been invented, people can see the universe. Another great discovery in the scientific revolution is the scientific method. Scientific method is a method scientists use to prove their hypotheses and developing new ideas. The scientific method is the first systematic and universal method, it had profoundly radical positive impacts on how scientific practices were completed during the scientific revolution, and more directly impacting the actual process of how experiments were conducted. The scientific method also set a universal set of standards for the scientific community for the next few centuries. Except scientific development, people also freed their thinking. Their new thoughts changed governments and people’s life. This big movement is called the Enlightenment, people found new ways of thinking and freed their minds from the old feudal ideas. A good example is Beccaria’s Criminal Justice. Beccaria thought that punishment severity should be based on the harm has caused rather than the intent of the criminal, he also argued that torture should never be used. In Beccaria’s view, the purpose of punishment is to stop the offender commit the crime again and to discourage others ever to commit a crime, so he opposed the capital punishment. Beccaria’s ideas about rights and punishment influence throughout Europe. In the United States, many laws about crime and punishment reflect his ideas. Another important idea which has influenced the modern democracy politics is the natural rights. The natural rights are ideas of John Luke. He proposed three basic human’s rights, which are: life, liberty and property. Locke believed that human nature is good and everyone was born to be free and equal.His ideas were so important that the U.S. government add his theories into the Declaration of Independence. Locke’s ideas contributed to the world that still has a lasting impact today. (22)

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🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵 I need a conclusion to end this essay, could somebody help me with it please?🥺🥺 Question A Renaissance is an important period of the world history, it included the Scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Many great scientists and philosophers appeared during the renaissance, we can never forget them. Have you ever wondered how important those discoveries and ideas are? And how they changed the world? Let me tell you. In earlier centuries of Europe, ideas about the world and the universe were often shaped by religious beliefs. Church had most power and it ruled people, it told people that the earth is at the center of the universe and all the planets move around it, this theory is called geocentric theory. This state continued until the scientific revolution has came. In this gigantic movement of the Europe history, one great invention was born: the telescope. Telescope was invented by Galileo Galilei in 1609. One day, Galileo used telescope to observe Jupiter, he found that Jupiter has its own moons. This discovery proved that geocentric theory is wrong, also proved that Copernicus’s heliocentric theory (which says the sun is in the center) is correct. Telescopes have opened people’s eyes to the universe.After telescope has been invented, people can see the universe. Another great discovery in the scientific revolution is the scientific method. Scientific method is a method scientists use to prove their hypotheses and developing new ideas. The scientific method is the first systematic and universal method, it had profoundly radical positive impacts on how scientific practices were completed during the scientific revolution, and more directly impacting the actual process of how experiments were conducted. The scientific method also set a universal set of standards for the scientific community for the next few centuries. Except scientific development, people also freed their thinking. Their new thoughts changed governments and people’s life. This big movement is called the Enlightenment, people found new ways of thinking and freed their minds from the old feudal ideas. A good example is Beccaria’s Criminal Justice. Beccaria thought that punishment severity should be based on the harm has caused rather than the intent of the criminal, he also argued that torture should never be used. In Beccaria’s view, the purpose of punishment is to stop the offender commit the crime again and to discourage others ever to commit a crime, so he opposed the capital punishment. Beccaria’s ideas about rights and punishment influence throughout Europe. In the United States, many laws about crime and punishment reflect his ideas. Another important idea which has influenced the modern democracy politics is the natural rights. The natural rights are ideas of John Luke. He proposed three basic human’s rights, which are: life, liberty and property. Locke believed that human nature is good and everyone was born to be free and equal.His ideas were so important that the U.S. government add his theories into the Declaration of Independence. Locke’s ideas contributed to the world that still has a lasting impact today. (23)

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🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵 I need a conclusion to end this essay, could somebody help me with it please?🥺🥺 Question A Renaissance is an important period of the world history, it included the Scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Many great scien (2024)
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