Daddy's Bitch - The_Cyborg_Fox - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)

12 Years ago…

For years, the land of Mobius was in a constant loop of always being put into a crisis by the evil scientist, Doctor Ivo Robotnik, aka, Doctor Eggman. The mad doctor just never gave up, always trying to turn Mobius into his own personal utopia, where all the Mobians on the planet were turned into robots, who were loyal only to him, while the entire world was covered in a sheet of metal.

His plans ranged from putting poor, innocent little animals inside of little machines known as Badniks. To capturing Mobians and putting them into machines that would turn them into robots. Creating a robotic double of his sworn nemesis. Cracking the planet open to unleash an ancient monster that hid beneath it. To creating his own planet to enslave other planets. To jailbreaking a being that could control both space and time, and harnessing its abilities. To creating his own deadly virus that would take control of a Mobians body, turning it into a liquid metal that would spread, turning them into robotic zombies. And the list of all the evil things he’s ever done just goes on and on and on.

But finally, it was the big one. Doctor Eggman had raged war on Mobius, and had an entire robot army by his side. But Mobius wouldn’t go down without a fight, specifically the heroes that defended it from him. These were a group of remarkable Mobians with abilities that rival the doctor’s whole army. From Sonic the Hedgehog, a freedom-loving hedgehog capable of running at speeds faster than sound. To Knuckles the Echidna, the last of his kind, capable of strength unheard of. To Shadow the Hedgehog, the Ultimate Lifeform with abilities like Sonic’s own, as well as the power of Chaos within him. To Amy Rose, a strong and independent girl with a hammer capable of breaking almost anything. To Blaze the Cat, a Princess from another dimension with the gift of pyrokinesis. And of course, Miles ‘Tails’ Prower, the brains behind the group, with an I.Q that could rival and even surpass Doctor Eggman’s, capable of flying with his twin namesakes and creating machines that could take on entire armies.

With all of these remarkable Mobians ready to defend their world from the evil doctor, Mobius was still in with a chance of life. And it took a lot of effort, a lot of destruction, and a lot of sacrifice. But after all these years of fighting the evil doctor, they finally won, for good this time. They always found a way to stop Eggman’s mad schemes, but this time, he had finally run out of steam. In a last ditch attempt to destroy his greatest nemesis, he tricked and trapped Sonic in his own Death Egg Robot, and tried to take them both out by programming it to self-destruct. But thanks to Tails, Sonic was able to live another day, by hacking into the ticking time bomb that was the Death Egg Robot. He managed to get Sonic out of there, but Eggman was still inside, and finally gone for good.

While the defenders of Mobius didn’t feel very good about killing their nemesis, as that sort of thing went against who they were, they did know that one thing was certain. Mobius could finally be at peace, and if the rest of the world was celebrating, why shouldn’t they? However, despite Eggman being gone for good, his war had still done a toll on several cities he attacked, and Sonic had instructed that it would be best to try and help these cities clean up after all the destruction they went through. So each hero was tasked by going to a different former town and helping them clean up, as well as salvage the ruins for any possible survivors that may have been buried in all the rubble.

Which was why Miles ‘Tails’ Prower was currently in the remnants of Central City doing so right now. Most of the formerly bustling town was lying in ruins. Some buildings still stood, but were mostly abandoned due to the rest of the city just being nothing but a ruined shell of it’s former self. Tails was currently rummaging through the rubble, trying to find any trace of a possible survivor, even though he knew no one would be here. When Eggman first declared war, the first thing they did was evacuate all the cities he would attack to avoid any casualties.

“I know why Sonic wants us to do this” Tails muttered to himself, as he tossed several broken bricks and debris to the side, trying to see if there really was someone left behind “But everyone knows how dangerous Eggman is… or was.”

The fox still remembered the haunting image of the evil doctor panicking inside of his own creation, set to self-destruct by his own hand. He shuddered at the thought of such a distrustful end to someone's life. It was something he wouldn’t wish upon his own worst enemy. But that’s exactly what happened. Though the fox knew that what was done was done and he couldn’t change that now.

“But the point is, everyone is smart enough to get away when we announce that he’s coming” Tails continued rambling to himself, finally taking a break from the searching and just sitting down on one of the bigger pieces of debris “We’re never going to find a casualty, or even a survivor out here.”

The fox was thinking about just ditching the search party and going home to work on his beloved Tornado. It had taken quite the beating from the war and the fox was looking forward to repairing all that battle damage. But before he could even make a decision that this is what he wanted to do, the fox’s skilled ears picked up the sound of something a good distance away from him. It sounded like… crying? The fox’s eyes shot wide open as he couldn't believe he was wrong about the city being completely empty. Someone was still here when Eggman attacked, and someone was still here right now in the destroyed city, and that someone had survived. And by the sounds of their crying voice, they sounded incredibly young too.

“No way” Tails exclaimed, turning to where the sound of crying was coming from, and racing towards it “Hey! Is someone out there!?”

“Help! P… Please help!” cried the young voice, which Tails now located was coming from a pile of rubble. The fox clambered towards it and began to dig through it, trying to find the individual that was buried underneath all that debris. He threw a few brick rocks to the side and could see hints of bright white fur the more he dug through it. All the while, the sounds of the poor child crying haunted his ears.

“It’s okay” he tried to soothe whoever it was, even though he knew it must be terrifying for them right now “I’m here to help. Just don’t panic, I’ll get you out of here!”

Eventually, the fox found a hand poking out of the rubble. He reached down and grabbed it and began to drag out the victim. The young individual was still whimpering and crying as he pulled them out, and Tails got a good look at them. And he had to admit, he was slightly surprised by what he was met with, as he wasn’t quite sure he had ever met a Mobian like this before.

The person he had just saved was a young canine girl, covered in bright white and grey fur. Her eyes were unlike anything Tails had ever seen before. Instead of having white scleras and a coloured iris’, this hound’s scleras were bright red, and no, they weren’t bloodshot, they were just pure red. And her iris’ was pure white. Tails would assume that her scleras would be white like everyone else’s while her iris’ were red. But no, this girl had the opposite. She had long grey hair that nearly covered her face and was the same shade as some of the grey patches on her fur, and she was wearing a dark grey sweater and a black skirt to match, both of them had tears in them, and the girl was also covered in scratches. But from what Tails could see, it was nothing too serious, there was no need to rush her to a hospital.

The girl immediately wrapped her arms around Tails, much to his surprise and continued crying, this time into his shoulder. The fox could clearly see this poor child was traumatised from the scary situation she was in. She was obviously a victim from Eggman’s attack who just happened to survive. But where were her parents? Tails knew he had to find them too, there was no way a girl as young as her was by herself, right?

“Hey, hey” he whispered into her ear, trying to calm her down “It’s okay, you’re safe now. Doctor Eggman is gone, for good this time. What’s your name?”

“L… L… Loona” whimpered the hound, hugging Tails tighter and crying into his shoulder even more.

“Okay, Loona” he addressed her by name, trying to calm her down by gently patting her on the back “Everything will be okay. You’re safe now. Where are your parents? Are they here? I’ll help you find them.”

“My… My… My parents” whimpered Loona, finding it hard to speak when the fox asked him where they were “Are… are…”

“Yes? Tell me” Tails insisted “I promise you I’ll help you find them.”

“Gone” Loona sobbed, digging her nails into Tails’ skin “Dead… crushed by more rubble than me… I’m… I’m all alone!”

Tails’ eyes widened upon hearing that. Her parents died!? He knew there were heavy consequences and casualties from this war, but it had not occurred to him that some of the people who were still alive would have suffered a tremendous loss. And it seemed like Loona had indeed suffered a loss greater than anyone could imagine. The fox remained silent for the longest time, not sure what to do with Loona now, as she continued to cry in his arms.

“I’m… I’m sorry” the fox whispered to her, letting her hug him tightly, knowing that she had no one else in the world right now, and she needed to let out the tears.

Obviously leaving her here was out of the question. The most logical thing to do would be to take Loona somewhere safe. Of course, he could take her to an orphanage, but there was nowhere nearby that even resembled one. As the fox continued to try and figure out what to do with Loona, he couldn’t help but think about how familiar this situation was to him. He never really knew his parents as he was orphaned at a very young age. For a lot of his life as a child, he was alone in the world, until he met Sonic that is. The blue hedgehog took care of him like he was his little brother, and stood up for him whenever he was bullied.

It was there when a thought began to cross the now adult fox’s mind. He looked down at Loona, who was curled up in a ball in his arms, sobbing her eyes out. He gave a soft frown as he continued to stroke her in a comforting manner. He didn’t want to leave this poor girl out on her own, and there was nowhere else he could take her either. But that was exactly the type of situation he found himself in when he was little. Maybe, he could do the same for Loona as Sonic did for him. Of course, the fox knew that it wouldn’t be easy. He was only 20 years old and had no experience in taking care of a child. But with Loona reminding him so much of himself, he couldn’t help but not care about the difficulties that would come from taking Loona in. He was going to take care of her, no matter how hard it was.

Of course, the fox knew he couldn’t just ask Loona if she wanted to come home with him. That was a huge red flag to any outsider. He knew he had to make sure she was well cared for and knew that she could trust him. So, the fox decided to get some advice first, and he knew just who to talk to.

“Hey” Tails said, getting Loona’s attention “I know you’ve suffered a very serious loss Loona. But trust me, it’s not over for you yet. I promise you that if you come with me, I’ll get you all patched up. Some of those scratches look pretty nasty.”

“But… But… I don’t know you” whimpered Loona “My parents always told me not to trust strangers.”

“Well, you’re parents were very smart for telling you that” replied Tails “But I can assure you, I want nothing more than for you to be safe. So if you just come with me, I’ll take care of those bruises, and you can decide what you want to do. Okay?”

“O… Okay” replied Loona, making Tails give her a soft smile as he helped her stand up. He then proceeded to lead her away from the remains of Central City, and back towards his house. He had quite a few things to take care of.

A few hours later…

Loona was currently sitting on the couch, eating a toasted cheese sandwich that Tails had made for her. She had band-aids all across her body, and was currently by herself. But Tails was just in the room next to her talking to his best friend Sonic. Tails figured Sonic would be the best person to talk to about all this, since the hedgehog took him in when he was an orphaned child.

“And you’re positive that there are no traces of any other family members we could send her too?” asked Sonic, looking at Loona from the other room, who quietly ate by herself.

“I asked her multiple times” Tails reassured him “She’s positive that there’s no one else left in her family. I even went back to Central City to double check if her parents were really dead. The only people there were all casualties who suffered in the war.”

“Dang, that really sucks” replied Sonic, frowning at the fox.

“Which is why I came to you, Sonic” said the fox “I see a bit of myself in Loona. Orphaned as a child due to dead or missing parents, and then I had to fend for myself for a few years. Those were the worst years of my life. I can’t let her suffer the same fate as me. I want to look after her Sonic. But should I?”

“Well, if you want my personal opinion, if you wanna take care of an orphaned kid, it should be up to the kid” answered Sonic “Don’t know if you remember, but the reason why I took care of you in the first place was because you really trusted me and looked up to me. If Loona looks at you the same way you looked at me, then I see no reason why you shouldn’t take care of her. Besides, if you do, I know you’ll do a good job, you’re the most responsible person I know.”

“Heh… thanks Sonic” said Tails, smiling at the hedgehog before turning his attention back to the hound who was eating by herself “Well, thanks for the advice. I’ll go see what she wants to do, and if she wants to leave, then I’ll contact you and we’ll figure out what to do with her.”

“Sure! No problem buddy” said Sonic, turning to leave “Let me know how it goes.”

And with that, the speedy blue hedgehog sped out of the fox’s house, leaving Tails alone with the orphaned canine once again. Tails took a deep breath and turned his attention to the young wolf girl, who had just finished her sandwich and was gently rubbing at her bandaged scratches. She had since stopped crying, but Tails knew she was still hurting about the loss of her family. He approached Loona slowly and kneeled down in front of her. She looked at him with a curious expression on her face.

“So, obviously I know that you’re pretty uncomfortable around someone who you just met” Tails started, feeling awkward talking to a kid like this, knowing that he wasn’t the best at this sort of thing “But, since you have nowhere to go, and no close family members to take you in, I just want to let you know that I’m willing to let you stay here Loona.”

Loona’s strangely discoloured eyes looked like they raised a bit at the fox’s offer, but her expression hadn’t changed too much. She still was looking at the fox with a hint of sadness on her face and maybe a bit of curiosity.

“But, whether or not you want to stay with me is completely up to you” said Tails “It’s ultimately your choice Loona. You don’t have to stay with me if you don’t want to. I know that this is a big decision for you to make. But it’s one that you have to make soon. I’ll let you think about it for a while. You come find me when you make up your mind, okay?”

Loona didn’t respond, or even nod at the fox after he stated his offer. The fox took that as a ‘I’ll think about it’ and decided to leave Loona to think. He stood up and was about to walk out of the room, when he suddenly felt a smaller hand grab his own to stop him from walking away. Tails turned back to see Loona was on her feet, looking up at him and holding onto his hand.

“I want to stay with you, sir” she said, with certainty in her voice. Tails was taken by surprise at what she said. He figured that this was something Loona needed a few days to think about, where she would live with him for a little while and then she would decide if she was happy here or not.

“Wh… What?” Tails exclaimed, raising an eye at her “Really? Just like that? Are… Are you sure Loona? You know you don’t have to say that because you feel like you have to.”

“I know” replied Loona, before repeating her words “I want to stay with you.”

Tails couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She actually wanted to stay with him for real. He really thought that Loona was going to have to take some time to trust him. But it seemed like she already did. But now that she seemed to want to stay here, Tails knew exactly what he had to do. It wasn’t going to be easy for him to adjust to this lifestyle, but like it or not, he had to try.

“I promise you” Tails started, reaching up and pulling Loona into a hug “I will do everything I can to take care of you. I’ll pick up right where your parents left off and be the best adult figure you can rely on Loona.”

“Thank you, sir” Loona replied, returning the hug to Tails, keeping him in a firm grip.

“Heh, no need to call me sir Loona” chuckled Tails “Just call me Tails. Or… if it really makes you feel comfortable, you can call me Dad.”

Now it was Loona’s turn to feel her eyes widen. She could not believe that Tails had just offered her a choice to call him as her father figure if it really felt more comfortable. She hadn’t known Tails for more than a few hours, but just by his actions alone, she knew he meant her no harm. So she tightened her hug around him and nodded into his shoulder.

“O… Okay… Dad” she whispered to him, feeling warm and cosy in the fox’s arms, as well as safe knowing that she could call the twin-tailed fox her father now.

Later that night…

Tails and Loona had spent the rest of the day getting to know each other better. Tails showed her every part of his house so she knew where to go when she needed to go somewhere, and Loona retold Tails about what she could remember doing with her parents or in her spare time, so that Tails would know how to entertain her in the coming future. Eventually, the fox cooked a delicious dinner for both of them, before taking Loona up to his bedroom to put her to bed.

“Tonight, you can sleep in my bed” said the fox, opening the covers for Loona to climb into them “I don’t mind sleeping on the couch tonight. I’ll make you your very own bedroom as soon as I can.”

“Thank you Dad” Loona replied softly, before crawling up into the bed. She gently rested her head on the pillow, and Tails pulled the covers over her again to assure that she was nice and warm. Loona snuggled into the soft and warm bed and gave the fox a little smile, showing him that despite the rough events she had just gone through, she was going to be happy with him. It would take some getting used to for both of them, but Loona trusted Tails, and Tails wanted nothing more than the best for her.

“You get a good nights sleep now, you've had a long day” said Tails, gently rubbing Loona’s shoulder.

“Okay Dad” she replied, looking up at Tails with those big red eyes and white iris’ “I… I love you Dad.”

Tails was surprised to hear her say that after only one day of knowing him. But he smiled down at her all the same, feeling good inside knowing that Loona was putting all her trust in him. And he had no intentions in disappointing her.

“And I love you” Tails said right back to her “And nothing will ever change that.”

Tails proceeded to leave the bedroom quietly, giving her one more look before he closed the door behind her. He saw her slowly shutting her eyes and falling asleep as he closed the door. The fox took a deep breath, satisfied that Loona’s first day with him as her new father went okay. But the day was not over for Tails, he had a bit of research to do.

As the fox walked down to his living room, he couldn’t stop thinking about how different Loona was compared to most Mobians he’s met in his entire life. There was no one quite like her, especially her oddly discoloured eyes. The fox wanted to know exactly what kind of Mobian Loona was, so that he could do his very best to take care of her in the coming future, and also because he was genuinely curious. When he reached his living room, he grabbed a book that explained everything about the different sort of species of Mobians, and sat down in his armchair.

“Alright Loona” he whispered to himself, as he began to quickly flip through the pages “What kind of Mobian are you?”

The fox’s eyes scanned each and every page for a Mobian that looked anything like Loona. He came across your typical fox’s, hedgehog’s, rabbits, echidnas, bats, all that stuff that he was expecting. But it took him quite a while to find an image that even remotely resembled Loona. He was starting to wonder if Loona was some kind of secret mutant, almost like himself, when he finally flipped onto a page that caught his attention. On the left page was an adult monotone grey canine male Mobian. But it looked unlike any other Mobian he had ever seen.

The Mobian hound’s colour was similar to Loona’s, only much, much darker. He had a scar on his left eye, which Tails noticed were also discoloured, just like Loona’s, and he was incredibly muscular. He was wearing a ripped leather jacket with the sleeves torn off, which practically made it a vest, with red spikes on the shoulders of the jacket. He was also wearing a black undershirt with ripped grey pants.

This was definitely the closest Mobian that resembled the species Loona was. But when he looked to the right page which held all the information about this species, the very first word, a.k.a, the name of this species, caught his attention.

“A Hellhound?” he read to himself out loud, raising an eye at the name. That was definitely an interesting name for a Mobian species. And it wasn’t even a generic one like a fox or a hedgehog. This species name almost sounded like a supernatural monster you’d hear in a horror movie. But his interest was definitely piqued, so he began to read the information that it lent to him.

“Hellhounds have a very similar biology to any other canine’s such as dog’s, wolves and of course, fox’s” Tails read out loud to himself “But unlike other canines, Hellhounds are gifted with a very special power that they do not reach until adulthood. The ability to mimic into other Mobian species for disguises. As children, Hellhound’s can be innocent enough, but as they grow older, they develop a more aggressive personality and can be dangerous when angered… well that’s good to know…”

The fox was starting to wonder if he had made the right call in adopting a Hellhound, because that first paragraph did not make them sound like pleasant creatures. Hell, the image of the Hellhound on the left looked like he was part of a motorcycle gang that terrorised innocent civilians.

The fox continued reading and learned more and more about Hellhounds, like how no one knows where they originally came from and are very rare amongst other Mobians, most are even orphans. It made Tails wonder if Loona’s late parents were even her actual parents. There seemed to be more questions than answers with Hellhounds, but at least the fox knew what he had taken into his care now.

Another interesting part he read made him calm down from his initial worries about adopting a Hellhound. As it turns out, Hellhound’s, despite possessing an almost supernatural power to shapeshift into whatever other Mobian species they desired, they weren’t dangerous or hostile Mobians. They could just get angry and upset really easily in their early stages of adulthood, like a typical teenager really.

But then, he got to the last paragraph. This one made Tails’ eyes widen…

“A very interesting fact to know about the Hellhound is their early stages of adulthood” the fox continued to read “While their hormones tend to kick in around ages 15-18 like any other Mobian, it really starts to hit them hard once they become an adult. A Hellhound will look for any means of sexual pleasure as they will go into heat that can last from a few weeks to several years. Male Hellhounds tend to hunt for a partner to spend the rest of their lives with, but female Hellhounds will have a much more submissive and needy personality, but can also become hunters if pushed to their limit. Hellhounds will do anything to make sure their sexual desires are satiated.”

Tails was in awe when he read that last paragraph. Of course, he knew that any Mobian can go through a heat cycle like that, but it seemed to go to the extreme with Hellhound’s. Now the fox was curious and even a little bit wary about what would happen in the future. The more he read about Hellhound’s, the harder it seemed to raise one as best as possible. Loona may be acting all sweet now, but it seems that when the years go by, she will be a much, MUCH different person to what she is now.

“Maybe I’m not cut out for this” Tails said to himself “Maybe it’s best if I find someone who can take care of a Hellhound. This sounds like it will get really difficult when she gets older.”

But then the fox stopped himself from thinking about that. He was very firm about his desires to take care of Loona and raise her like she was his child. He could still see himself in the young Hellhound, and it was clear she currently had more trust in him than anyone else in the world. She wanted him to take care of her, and if that’s what she wanted, then that’s what she’ll get.

“No” he said to himself “I’m not going to give up when I haven’t even started yet. I can do this. So Loona’s a special type of Mobian who develops a bit of an attitude as she gets older. Whatever, I’ve dealt with way worse than that before.”

So instead of thinking about the possible difficulties that would come from raising Loona in the future. That decided that the best thing to do would be to focus on the present. He would cross the more difficult stage of raising Loona when he came around to it. But right now, it was getting late, and it was time for him to get some sleep.

Having learned everything he needed to know about Loona’s species, Tails replaced the book back on the bookshelf and went to grab a spare blanket from the closet in the laundry. Once he collected one, he brought it back to the living room and laid it down on the couch that sat across from the armchair he was in. He then proceeded to make the couch as comfortable as possible, and propped up some of the cushions to use as a pillow.

Once he was done, he climbed onto the couch and under the blanket, before resting his head on the cushion. It wasn’t as comfortable as his bed, but he wanted to make Loona’s first night here as comfortable as possible, and right now, despite learning what would come from her attitude as the years went by, there was nothing he wouldn’t do for the young Hellhound. He slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep, and the next day, he would be taking his first step into acting as Loona’s father figure.

Present Day…

12 years had passed ever since Tails found Loona in the rubble of Central City and adopted her. Since then, a lot of things had changed. Tails was now 32 years of age, and running his own tech company that he ran in his own house. Several people came by each day to see him and he would help them fix any broken item they had for a fair price. Because of this, Tails had earned himself quite a reasonable fortune. He had also developed quite a bit of muscle on his figure from working so much, but he was still rather lean, which was just the way he liked himself, although he was a bit irked that he had not grown a foot taller. Unlike his adopted daughter, who had not only gone through quite a growth spurt, but was also no longer like the sweet little Hellhound girl Tails had rescued.

Loona was 8 years old when Tails first found her, and was now as old as Tails was when he first found her at the age of 20. Though she had grown into a real piece of work that’s for sure. It all started well enough, Loona hung out with Tails a lot as a child, with Tails doing his best to be a parent for her. But then came her teenage years, where she had started hanging out with Tails less and less, to the point where she would rather keep to herself than be with the fox, staying in her room and texting on her phone.

Loona had also donned a bit of a bad girl look to her. As a child she wore some pretty reserved dresses that made her look like a little angel. But nowadays she donned clothes that gave her a much more dangerous vibe. She could usually be found wearing a spiked choker around her neck, a tattered grey off-the-shoulder crop top that was held up at the neckline by a series of criss-cross spaghetti-straps that form an inverted pentagram. Matching that were a set of black shorts that were tattered at the hems. She had also gotten several piercings in her ears and her right eyebrow. She really looked like a wolf from hell, as if her eyes weren’t enough to differentiate her from a normal Mobian.

As stated before, Loona had most certainly had a large personality change. When she was a child, Tails managed to get her enrolled into a school which she started off pretty well in. But as she slowly grew older, she slowly lost interest in all her school work, sometimes not even bothering to show up to her class. She had also gotten in trouble in her high school years with a group of friends, which Tails had to be called into several times. Hell, one time she and a group of her friends had roughed up a pair of poor innocent boys who were just trying to do their school work. Tails knew that Loona was an incredibly smart girl, but it was clear that she had no interest in doing any actual work, evident by the fact that she had finished school a few years ago, and was still lounging about in his house.

Of course, he knew any parent would be very disappointed, and maybe even angry that their child was like this. In a way, the fox was disappointed as he knew that his adopted daughter used to be so much better than this. But what kept him from completely lashing out at Loona was because he still remembered how much she went through as a child, and over the years, despite Loona becoming more uncaring towards him and… pretty much everything, he still had an undeniable love for his adopted daughter and would never do anything to abandon or hurt her.

At the same time, there were a lot of occasions where he was being pushed over the line, and wished that she would get off her ass and find some work so that she could help him out with the house. He didn’t need her to of course, his own job paid well enough for him to manage his house for a lifetime, but he did not want Loona acting like this forever. He hoped that one day, things would change and Loona would stop acting like an angsty teen and become more like the girl he first met at Central City.

After a long day of working hard in his workshop, helping clients with their broken items, Tails closed up his workshop. He walked into his house and sighed to himself, wiping some sweat off his brow.

“Well, another day, come and gone” the fox said to himself, looking at the staircase that led to the upper level of his house, where his bedroom, Loona’s bedroom as well as a few bathrooms were “Best be thinking about some dinner. Hm… don’t really feel like cooking tonight. I’ll order some pizza. Best go ask Loona what she wants.”

The fox walked up the stairs and turned to the right. Loona’s room was across the hall from his own room. Ever since he had adopted Loona, he had been working hard to renovate his house so that Loona could have her own room instead of always sleeping in his bedroom. Walking down the corridor, he could hear soft noises coming from Loona’s room, telling him that she was still in her bedroom and had not left from there all day, which he had come to expect by now.

“Oh Loona, tell me that you at least cleaned up” he sighed to himself, knowing that he was already asking too much from her “The last time I was in there it was super messy.”

Tails turned the doorknob to enter Loona’s room. Obviously, Loona had renovated it to suit her liking. The walls were painted pitch black, the bed she slept on had a gothic style to it, with black bed sheets and horns on all four corners of the bed. The walls were covered in posters of famous bands that Loona was into, namely goth bands such as ‘Kiss’. There were clothes all over the floor, despite there being a perfectly fine dresser set up in the corner. Yet, even the dresser was a mess, with all the drawers open and even more clothes hanging out of them. Clothes weren’t the only thing that were scattered all over the floor, there was also a few boxes of half-eaten food laying on the floor. And finally, next to the dresser, was a stand stacked with CDs of her favourite bands.

And of course, laying on the messy bed was none other than Loona herself. She was wearing her usual attire, spiked choker, off-the-shoulder crop top, black shorts and all. But it was what Loona was doing that made the fox’s eyes widen. In one hand, Loona held her phone, and she was obviously looking at something on her phone, but Tails couldn’t quite see what it was. Plus, it was her other hand that the fox was focused on. Loona’s other hand was deep in her shorts, and the fox could see the bulge it created moving rapidly. There was no doubt about it, Loona was masturbating.

Tails didn’t watch for long as the sound of him entering the room brought Loona’s attention back. She froze when her adoptive father entered the room, stared at him for a few seconds, before letting out a yelp and yanking her hand out of her pants. She quickly switched her phone off and grabbed her pillow, throwing it at Tails. Tails flinched as the pillow hit him in the face, it didn’t hurt, but he knew he did wrong and why Loona was upset.

“GODDAMMIT! f*ckING KNOCK DAD!” Loona yelled, both snarling at the fox while showing off the faint signs of a blush due to her adoptive father walking in on her while she was having ‘me time’.

“Sorry! Sorry!” Tails replied, holding up his hands in defence “You’re right, I should have knocked.”

“Ugh… what do you want?” Loona snarled, crossing her arms and turning away from the twin-tailed fox.

“I… I was just thinking about ordering some pizza tonight” said Tails, knowing that Loona wouldn’t want him to prolong the conversation “I just wanted to ask you what kind you wanted.”

“Meat lovers” Loona replied quickly, as Tails predicted, she did not want him in her room “And get your own pizza, the meat lovers is mine.”

“Yes sweetie” Tails sighed, turning to leave the room, grabbing the doorknob to shut the door behind him, just before he closed it all the way he whispered “Sorry.”

And with that, Tails shut the door behind him, before leaning against it and letting out a loud groan. That was an embarrassing situation that parents wished they never had to deal with. But the fox knew it was bound to happen at some point. Loona was that age after all where her hormones were likely going through the roof, though it didn’t change her usual uncaring and aggressive personality. The fox also hadn’t forgotten the interesting facts he had read up about Hellhounds like Loona, how young adults like her will look for any means of sexual pleasure.

Despite him walking in on what was clearly a private moment for Loona, Tails still couldn’t quite tell if she was really in heat yet. Sure, masturbating could hint towards it, but Loona didn’t seem to be acting like some sort of sex-crazed predator yet. Tails decided that it would likely be best to keep an eye on her for now. With another heavy sigh, the fox walked away to go and order the pizza.

Back in Loona’s room, the Hellhound was once again relaxing on her bed. She may have acted angry and annoyed at her adoptive father for walking in on her when she clearly wanted privacy. But what Tails didn’t know was that Loona’s annoyance was really an act. She let out a heavy sigh of her own as she picked up her phone again.

“Ooohhh, what is wrong with me?” she groaned, pinching the bridge between her eyes “Ugh… f*cking idiot. He should know by now that when I’m in my room, I want to be alone. He’s annoying, overprotective… and yet…”

Loona turned her phone on again, and she was shown the image she had been masturbating to before. Tails didn’t know this yet, but Loona was indeed starting to go through her very first heat cycle. Her hormones had obviously been building up for years, but now that she had found someone she was attracted to, they were going through the roof. This picture was one she had taken herself, of the male she had fallen for. It was a picture of her adoptive father, Tails.

“I can’t stop thinking about him” Loona finished, staring at the picture of the twin-tailed fox that had taken her in when she was a child. It wasn’t just any old image of Tails. It was a picture of him when he was in the shower, washing himself after a hard day of inventing as usual. Loona, having gained some recent attraction to the fox, snuck into the bathroom and snapped that photo of her, and ever since then, she had been spending most of her time in that room, masturbating to the picture.

Loona bit her lip as she stared at the picture of Tails in the shower, before lowering her hand down to her pants again, shifting it inside of them. Her fingers located her flower, which was already soaking wet from when she was masturbating earlier, before Tails walked in on her. She closed her eyes and began to moan out as she slipped her fingers into her drooling c*nt.

“f*ck” she muttered, slowly moving her fingers in and out of her puss*, feeling the small relief of pleasure that came from masturbating. Just simply stroking her smooth, wet vagin*l lips was enough to make her fur stand on ends and shivers to be sent down her spine. The Hellhound grit her teeth as she held her phone firmly in her other hand, looking at that photo of Tails as she began to rub herself faster and faster.

“Right… Right there!” she groaned, getting faster and louder with every moment that passed “Oooohhh f*ck! Right there Daddy!”

Despite what she kept on telling herself, and telling him, there was still no doubt about it, Loona was not only in heat, but the lust of said heat was directed towards the one who took her in. Loona knew how wrong it was. Sure, Tails wasn’t her real father, but since she had spent most of her life with him, he might as well be. And of course, she also knew of the taboo that came from this sort of attraction. But Loona found that she didn’t care. Despite all the things she does to spite her father, such as ignoring him when he tells her to do something, telling him she doesn’t care about him and that she wants him to leave her alone, she had still fallen head over heels for him.

He was just so cute and handsome at the same time, a look that most men struggled to pull off. They were either one or the other, but Tails was both, and he wasn’t even trying. The real reason why Loona acted so distant and uncaring towards Tails was not due to her typical teenage personality, but as a way of hiding her feelings for him. She feared what he might think of her if she told him. She obviously really wanted to considering what she was doing right now, but she had to consider the fox’s actual reaction, not what she wanted him to say.

“Ah! Why do I… f*cking… love you!?” she growled, glaring at the picture on her phone while sticking her fingers deeper into her puss* “You’re overbearing… annoying… come in at the worst times… and yet… I can’t… stop… thinking… about… YOOOOUUUUU!”

Loona threw her head back into her pillow, plowing her fingers as deep as she could into her puss*. Her legs spasmed, as she immediately ruined the shorts she wore by releasing her hot nectar all over them while she was still wearing them. She continued to reach her fingers deep inside of herself, even as she was cumming, which prolonged her org*sm for as long as possible, thoroughly messing up her shorts, as a few droplets of her juices leaked out of the pant legs of her shorts and onto the bed she laid upon.

The Hellhound eventually stopped cumming and relaxed, panting heavily as she stared up at the ceiling. Her chest heaved up and down as she calmed herself down from her org*smic high, sitting in a pair of ruined shorts, now full of her own saps. She lifted her phone hand up to her face and looked at the picture of Tails one more time. A few more droplets of her juices leaked out of her c*nt as she looked at it, but she quickly shook herself from her thoughts.

“He can never find out” she said firmly to herself “He’ll just make a big fuss out of it as always. Knowing him he’ll probably take me to a doctor to see if I’m okay. No one would ever let me hear the end of it either. He’s better off not knowing.”

With a heavy sigh, Loona awkwardly lifted herself out of bed. Her sticky shorts made it a little difficult to move around. A quick trip to the bathroom and a shower later, she was all clean again, replacing her ruined shorts with a fresh pair. She still didn’t bother to clean up her room, and rather than dump the shorts into the laundry basket downstairs, she just tossed it on the floor where all her other clothes laid. In the span of half an hour, she had finally cleaned herself up, and just in time too, as once she replaced her clothes on her body, she heard a voice calling to her from downstairs.

“Loona!” Tails’ voice called out “The pizza is here!”

Loona was quick to respond, leaving her room and shutting the door behind her. She still had her phone with her. One would assume it was because like most people her age, she was straight up addicted to it. But the truth about Loona was that she kept it on her to hide her hidden feelings for her ‘father’. She always said she was texting friends, when in reality, she was trying to distract herself from thinking about him when they were together.

Eventually, Loona arrived downstairs in the kitchen where Tails was already sitting. There were two pizza boxes on the table, obviously one of them was her meat lovers, and whatever Tails ordered was the other. Loona pretended to not pay attention to the fox by looking at her phone as she approached the table, though did sneak a few glances at Tails when he wasn’t looking, and took a seat on the other side of him.

“Here you go Loony” Tails said, looking at Loona and giving her a warm smile, and pushing her pizza towards her. Loona growled and hid her face behind her phone at that nickname.

“Dad! Don’t call me that, I f*cking hate that nickname” growled Loona, not wanting to show her face to Tails.

“Sorry, sorry” Tails replied, quickly taking his own pizza and shutting up quickly. Back in the day, Tails was always so open about calling Loona by the nickname he had made up for her. But knowing what he knew about Hellhound’s when they got older, how they were more prone to anger, Tails chose to tread carefully when he was around Loona. If only he knew the truth.

Loona made sure to keep her face hidden behind her phone for a little while before finally having the courage to pull it away from her, allowing the fox to see her face again. To her relief, the fox was now just quietly eating his pizza. Normally, that was how she liked it when it was anyone else. But when she snapped at her father and he quickly backed off from her, she couldn’t help but feel bad.

‘Grrr, stop it!’ she thought to herself ‘Stop caring about him. If you let slip your feelings about him, I’ll never hear the end of it!’

Loona tried to ignore her feelings for the fox sitting on the opposite end of her, and focus on her pizza. Opening up the box, she began to literally wolf down slice by slice, in comparison to Tails, who ate in a more civilised manner. Normally the fox would try and get Loona to eat less like an animal and more like… well, him. But once again, he knew of how aggressive Hellhound’s could be when they were Loona’s age, so he tried his best to ignore how she was eating, and just try and start a friendly conversation with his adopted daughter instead.

“So… uhhh… how was your day, Loona?” asked the fox “Anything worth noting?”

Loona paused as she was snapping her jaws into another slice of her meat lovers pizza. She tried her absolute hardest not to blush. It was embarrassing enough when you had a secret crush and your parents tried to force it out of you. But when you had a secret crush, and said crush was sitting right in front of you, that was a million times worse. Luckily, Loona managed to keep herself in check and act uncaring as always, since she knew that was what Tails was used to with her.

“Nothing Dad” she replied, going back to wolfing down her pizza, not caring about the drops of sauce that fell onto her top “You don’t have to ask me how my day was all the time. I’m not a child anymore, you don’t have to hype me up about another day in my life.”

Of course, by ‘nothing’ Loona meant that she had spent most of her day in her room, masturbating to Tails. The Hellhound growled to herself as that was slowly starting to become a normal part of her day now. She didn’t think her urges for the twin-tailed fox would ever get this bad. She continued to tell herself that maybe if she just kept them to herself and acted out on them when she was all alone, they would eventually go away. But every time she was with the fox, she felt herself desiring him more and more.

‘Stop it’ she thought to herself firmly, trying to distract herself by eating the rest of her pizza ‘The more you think about him, the more you’ll want him. By no means should you EVER tell him how you feel!’

“Right, I see” Tails said, replying to Loona’s answer about not hyping her up “Well, I’ve been working hard as usual, and… well… I don’t wanna sound like I’m bragging. But… a few of my female clients were definitely giving me a few looks today.”

Loona had picked up her last slice of pizza, but quickly dropped it on the floor when she heard that comment. It landed with a loud splat on the floor, but Loona didn’t care. What did he just say?

“What?” she asked him, looking at him, as if daring him to say that again.

“Well, yeah I’m serious” Tails replied, not noticing the despair on Loona’s face, and just seeming happy that she was actually interacting with him “I mean, I know you don’t care too much about your old man, but a lot of these women I had helped today were definitely giving me the eye, and it got me thinking, maybe I should get myself into the dating game. I’ve never really tried it after all, always thinking about my inventions and all that.”

While most adopted daughters would be thrilled at the idea of their adoptive fathers thinking about dating, since it usually meant they would finally get a mother as well, Loona actually felt like her world was crumbling apart. One of those needy floozy’s that came by their house each day? Flirting!? With her dad!? With HER crush!? She still stood by her beliefs that she shouldn’t tell Tails about her feelings for him, but the thought of Tails going out with one of those ladies made her feel like something very, very close to her was being taken away.

“I do have to admit, they were all rather attractive” said Tails, who was still rambling on, not realising the internal conflict Loona was dealing with right now “But one such girl really caught my eye more than others. She was a yellow mongoose woman in a purple and black top who needed help with her stereo speakers today. I’ve actually seen her a few times at the gym too. Mina Mongoose! That’s what her name was. I think I might have a shot with her.”

Loona had heard enough. She just couldn’t stand the thought of her father going out with one of those random ladies he only met on the occasion. Not wanting to hear him ramble about this anymore, Loona scooted her chair away from the dinner table, stood up and left very quickly, not wanting to look at Tails, not just because she didn’t want her secret feelings for him to slip out, but because she didn’t want him to see the tears that were slowly forming in her eyes.

“Hey! Aren’t you gonna tidy up this mess!?” Tails called out to her, indicating the empty pizza box that sat directly across from him, and the uneaten slice that fell on the floor. But Loona was already long gone, having rushed back up the stairs and into her room.

“No… of course you aren’t” sighed the fox, standing up to go and clean up the mess she made herself “What’s going on with her? She seemed rather upset when I brought all this up. I’d thought she’d be happy.”

Tails let out another sigh to himself as he slid out of his chair and proceeded to do the cleanup all by himself, tossing out both of the pizza boxes, as well as the slice Loona dropped on the floor. He then proceeded to grab some cleaning tools to wipe up the large pizza sauce stain it left on the floor.

Meanwhile, Loona had entered her room and slammed the door shut. She rushed to her bed and disappeared under the covers, curling up into a ball, steadily growling and letting a few tears etch out of her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her father was actually thinking about getting a girlfriend. She should be happy, because 1, it meant that she would finally have a mother, and 2, it might help her forget about her little crush on the twin-tailed fox. And yet, she couldn’t help but get so incredibly mad at the idea of some random bitch coming in and dating her crush/father.

“Grrr… stupid Dad” she growled “Not even checking if I’m okay with it. Don’t you see Dad? I don’t want you to have a girlfriend, I want to be your girlfriend.”

Loona continued to blame Tails for why she was acting like this, but slowly stopped as she realised that no, it wasn’t. She had been trying to keep her feelings a secret for as long as she had this crush on her father. It wasn’t Tails’ fault that he was oblivious to her feelings, she never shared them.

“Maybe… I should go down and tell him?” Loona said to herself, wiping her own tears away “Ohh, no. I can’t do it. He won’t feel the same way, he’ll just think something is wrong with me.”

Loona’s own personal struggles as to what to do about this situation kept her mind busy for the next hour. But she stopped upon hearing the door to her bedroom open up behind her. She didn’t move, pretending she was asleep, not wanting to talk to Tails about her storming away from him. She could hear the fox approaching her from behind, and she prepared for him to ask her if she was still awake, so she could reply by not moving and not saying a thing to her. But instead, he did something different.

Loona felt Tails bend down, and kiss her on the cheek, before gently ruffling her long grey hair. Loona couldn’t help but blush hard at this action, incredibly thankful that her room was completely dark right now, meaning that Tails didn’t see the blush she was now sporting. Tails then proceeded to back away from her and walk out of the room, slowly closing the door behind her, but not before whispering three words to her.

“Good night Loona” he whispered, before shutting the door behind him. And just like that, Loona’s feelings for her adoptive father grew twice as big that night.

The next day…

Tails was once again in his workshop, having spent the whole day working in there. Several broken items sat neatly on his set-up bench, and the one he would be currently working on would sit on his workbench. The twin-tailed fox was currently fixing up the broken stereo speakers he had been working on for one of his clients, the one that had been giving him the knowing eye, Mina Mongoose.

She would be coming back in a few minutes to pick up the speakers, as he had promised to finish it by the end of the week. The end of the week had come, and Tails had finally finished fixing the speakers. With his work finally complete, he gave it a quick test run by hooking them up to his own stereo, and putting on one of his favourite tapes inside of it and letting it play. Before, the stereo speakers were incredibly faulty, playing the music incredibly quiet, no matter how high the volume was turned up. But now that was all fixed, and it was all thanks to him.

“Perfect” Tails said to himself, turning off the and taking out the tape and setting it down, before proceeding to unhook the speakers from his stereo “Mina will be so happy that it’s all fixed.”

As if on que, he heard a gentle knock on his garage door, which is where his clients were allowed to knock. That after all was his business door, while his regular front door was for guests, he even had it labelled that way outside. The fox proceeded to walk over to the garage door opener and flick it on. He watched as the door slowly opened, slowly revealing a person standing in front of the door, first their feet, then their legs, waist, torso, and finally their face.

There stood his client, Mina Mongoose. She smiled sweetly at the fox, peering at him with her bright green eyes. Her long, purple hair was neatly brushed and her ear piercings glinted under the afternoon sun. The mongoose was wearing a purple tank top that matched her hair, matched with a pair of black straps, as well as a skirt with the same colour scheme. And on her feet, she wore a pair of purple and green boots, which were close to the same design as the rest of her outfit, but not quite there. To top off her attire, Mina wore a pair of black wrist cuffs on her wrists with silver duds embedded all over them.

“Hello there Mina!” Tails exclaimed, watching as the friendly mongoose walked inside of the workshop.

“Hello to you to my friendly tinkerer” Mina greeted back, giving a little giggle at her choice of words. Tails and Mina had met a few months ago, it all started when she started going to the same gym as him. They had shared a few conversations there, and it was only last week where she had asked him if he would fix her stereo speakers. And as of lately, every time Tails interacted with Mina, he could not help but notice that she was acting a little extra flirty with him, and her subtle but clear advances were having an effect on him, and Mina knew it too.

“Heh, it’s good to see you” chuckled the fox, giving a little blush as he rubbed the back of his head at Mina’s demeanour “Your speakers are right there on my workbench, good as new. Tested them myself.”

Tails jerked his thumb over towards the speakers, sitting neatly on the workbench. As the mongoose walked over to admire the fox’s work, Tails walked towards the corner of the workshop where he kept his dolly, which he used to carry heavy objects long distances. He wheeled it over towards her and stopped it right next to her.

“Here, you can borrow this to take them home with you” said the fox “I know how hard it was for you to get them over here by yourself, so I figured it would be much easier for you to carry them this way.”

“Awww, thank you Mr Prower” Mina exclaimed, grabbing the fox and pulling him into a tight hug “You’re the best!”

“Heheh, please, just call me Tails” the fox chuckled, his blush growing stronger “And it’s nothing really.”

Tails knew that Mina was trying to fluster him on purpose. After all, she had been pulling moves like this for quite a while now, and they were starting to affect him. When Mina released the fox from the hug, she began to carefully place her speakers onto the dolly to take them home. While she worked, Tails began to muster up the courage to ask the mongoose out on a date.

‘Come on Tails’ he thought to himself ‘She clearly wants to date you. Why else would she flirt with you? You’ve been thinking about dating for a while now, just ask her!’

“Okay, all set” said Mina, turning her attention back to Tails “How much do I owe you?”

“Um… well, actually Mina, before we discuss the fee for my work, I wanted to ask you something” Tails said, boldly preparing himself to ask out the mongoose.

“Oh? Okay, I’m listening” giggled Mina, giving the fox her unbridled attention.

“Well… these last few weeks, when we’ve seen each other at the gym, and even when you’ve been coming over to check on my work, I couldn’t help but notice how you’ve been acting towards me” said Tails, knowing that his blush being present was giving away a lot.

“Oh, really now?” Mina purred, her eyes lidding as she smirked at the fox. Mina knew exactly where this was going. She had been laying on the moves with the fox for weeks now, and it looks like it was finally paying off for her as it seemed that Tails was working up the courage to ask her out. She so desperately hoped that’s what it was, as she really liked the fox and wanted to date him, and even though she knew the fox felt the same way already, she needed to hear him say it.

“Well, uhh… it’s… it’s made me realise something” Tails stammered, getting more and more nervous the more he spoke “Well… I… Mina… I… I really like you.”

“Awwww, how sweet of you” Mina awed, giving the fox a pair of loving eyes “I like you too, Tails~”

This was the first time Mina had called the fox by his name, well, the nickname that he preferred to go by anyway. Tails knew that his blush had to be covering his whole face by now. But he didn’t back down, and continued to talk to Mina.

“Well, it’s… it’s gotten me thinking that… I have been single for a while now…” Tails continued to stammer “And… even though I have company in my adopted daughter… I still really want to find a partner. So… I thought that maybe… we could have a date?”

“Yes! Of course!” Mina exclaimed, pulling the fox into another tight hug, squeezing the air out of his lungs “I would love to go on a date with you!”

Tails’ eyes widened, both from the incredibly tight hug and the fact that Mina said ‘yes’. Despite knowing that Mina liked him, for some reason, a part of him deep down told him that this mongoose was just teasing him. But no, her feelings for him had been real, and she wanted to go on this date with him.

“R… Really!?” Tails wheezed out, just before Mina let him go “W… Wow! Okay. Great!”

Mina was beyond happy that the fox had asked her out. She did know about Tails having a daughter that he adopted well over a decade ago, having had plenty of conversations with him at the gym. She knew that for most girls, they didn’t want to date a guy who already had a daughter, but that never bothered Mina. She always believed that if Tails ever did ask her out, she would find a way to get along with her.

“So, when were you thinking about having this date of ours?” asked Mina, giving the fox a pair of knowing eyes, even wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. This caused Tails to blush again, but now knowing that Mina was just as eager to date as he was, he was filled to the brim with confidence.

“How about tonight?” suggested Tails “I’ll be free then.”

“Sounds good to me~” said Mina, walking behind the dolly she had set her speakers onto and grabbing hold of it, ready to wheel it home “I’ll see you tonight, handsome~. Oh! And before I forget, what do I owe you?”

“You know what? This one’s free” said Tails, beaming at the mongoose “A date should be a perfect way to pay me for my work.”

“If you say so” giggled Mina. She walked past Tails, wheeling the dolly with her. But as she passed the fox, she quickly leaned in and gave him a kiss on his blushing cheek, just to make the fox as red as a tomato as she left. Tails watched the mongoose leave, still completely stunned that he had bagged a date with this beautiful girl.

“Wow” he said to himself, simply in awe at his achievement “I’ve gotta go get ready!”

Closing up his workshop, Tails left the room to go and prepare himself for his date. He wanted it to be as perfect as it possibly could. If all goes well this could be the start of something beautiful. He would have a girlfriend, and maybe even a wife later down the line. Loona would finally have a mother, and maybe she could help him get Loona to open up a little more. And if he wanted that future, then this date had to be perfect. But as the fox began to make his journey upstairs to get ready for this date, he paused when he saw Loona striding down the stairs, and as usual, she had her phone in her hand.

“Hey, hang on a minute” Tails piped up as Loona passed him “Where are you off to?”

Despite being excited about his date, Tails was still a protective father, and he was still aware that Loona was likely going into her heat phase soon. Of course, the fox didn’t know the truth that she already was in that phase. But his concern was that because she was close to that phase, he was worried about letting Loona go out by herself. It was a parents worst nightmare for their daughter to be having sex with a random guy they didn’t know. Sure, Loona was old enough now for this sort of thing, but the fox still didn’t want Loona dating random boys he didn’t know just yet.

“I’m just going out for a girls night with Octavia” Loona grunted, not bothering to look in Tails’ direction, which was for different reasons that Tails was thinking of “There’s no need to get super overprotective, Dad.”

“Are you sure that’s what you’re doing?” Tails asked her, knowing how secretive girls her age could be “Because you know I don’t want you going out with any random boys you meet before I meet them myself.”

“f*ck sake, just leave me alone” growled Loona, still not looking in Tails’ direction “It’s just me and Octavia tonight. That’s it! I don’t even like those stupid jocks that always hit on me, they’re just a bunch of meatheads.”

She knew Tails would assume she was lying, but she was telling the truth. Loona did have her fair share of boys who wanted a piece of her. But she would never let them have her. As of right now, there was only one boy she was interested in, and it was the one boy she didn’t want anyone to know of.

Tails could have argued more, but he knew he didn’t have time to. He had a date with Mina after all, and standing here arguing with Loona was just going to waste time. So the fox came to the conclusion to let Loona go out tonight and inspect what she’s really been up to later. After all, he loved his daughter enough to give her a chance before letting his suspicions get in the way. Of course, he wanted to introduce Loona to Mina tonight, but having the entire house to himself where it was just him and Mina tonight wasn’t such a bad thought either.

“Okay sweetie” Tails said, nodding solemnly at the Hellhound. He then proceeded to walk towards her and gently turn her around to face him. Loona wanted to resist his touch, not wanting to look Tails in the eye, worried that it might make her let slip her real feelings for the fox. But her body refused to listen to her brain, and willingly turned around to face Tails.

It was amazing to think that Tails, who had not grown a foot taller since he met Loona, was shorter than her. Loona looked at Tails, who gave her the loving, caring and fatherly look that she trusted since she was a child, and pretended to be annoyed by both as a teenager and as an adult, but deep down, fell in love with. Tails then leaned his head upwards towards Loona and gave her a kiss on the cheek, making her heart completely stop for a second.

“Don’t be out all night” Tails said in a warm tone.

“Wh… Whatever, Dad” Loona stammered, quickly turning away from the fox and leaving. The fox couldn’t help but frown at that reaction she had.

Most parents would assume a reaction like that meant that their child was hiding something that the parent wouldn’t want to know about, which would make them suspicious. But it didn’t feel that way to Tails, it felt… different. Loona had been acting completely off as of late, and he hoped that she was okay. He was still aware of how Hellhounds like her acted when they came of age, and wondered if that had anything to do with Loona’s current behaviour. Whatever it was, Tails hoped to find out what it was, and help Loona with whatever she might be going through. But that was for a later time, tonight, it was all about one thing and one thing only; his date with Mina.

The hours go by…

Tails had spent the entire afternoon getting things ready for his date. Starting with himself, he took a nice long shower to make sure he was nice and clean for the occasion. He then proceeded to make a nice dinner for himself and Mina, and while it was cooking, he went about and cleaned up the house. He even went as far as to clean up Loona’s room, just for the heck of it. By the time he was all done, the house was spotless and dinner had just finished cooking. He proceeded to set up the kitchen table with two plates of the food, everything was now ready.

“Phew!” Tails exclaimed, wiping his brow as he admired his work “Finally all done. Everything is ready. I’m sure Mina will be impressed with this place. I just hope she’ll arrive soon, I set up dinner pretty early, I don't want it getting cold.”

As if right on que, the fox heard another knock on his door. This time it was his front door rather than his garage door. The fox could feel a chill run through his spine. Mina was here, meaning their date was finally about to begin. He was understandably very nervous, having never gone on a date before. He was just hoping he had done enough to make a good first impression on Mina. With bated breath, Tails went to go answer the door.

“I’m coming!” he called out to his visitor, after hearing another knock on the door. He proceeded to unlock the door and open it up, and he had to hold onto the doorknob to support himself once he got a look at his visitor. Because the sight before him was quite literally knockout gorgeous.

There stood Mina Mongoose, that same warm and kind look was on her face. But she had definitely gone through quite the closet change for this date. Her long, purple hair was tied up into a neat little bun, giving the fox a better view of her pierced ears. She had also swapped out her tank top, skirt and boots for something different. Mina was wearing a long, sleeveless strapless dress that went up to her chest, and travelled all the way down to her feet, its colour was a darker shade of purple than her hair. At her feet was a cut-off, where Tails could see just a bit of her long legs, as well as the type of shoes she was wearing, a pair of white high heels.

“Hello there Tails” Mina purred, not failing to notice how the fox nearly quite literally fell for her “Ready for our date?”

“Aww man” Tails groaned, feeling underdressed now, as he had not dressed for this occasion, still sporting nothing but his bright, white and amber fluffy fur, matched with his red shoes and white gloves “I really should have dressed for this too. You look absolutely lovely, while I look… well… naked.”

“Awww, it’s okay” giggled Mina, stepping into Tails’ house, her shoes clopping against the floor with every step she took “I don’t mind, it means I get to look at your nicely toned body all night~.”

“What? Awww, come on” Tails dismissed, blushing hard at that compliment “No way I look that good.”

“Hm, well if you say so, handsome~” Mina purred, walking past Tails, reaching a hand over to his arm and gently stroking it as she passed him. Tails felt his fur stand on ends as he felt Mina’s hand gently stroke his arm, feeling the decently sized muscles that were on it. Tails definitely wasn’t the most muscular guy in Mobius, but he hardly lacked it. As Mina walked past Tails, he was given an elegant view of her back. Tails could see that most of Mina’s back was exposed in that dress, as well as the straps that held it onto her body. He also noticed the way she walked, seeing how her hips swayed in an almost over-the-top fashion. He blushed at the sight as he couldn’t help but be attracted by that motion. If Mina was trying to ‘wow’ him, well she was passing with flying colours.

“So” said Mina, turning around on her heel to face the fox again “By any chance will I be meeting this daughter of yours tonight?”

“Huh? Oh, Loona?” asked Tails, snapping himself out of his trance “No, sorry, she went out for the night.”

“Mm, such a shame” shrugged Mina “I would have liked to meet her. Oh well, it only means I have you all to myself tonight. Just the way I wanted it.”

Mina gave Tails a very suggestive wink as she said that, even playfully sticking her tongue out at him for a brief second. Tails was more than a little surprised at Mina’s remarks and actions. But he couldn’t say he didn’t like them. Though, he didn’t want to spend the entire night opening and closing his mouth like a fish at Mina, so he decided to get things underway.

“Uhhh, I made dinner! It’s just sitting on the table in the kitchen” Tails started “It’s just in the room next to us if you’re ready?”

“Oooo, yes please” said Mina, walking towards the fox again. Tails raised an eye, wondering why she was coming back towards him when the way to the kitchen was behind her. But then, she did something that made him blush again. She linked her right arm around his left, looking up at him lovingly. She was only a few inches shorter than him as she rested her head on his shoulder.

“Why don’t you show me to my seat?” purred Mina, batting her beautiful eyes at the fox. Tails didn’t need to be told twice. Full of confidence, yet also nervousness, the fox began to lead Mina through his house, excited to see where this night would go. And if the moves Mina was laying on him were any indication, he had a feeling he could be set for a night he won’t soon forget.

Tails took Mina into the kitchen where dinner was already set up just for him and Mina, and it was still nice and hot for the two of them. The fox had made sure to go all out for this date, cooking up some delicious sausages, with a side of mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables. He had also put out a small pot of gravy to pour on the food if either of them desired it.

“Wow” Mina commented, looking impressed with the dinner, even licking her lips at the delicious sight “You really went all out for this date didn’t you?”

“I really wanted to make it special, because… well… going on this date with you tonight, I really think it could be the start of something special” said Tails, giving another blush at his confession.

“Oh… don’t worry” chuckled Mina, giving the fox another gaze with those beautiful eyes of hers “I KNOW it’s going to be the start of something special. In fact, I even have something for you after dinner~.”

“Wait… really?” asked Tails, turning to Mina with a look of surprise on his face “What is it?”

“You’ll see later on” purred Mina, reaching up and gently stroking the fox’s chin with a single finger “But I might just give you a little taste of it during dinner. You’ll have to see~.”

“Ummm… o… Okay” Tails stammered, chuckling nervously “Um… hey, why don’t we dig in before it gets cold?”

“Oh yes, we wouldn’t want that” purred Mina, giving the fox a wink.

Tails took it upon himself to be Mina’s gentlemen of the night, he pulled out Mina’s chair for her to sit down. Mina gave another giggle as she sat down in the chair, and the fox pushed her close to the table, now facing the delicious plate of food that Tails had set down for her. The vulpine then proceeded to make his way to his own chair, seating himself in front of his own respective dinner.

“Well… I hope you enjoy” said Tails, taking his napkin and laying it down in his lap.

“Oh, I already know I will” replied Mina, doing the same with her napkin “It smells wonderful, looks wonderful, why shouldn’t it taste wonderful?”

As the two of them began to eat their dinner, the fox couldn’t stop looking at Mina. It wasn’t just because the mongoose was so gorgeous, though that was partly a reason. But it was because it was kind of weird for him to be sitting at the dinner table, and the person on the other side of that table was not Loona. Of course, on nights like this when she was out with her friends, he was used to seeing no one on the other side of the table. But this was a new experience for him. Still being new to dating, the fox tried to start a positive conversation to keep things from being too boring.

“So…” Tails started, gulping down a piece of sausage “Your speakers? Are they working just as well as they used to, Mina?”

“Hm? Oh! Even better than ever before” Mina replied happily “You’ve seriously given them a real tune up. I’ve never heard my music sound so smooth.”

“I’m happy that I was able to achieve that for you” said Tails, feeling happy that he succeeded with flying colours when it came to fixing Mina’s speakers, but was also feeling a little disappointed at how quickly the conversation ended. He really didn’t know how to continue it from there. So he decided to try again.

“So… can I ask you something? About this whole thing?” asked Tails, stabbing his fork into a piece of broccoli “Why did you say yes to this date?”

“Well, why did you ask for it?” replied Mina, giving the fox a knowing smile, scooping up a sizeable mouthful of mashed potatoes.

“Oh… uhhh… well…” Tails stammered, blushing yet again “Be… Because… You… You’re… very beautiful? And I… wanted to try out dating?”

“Oh really?” Mina said, her smile growing wider “Well, I find you very handsome. And you asked, so I figured I’d take the chance.”

“I… I guess that makes sense” Tails concluded, eating the piece of broccoli he had stabbed.

“And also, because I feel like I’ve been getting to know you a lot lately, all those times we spent talking at the gym, and… well, I really want to know more about you. Maybe even all there is to know about you…” Mina was about to ramble on, when a piece of mashed potato slipped off of her fork and dropped onto her chest. The dress she wore had her breasts partly exposed since it was completely void of straps hanging off her shoulders, so that potato landed right on top of them. Tails blushed at the sight while Mina merely giggled.

“Oops” she chuckled, setting her fork down “Clumsy me.”

However, Mina didn’t seem to be looking down at the tiny mess she had made of herself. Rather, she still had her eyes on Tails, her beautiful green iris’ were locked onto Tails’ own bright blue orbs. She kept her eyes on him as she moved a hand up to the potato piece, and used a singular finger to scoop it up. But she made sure to do it slowly and carefully, really letting Tails see her scoop it up, going as far as to drag her finger across her breasts before actually lifting it back up and licking it off her finger. Her eyes didn’t leave Tails’ own for one second, she didn’t even blink.

“Uhhh… it’s okay?” said Tails, now redder than a tomato again, unable to look past how suggestive that looked “It happens to the best of us?”

“Thank you” Mina giggled, resuming eating the last few bites of her food.

“But… hang on” Tails said, trying to process what Mina’s words meant “What do you mean by ‘You want to know everything there is to know about me’?”

“Well, you obviously went on this date because you were looking for love, right?” said Mina, picking up her napkin off her lap and wiping her mouth “Did you not just admit to finding me very beautiful?”

“I… well… yes and yes” Tails answered.

“Well, if you don’t think we’re going too fast, I would love to get to know you more” replied Mina, her eyelids lowering into a suggestive gaze “And I know you would love to know me more. I know that we both know quite a bit about each other already. But I would love for us to know everything about each other.”

Tails was still not quite wrapping all of this around his head. Just what was Mina getting at? Before he could ask, he gave a loud gasp as he felt something press up against his crotch gently. The fox stared at Mina in surprise, but she just continued to look at him with that seductive grin of hers. Tails quickly broke eye contact with the teasing mongoose to look under the table, and his suspicions were indeed correct. Mina had removed her shoes by kicking them off her feet, and was now pressing her left foot into his crotch, teasing it.

“M… Mina” Tails stuttered, looking at the mongoose in shock and surprise. He assumed all that suggestive teasing she was doing before was a coincidence. But now, this confirmed that it had all been deliberate. Mina was trying to bed him, ON THE FIRST DATE!

“Eeeeevvveeeerrrryyyyythiiiinnnnggg” Mina repeated, using her hand to tug down on the hem of her dress, giving Tails a little pink at her dark yellow areolas. Yep, there was definitely no denying it now. Mina DEFINITELY wanted to bed Tails. The fox wasn’t sure how to respond to this. Were they moving too fast? Was this normal on a first date? Why was it suddenly so hot in here? Did he want what Mina wanted?

“M… Mina” Tails stuttered again, shuddering as Mina didn’t let up with her teasing, still grinding her foot into the fox’s crotch, where a certain ‘little friend’ of his was starting to stir “You… You’re serious? You wanna… do… do that!? Tonight?”

“Mm? Why not?” giggled Mina, “It’s not like you’re a stranger to me Tails. We hung out together after exercising at the gym plenty of times. I’ve been one of your clients. And we know so much about each other. Is it really that sudden to wanna get down and dirty?”

“I… I guess not…” stammered the fox “But… this early!? We’ve only just finished dinner!”

“I know” replied Mina “But as good as your sausages were, I’ve really wanted to try one that I know you have.”

Tails’ eyes widened to the size of planets at that comment. Mina really was serious about this. He knew that she had some feelings for him, having been a pretty close gym partner with him, giving him the occasional flirty attitude when she came over to see how he was doing with her speakers, and of course, happily accepting this date. But he had no idea that they were this intense. And the more she teased him, the hotter and more aroused he felt. He really wanted this too, didn’t he?

“So, do you wanna get started in getting to know each other better?” asked Mina, pulling her foot away from Tails and standing up straight, walking over to the fox and sitting herself directly on top of his lap “Or do you wanna be boring and take it slow?”

Tails gasped as Mina sat right on top of his growing erection. She teased him some more by grinding her butt directly into the fox’s crotch. Tails couldn’t help but moan at that, feeling his dick slowly grow to full mast, soon, it pressed right up against Mina as she continued to grind herself against it.

“Ooo!” she exclaimed excitedly “It seems that your ‘little friend’ down there wants to get to know me better. Mm, and it feels like a really big one down there~.”

Tails usually turned to his more logical thinking side to get himself out of a dilemma like this. But it seemed that the logical side of his brain had gone on vacation, and in its place was a lust-driven animal that wanted to experience the wonders of pleasure. Mina was just pushing that side of him out more and more. There was no other option. Mina wanted this, his body wanted this, and dammit! Tails himself wanted this too! He didn’t care if they were moving fast, he was so damn aroused now that he had to take this opportunity that had quite literally landed in his lap.

“I… I want to know you better” Tails replied, finally letting his body do the talking, his blush slowly vanished as he let his body take over, letting a new confident personality take over “I want to know everything about you!”

“Ooo! That’s what I like to hear” Mina exclaimed, excitement and lust gleaming in her eyes as she leaned her head down towards Tails’ ear to whisper into it “When does your daughter get home?”

“Usually when she’s out on these late night get-togethers she doesn’t come home until past midnight” replied Tails, reaching up and wrapping his arms around Mina’s body while burying his face into the crook of her neck. This gave him a strong whiff of her perfume, it was an intoxicating scent that aroused him even more.

As the fox was getting himself lost in arousal, Mina looked past the fox to look up at the clock that was hung up on the wall behind him. It had just struck 8pm, which made her grin. If Loona really was out for that long, then she would have this hunk of a fox all to herself for a couple of hours, which would give her more than enough time to explore every nook and cranny of him, and for him to do the same to her.

“Then let's move this to your living room.” purred Mina “I wanna ride you on your couch handsome~.”


At a nearby local bar, Loona was currently hanging out with her best friend Octavia. She had called up the owl girl earlier to go out on a girls night with her to try and get herself out of the deep blue funk she was in. What her father said last night about getting into dating again was still on her mind. She knew that any adopted daughter like her would normally be happy about this sort of thing, but since she was crushing on her father, she didn’t want any other woman to touch Tails but her. But of course, with her technically being his daughter, that sort of thing would be frowned upon.

So as of right now, she was trying to drown out her sadness with alcohol. But even the booze wasn’t working as no matter what she thought about, it somehow brought itself back to Tails. She was hoping that Octavia would be telling her stories about what was going on in her own life, in the hopes that this would get her to stop thinking about Tails. But it just wasn’t going anywhere.

“f*ck, I tell you Loona” said Octavia “The guy I was with last night, such a dead f*ck. Couldn’t even get it up despite all the boasting he did about having Mobius’ biggest prick.”

“Mmhmm” Loona hummed, looking at her half empty bottle of beer, swirling it in her hand and watching the liquor swish around inside the bottle.

Octavia of course, wasn’t oblivious to how Loona was acting tonight. At first, she was looking forward to this girls night as she and Loona would do several things like check out what sort of new goth attires could be found at the mall. But tonight Loona didn’t seem to want to do anything more than sit in this bar and drink away. In an attempt to try and get Loona’s attention, Octavia tried to get a rise out of her.

“Course, you wouldn’t know about any of that sh*t, you are still a virgin after all” Octavia tried to tease. Octavia and Loona were indeed friends, but sometimes Octavia enjoyed getting a rise out of Loona by teasing her about being a virgin, while she herself has had plenty of boyfriends. It was just fun to see her get ticked off sometimes. But once again, Loona replied with a monotone hum and just drank up the rest of her beer, making Octavia frown.

“Oh come on, what’s wrong with you?” Octavia asked “You usually start snarling at me to take back a remark like that, and all you’re doing is sitting here and chugging down that liquor.”

“There’s just… a lot going through my mind right now” Loona replied, not wanting to talk about the bind she was in, while also raising a hand to signal the waiter “Get me some whisky, will you? Need something stronger than this cheap ass sh*t.”

“Uhhh, are you sure you’re old enough miss?” asked the bartender, who was a purple fox with only one eye, an eyepatch over the other “This whisky is only for people aged over 24. And you only look 20 years of age.”

“Just gimmie the f*cking drink!” Loona growled, reaching into her pocket and slamming all the rings she had brought with her on the counter. The bartender, clearly terrified of the Hellhound’s outburst, quickly poured Loona a large glass of whisky and set it to her side, while shakily taking the rings she had slammed on the counter.

While Octavia was used to seeing this type of fire from Loona when the two of them happened to cross a muscle-brained goon who was trying to hit on them, she knew that something was on the Hellhound’s mind right now. While the two of them enjoyed being bad bitches, that didn’t mean they shouldn’t look out for each other. So Octavia decided to get to the bottom of this.

“Hey” Octavia piped up, placing a hand on Loona’s shoulder “You seem more on edge than you usually are. Seriously, I wanna know what's up, so why don’t you tell me?”

“Why do you care anyway?” growled Loona, swallowing down all her whisky in one gulp, releasing a loud belch afterwards.

“Look, just because I get a kick out of vandalising other people’s property and mostly keep to myself, it doesn’t mean I don’t care about my friend” said Octavia, her eyes piercing deep into Loona’s “So tell me, what’s going on with you?”

Loona and Octavia just sat there and stared at each other for a long time. Loona knew that Octavia’s piercing gaze would get her to break, she was an owl afterall. With a heavy sigh, Loona rested her head on one of her hands, turning away from Octavia to stare out into space.

“It’s just this guy that I’m into” sighed Loona “I really, really like him, and I really want to be his.”

“Oh? I never knew you had a crush” replied Octavia, who normally would start teasing Loona about being a virgin from a conversation like this, but decided to treat this moment more seriously “Well why not? You're badder than any girl I know. What’s stopping you from admitting your feelings to this guy?”

“It’s not that easy” said Loona “Because… ugh… you can’t tell anybody I said this. But… the person I’m in love with… is my Dad.”

Loona blushed hard and hid her face into her hands. This was the first time she had admitted her crush on her adoptive father to anyone. Octavia just stared at Loona in complete and utter shock. She wasn’t expecting to hear that. Octavia didn’t really know Tails, or had she ever really taken the time to properly meet him. Loona always just showed up for these girls' nights by herself.

“Your… Your Dad?” asked Octavia “You mean the guy who adopted you?”

“Yes! Obviously!” growled Loona, not taking her face out of her hands “I barely remember anything about my real Dad anymore!”

“Okay, Okay, sorry” said Octavia “I was just making sure I heard you correctly.”

“Yeah, yeah, go ahead” growled Loona “Tease me for being in love with the guy who raised me. I know you’ve got a lot of your sh*tty quips to dish out at me.”

“Loona, why would I do that?” asked Octavia, tilting her head at Loona

“Because, he’s my parent by technicality” growled Loona “Everyone freaks out when someone has a crush on their parental figure.”

“Well… Loona, I don’t think it’s like that for you and your ‘Dad’” said Octavia, replacing her hand on Loona’s back and rubbing it affectionately.

“Oh yeah, totally!” Loona exclaimed sarcastically “If Dad ever figures out I’m in love with him he’ll think there’s something wrong with me!”

“Loona, just shut up and listen for a moment” Octavia replied in a loud enough voice, enough to make Loona lift her head out of her hands in surprise to look at the owl “Do you love this man!?”

“I… yes…” Loona replied “But…”

“You want to be his? More than anything?” Octavia interrupted.

“Well… yes” Loona answered “But, look. It’s just…”

“Does he come from the same bloodline as you?” Octavia interrupted again.

“... No” Loona replied in a sheepish tone.

“So what’s stopping you from telling him how you feel?” asked Octavia “Is it really taboo if you two aren’t related?”

“Well… I… no, I guess not” said Loona “But… he took care of me ever since I was 8. I feel like he won’t see me as anything else but his daughter.”

“Well, you won’t know unless you tell him” shrugged Octavia.

“But if I do tell him, he’s probably going to freak out” insisted Loona.

Octavia moved her hand from Loona’s back, over to her shoulder to turn her around so that the two of them could look at each other fully. Their eyes once again locked onto each other as Octavia gave Loona a reassuring gaze, while Loona just looked at Octavia with a bit of uncertainty in her eyes.

“Even if he doesn’t feel the same way towards you, there’s nothing in the world that will stop a parent from loving their child” said Octavia “Even if the parent and the child aren’t related.”

Loona let Octavia’s words settle in for a bit. That last part in particular set something off in Loona. She remembered the very first day she and Tails met, when he pulled her out of the rubble of her former home and took her in to take care of her. She remembered the night he tucked her into his bed, and she told him she loved him, and he said the same thing right back to her, and then added that nothing will ever change that.

“But… he said he’s thinking about dating someone” sighed Loona, looking away from Octavia and down at the counter “Obviously he doesn’t have the same eyes for me as I do for him.”

“So because he’s thinking about dating, you’re just gonna roll over and let some slu*t come in and take him?” asked Octavia, raising an eye at Loona “Since when do you let others take what you want?”

“But…” Loona started again “Dad wouldn’t want me to…”

“Since when the f*ck have you cared about what your Dad has wanted?” Octavia asked, as if she was challenging Loona “You need to stop thinking about how he’ll see this situation, and start thinking about how you’ll handle it!”

It was as if that last part finally made things click together for Loona, allowing her to finally make a decision. Octavia was right, there was nothing in this world that would stop Tails from loving her, and she would never know if he disapproved of her feelings for him if she didn’t find out. And if he was thinking about dating again, then it was all the more reason for her to confess to him now.

“You’re… You’re right Octavia” Loona concluded, looking at the owl yet again “I don’t give a f*ck what happens, I’m going to go home and tell him how I feel right now.”

Loona reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She opened up her photos, and pulled up one she had taken of Tails when he was in his workshop, working hard on his inventions. She gently traced her finger over the image in a love heart like motion, gazing at the fox who raised her, and the man she fell for. She then looked back at Octavia.

“Thanks” she said, smiling down at her friend “I really needed that. I’m going to tell Dad how I feel about him, and I don’t care what happens.”

“There’s the Loona I know” cheered Octavia, smiling right back at Loona.

“But first… nature calls. That whisky went right through me” Loona grimaced, setting her phone down on the counter “Can you look after that for me while I go?”

“Go ahead” replied Octavia, waving Loona away. Loona quickly rushed away to the ladies room to go and relieve herself, leaving Octavia with Loona’s phone. Octavia looked at the device and saw that Loona had not turned it off, and it was still on that picture of Tails working away. Octavia had never actually met Tails in real life before, so this was her first real look at him.

“Hm, not bad” Octavia said to herself, checking out the image of the fox “Looks like a hard worker alright. And he’s pretty cute for an older guy. And two tails? That’s kinda cool. Heh, now I can see why Loona’s crushing hard on him. Hm… wonder if she’s got any other pics of him?”

Her curiosity getting the better of her, Octavia decided to scroll through Loona’s photos to see if there were any more pictures of the twin-tailed fox. But when she flicked the picture left to look at the next photo, she immediately blushed as she was met with quite the surprising photo indeed. Octavia had scrolled onto the picture of Tails in the shower, the picture Loona had taken to masturbat* too. Octavia nearly dropped the phone in surprise as she blushed harder than a tomato. This gave her a proper look at the fox’s body as the water gave her a better view of his decently muscled body and his cute, yet handsome face.

“Holy f*ck” Octavia gawked, staring at the photo, unable to look away “Now that is a DILF if I’ve ever seen one.”

Looking over her shoulders to make sure no one was looking over her shoulder, as well as making sure that Loona had not yet returned, Octavia quickly began to tap some commands into Loona’s phone. Opening up Loona’s messages app and downloading a few files from her photo reel. Once she was all done, she switched the phone off and set it back on the counter. After she made sure it looked like she had done nothing, Octavia pulled her own phone out of her pocket to check on something, a wild grin spread across her face when she saw she had a new message.

“Excellent” she murmured to herself, slipping her phone back into her pocket. After a few more minutes, Loona returned from the bathroom and walked back to where Octavia was sitting.

“There, much better” said Loona, taking her phone off the counter and tucking it back into her pocket “Thanks for looking after that.”

“No problem at all” replied Octavia, giving Loona a knowing smile “Now you go get that fox, you hot bitch.”

“Oh, I’m gonna get him alright~” purred Loona, winking at Octavia, before turning to leave “See you later! Sorry this girls night was a little short by the way!”

“Oh, don’t you worry about it” Octavia called back to her, before taking out her phone again and opening it up “I’ve got my own ways of keeping myself entertained tonight.”

Having said her goodbyes to Octavia, Loona exited the bar. She was fully aware that a ton of eyes, namely the eyes of drunk and horny males were watching her. But for once, she didn’t mind. They could stare at her all they wanted, because at the end of the day, none of them would ever get a piece of her. It was all going to be reserved for her Daddy, and nothing was going to stop her. Of course, there was still a chance that Tails wouldn’t feel the same way about her. But she was going to keep her head held high and not worry about that until it was confirmed.

As Octiva watched Loona leave the bar, she ordered another whiskey for herself and downed it all in one shot which shocked the purple fox, those two girls could really hold their booze. She planted some rings on the counter and left, a smirk on her lips as she had a date with her favourite special toy and the images of a certain two-tailed fox that she'd 'stolen' from Loona's phone.

“Hope you’re ready for a big reveal tonight, Daddy” Loona said to herself, a huge smirk on her face “f*ck, I knew I had Octavia as a friend for a reason.”

But then, a thought suddenly came to Loona’s head. A thought that made her stop in her tracks and think for a minute. She just thought about the very last words that Octavia had said to her right before she left. ‘You go get that fox’.

“How did Octavia know that Dad was a fox?” Loona said to herself, looking back at the bar, which was a good distance away from her “I’ve never talked to her about him until now, and she’s definitely never met him before.”

There was something very odd about that indeed. Octavia knowing that Tails was a fox despite never even meeting the fox, or even being told about him by Loona. It was definitely very fishy indeed. But despite Loona wanting to know how Octavia knew that little bit of information, she knew she didn’t have all night to dwell on it.

“Agh! f*ck it, I’ll worry about that sh*t later” Loona growled to herself as she resumed walking “Right now, I’ve only got one thing on my mind. I’m telling Dad how I feel about him tonight, and if I’m really lucky, it won’t stop there. It’s better I tell him now before I miss my chance and he willingly walks into the hands of some horny bitch who wants to get his hands on my Daddy. Good thing he should be home alone tonight.”

Back at the house…

With Mina having successfully charmed Tails with her beauty and teasing actions, the two of them had relocated to the living room and were now getting things underway. Mina couldn’t even make it into the living room without letting her urges take over, pinning Tails to the wall and passionately making out with him. Tails, while a little overwhelmed by the major turn this date had taken, was still eager to kiss her back.

Of course, the fox was indeed a virgin, but he was letting his instincts guide him, and they seemed to be doing something right as all his actions seemed to be pleasing Mina. From him letting his hands roam freely around Mina’s body, feeling her soft fur and skin and well curved form, to the full on tongue kiss he was sharing with her. Their open lips mashed together as their tongues wrestled for dominance. While continuing their little mouth war, Tails managed to guide Mina into the living room, where she proceeded to tackle him onto the couch, lying on top of him as they continued to make out, while the sounds of their kissing filling the room.

“f*ck~” Mina moaned, breaking the kiss with Tails “You have no idea how long I wanted to do this with you Tails.”

“You… You really have feelings for me that strong?” Tails asked, giving a bit of an awkward chuckle.

“Like I said, you have no idea” replied Mina “Now, you just sit here for a minute and get your dick out for me, while I get out of this dress.”

Mina rolled off of Tails and slid off the couch, allowing the fox to sit up straight and watch Mina as she backed away from him, her hands reaching up behind her dress, all while she grinned hornily at him.

Wanting to give the fox a show, Mina turned around so that her back was facing the fox. From this view, Tails could see the strings that held Mina’s dress up. With her hands reaching behind her, Mina undid the straps and her dress became loose and shedded off her body like a reptile’s dead skin. The fox’s blush immediately returned with a burning passion as the back of Mina’s body was quickly revealed to him. Not only had Mina not been wearing a bra underneath her dress, but she wasn’t wearing any panties either. When her dress fell off her form, Tails was given a full on view of her plump, juicy rear.

Mina turned her head around so she could look at the fox. She grinned seductively at his reaction, placing her hands on her hips as she began to sway her hips around in big, slow circles. Tails’ eyes were glued to Mina’s rear, watching it get closer to him, then further away from him, then rinse and repeat. Tails swore that each time it circled its way towards him, it got closer and closer. It wasn’t until he felt it brush his crotch that he realised that Mina had slowly been moving backwards towards him as she circled her hips.

“AH!” Tails cried out, suddenly feeling Mina’s butt brush his crotch. His erection had been slowly growing ever since Mina had begun teasing him back in the kitchen, but it took Mina’s bare bottom sitting itself down onto his lap for it to fully spring to life, becoming its full length and width, pressing in between Mina’s ass cheeks.

“M… Mina…” Tails gasped, feeling Mina seat herself on the fox’s lap, her back still facing him “That… That feels… so…”

“I know~” purred Mina, who began to grind her hips back and forth, sliding Tails’ erection between her butt cheeks “It feels amazing doesn’t it?”

Tails nodded and just sat back, letting Mina work his erection, enjoying the pleasures he felt from it. Her soft rump grinded into his crotch, making his dick pulse and throb. Mina could feel every inch of that fat erection, how warm it was, she could even feel a bit of pre leaking from the tip as she could feel something warm, gooey and sticky. Her grin widened as she continued to tease Tails with her amazing butt.

The mongoose was tempted to just do this to get the fox off. She knew it was successful since she could already feel the fox releasing pre-cum all over her. But she wanted to get an actual taste of that dick, and his cum too. Plus, she wanted to see what exactly she was working with. From just grinding against him, she knew he was big. But just feeling it didn’t tell her how big it was.

So Mina reluctantly stopped teasing the fox and stood up again. The fox gave a little unhappy groan as he was enjoying the pleasure that he felt when Mina grinded on him. Mina took a little time to reach behind her and scoop up the cum the fox had released on her with her fingers. She brought it up to her face so she could look at it. Thick, creamy, sticky and musky. Ticking all the box’s she wanted already. With another wild grin on her face, Mina brought her fingers up to her face and licked up all that cum.

“Mmmm…” she hummed, liking how it tasted. It tasted salty, yet also very sweet, two flavours that could easily not work well together. But in this case, Mina liked it, it was a perfect balance between the two flavours. Well, his cum tasted good, now what about the size? Having thoroughly cleaned up her fingers, Mina took them out of her mouth with a loud pop before turning around to see what she was working with. Needless to say, she was lost for words when she properly saw the fox’s shaft.

Tails’ dick was 12 inches long, and 2 inches thick. A real monster of a shaft already, but that’s not where the positives ended. All over that thick, juicy co*ck were long veins that ran from its base, all the way up to his tip. Hanging underneath that juicy shaft was a pair of big, round, apple-sized balls. Just looking at that ballsack told Mina that what Tails had released onto her ass was barely scratching the surface of how much foxy seed he had to offer.

“Oh my~” she purred, giggling hornily “What a monster.”

“Is… uhhh… that a good thing? Or a bad thing?” asked the fox. Due to being a virgin, Tails didn’t truly know if his dick being regarded as ‘a monster’ was a compliment or an insult.

“It’s an amazing thing you silly fox” giggled the mongoose, walking towards the fox again, dropping to her knees when she was right in front of him “And not only is it such a behemoth of a dick, but your cum tastes amazing too! I want more of it!”

Wasting no time, Mina brought her head as close as she could to the fox’s shaft and let her tongue slip out of her mouth. She dragged her wet muscle from the base all the way up to the fox’s sensitive tip. Tails gasped and shuddered as he felt Mina’s tongue travel up his co*ck, the pleasure he felt from it making his fur stand on ends.

“Oooohhhh wooowww” Tails moaned, liking the pleasure he was feeling. Mina grinned at his reaction and quickly upped her game. The mongoose began by swirling her tongue around the fox’s tip, which caused more pre-cum to leak from the moaning fox’s slit, which was quickly licked up by her. This action is what slowly led Mina to enveloping the tip into her warm mouth, and proceeding to bob her head up and down, taking more of his shaft into her mouth each time she went down.

Tails threw his head back into the couch cushions as Mina worked his co*ck. A thick layer of her saliva began to coat the fox’s dick, making it nice and slick. She not only wanted a good taste of his sem*n, but she also wanted to get the fox prepared for what she really wanted to do with him. She had prepared for this, not only picking out the most revealing dress she could, but also taking birth control. Not only was she not ready for a child, but Tails was already taking care of Loona, he probably couldn’t handle the stress of taking care of a new kid. But she still fully intended to tie the knot with him, and with Loona gone for the night, nothing was going to stop her. Or so she thought.

Outside the house…

Loona had finally made it home. It felt kind of weird for her to be home so early, since she was normally out past midnight. But none of that mattered to her right now. All that mattered was telling Tails how she felt about him. She was keeping her fingers crossed that he felt similarly. Even if he didn’t, the conversation she had with Octavia still made her feel better about admitting her feelings to the fox all together.

“Alright, I’m home” she said to herself, looking up at the house she had stayed in ever since she was a kid. Since she got home at about midnight, she was used to all the lights being off in the house since by that point, Tails was usually asleep. From outside, she could see that a few of the lights in the house were on. Again, not a sight she was used to, but she glossed over it since she was home earlier than usual.

“Here goes nothing” said Loona, psyching herself up for the confession she was about to make. But nothing could prepare Loona for what she was about to see.

Back inside the house…

“Oh! Ooohhh Mina!” Tails moaned out, feeling his co*ck throb inside the wet cavern that was Mina’s mouth, feeling her head bob up and down, his saliva-coated shaft sliding in and out of her gob. The mongoose’s tongue was also working every inch of the pulsing erection, teasing the tip, dragging itself across every vein, and just making Tails feel even better than he already was.

Tails gripped the couch cushions as Mina continued to suck him off. Each little action making him feel even better than ever. Of course, due to being a virgin, he wasn’t quite used to these sorts of pleasures. It felt good, but it also felt intense. His inexperienced dick clearly wouldn’t last long, and Mina knew it from how hard he was throbbing in her mouth. Thankfully, the mongoose didn’t mind if Tails blew his top quickly. She knew that with time he would be able to last longer. So she just focused on bringing the fox to his org*sm as soon as possible.

“M… Mina… MINA!” Tails cried out, feeling like his co*ck was going to explode “I’m! I’m gonna blow Mina! Brace yourself!”

By the way Tails was shouting, it sounded like he was going to blow a big load of cum. And Mina assumed correctly. When Tails came inside of her mouth, her cheeks instantly puffed out to accommodate for the sheer amount of fox seed that was released into her mouth. The mongoose felt her eyes roll back into her head as she was blessed with the amazing taste of Tails’ cum. She did her best to swallow the huge load, but with every heavy gulp she took, she found her mouth to be instantly full of fox cum again.

Eventually, Mina couldn’t take it anymore and pulled herself off the fox’s shaft, panting for breath. As she tried to get her breath back, Tails org*smed over Mina’s body, spraying her with his seed. Mina panted and giggled as she was covered in the fox’s cum, feeling every thick, gooey drop land on her face, her chest and even her hair. She just couldn’t believe how much he had just released. A lot of it she swallowed, yet there was still a lot more that was currently oozing down her body.

“Heehee, wow!” Mina exclaimed with a giggle, looking at herself as Tails calmed down from his intense org*sm “Look at all of this cum. It’s so much.”

Tails looked down at Mina and his eyes widened when he saw just how much of his gooey, sticky, white essence was covering her. She looked like she had just been given a thorough cum bath. He shuddered at the sight of her, but also felt bad for covering her in his sticky seed.

“S… Sorry” he said in a sheepish tone.

“What for?” asked Mina, grinning at the fox “I love that you have so much to give! I bet you have more brimming in those balls of yours. Don’t you?”

“Ummm… y… yeah? I guess so?” Tails replied, actually not too sure how much cum he could produce in one sitting. But he did have a feeling that if this load he shot onto Mina was anything to go by, he still had a lot more to give.

“Mm… then we best not waste anymore time~” purred Mina, pressing her hands into the fox’s legs, not bothering to clean the cum off her face “Because I wanna ride that big, fat f*cking dick of yours for hours, so that when I’m done with you my puss* will be gaping as wide as a…”

“WHAT THE f*ck!?” a sudden shriek filled the room, interrupting Mina and catching the two lovers by surprise. They both turned around to see none other than Tails’ adopted daughter, Loona, standing right there, looking both shocked and enraged at the sight of them.

“EEEEEEK!” Mina cried out, doing her best to cover her naked body with her arms, which of course didn’t cover much.

“LOONA!?” Tails cried out, immediately using both his hands and twin tails to hide his boner “Wh… Why are you home so early!?”

“What the f*ck is this!?” Loona demanded, pointing at Mina while glaring at Tails “What the f*ck is this random bitch doing in our house!?”

“H… Hey” Mina retaliated defensively, looking hurt at how Loona referred to her “I’m not a random bitch! I’m his date!”

Loona’s piercing gaze turned to Mina. Both Mina and Tails may have been older than Loona by a wide margin, but that gaze she gave the two of them would be enough to make anyone wet themselves. Loona was snarling like a wild wolf as she glared at Mina. The Hellhound knew of Mina from her friends due to gossip at school. She knew exactly what kind of person Mina was deep down. She knew she wasn’t just here to hit on Tails. She was also here for a different reason, and she wasn’t about to let her father be the victim of it. Finding Mina’s dress on the floor, Loona picked it up and threw it at the startled mongoose.

“GET THE f*ck OUT!” shouted Loona, pointing at the door.

“Wha- hey!” Mina complained “You can’t just do that!”

“Loona!” Tails piped up, trying to calm the situation down “If you just give us a chance to explain I’m sure we can…”

“I SAID GET OUT YOU CHEATING slu*t!” Loona screamed at the top of her lungs. That insult startled Tails, but it seemed to have an even greater effect on Mina, who suddenly looked incredibly frightened. Before Tails could say anything else, Mina quickly stood up and hurried out the room. Loona watched Mina as she passed her to leave the house. She so desperately wanted to hurt Mina for not only hitting on Tails, but also trying to bed him. It wasn’t just because she had feelings for Tails herself. Although yes, it was mostly that. But it was also because she knew of the real reason Mina was here.

Tails stared in disbelief at everything that had just happened. It was almost like a full on tidal wave had crashed on top of him. What went from a tender moment with Mina had dissolved into a full on sh*t show. It took the sound of the front door slamming shut, indicating that Mina had left to snap the fox back into his senses. He had tolerated this type of behaviour from Loona for years. But now she had just shouted his date out of the house for no good reason. Sure, maybe she didn’t want to see the sex they were clearly about to have, but this, this was too much.

“What was that for!?” Tails demanded, standing up off the couch, the sudden arrival of his daughter effectively killing the mood that had been set up before “Why did you make her leave!?”

“Why are you just going out on dates without telling me about them!?” Loona demanded right back at him.

“Loona, I have had it with this behaviour that you’ve adopted!” Tails growled at her, now adopting a piercing gaze of his own, which didn’t phase the Hellhound at all “I don’t try and delve too much into your personal life, so it’s none of your business as to who I go out with!”

“You’re really going to try and turn this on me after I caught you having sex with a stranger!?” scoffed Loona “I thought you were more moral than that Dad!”

“She’s not a stranger! I’ve known her for months now!” Tails shot back “I wanted to go out with her for weeks! And now she probably won’t ever want to come back here again because of you!”

“Good!” Loona growled “I did you a favour then! You have no idea what that bitch was really doing with you!”

“I think I could see it pretty clearly!” Tails shouted right back at her “Listen, I know it’s not in a girl’s interest to catch their father having sex, even if they’re adopted, but this was not the way to go about it!”

“DAD! THAT BITCH ALREADY HAS A BOYFRIEND!” Loona finally snapped, butting her head against Tails’ own. Those words hit Tails like a steam train, his anger at Loona diminished immediately.

“Wh… What did you say?” Tails asked her, unable to believe what he was hearing.

“One of my friends is the daughter of someone who’s best friends with Mina’s boyfriend” growled Loona, wanting her father to know that she was being played by the mongoose she had chased out “Ash I think his name was, I don’t know! Guy’s honestly a piece of sh*t from what I heard. And Mina was just using you to get back at him for… f*ck… who knows what he did. Whatever she told or did with you tonight, it wasn’t real love Dad!”

Tails couldn’t believe what he was hearing. All this time, he had wanted Mina, and Mina wanted him, only for some petty revenge over whatever her actual boyfriend had done to her. He felt like everything he had in that conversation with her from before was a lie, no, he felt like he had been living a lie for the past few hours. The fox felt heartbroken from what he heard, his anger at Loona now completely diminished, now replaced with sadness. He let his head hang as he stared down at the ground sadly. Loona’s own anger disappeared when she saw the sadness on the fox’s face.

“Dad?” Loona said, speaking a bit more softly “Hey, I’m sorry for yelling… I just…”

“I know” Tails interrupted, still not looking up at Loona “Thank you. But… I just… need to go lie down. It was silly of me to think that anyone would ever love a freak like me anyway. Just… go do whatever you want… I’m going to bed.”

Loona watched as Tails left the living room to go back upstairs to bed. This was not how she wanted this night to go. After her conversation with Octavia she was much more confident about revealing her feelings to the fox who had taken her in. But now, she wondered if now was really a good time to tell him. After she had caught him having sex with another girl, and stopped him from being used by said girl, seeing him so distraught over the fact that he was being used made it seem like an inappropriate time to tell him.

“f*ck” she muttered to herself “Do I tell him now? Or wait? If I don’t tell him now I might lose confidence and Octavia will laugh at me. But is now really a good time?”

Loona was taken from her thoughts when her sensitive ears perked up when she heard something coming from upstairs. It was the sound of Tails’ voice. And it didn’t sound happy. It was a sound that made her usual uncaring attitude completely disappear, in favour of the one she loved both as a father, and wanted to love as a lover. Tails was crying, clearly very upset about the fact that Mina wasn’t really in love with him the same way he was.

“Grrr… no!” Loona growled to herself “I’m not waiting anymore! This is more than just what I want now! He needs me!”

Loona quickly rushed upstairs and turned to where Tails’ room was located. She opened the door up and found the fox laying face down on the bed, his face buried in his pillow. His body was shaking uncontrollably as he was clearly crying his eyes out. Loona shut the door behind her and walked towards the bed. Tails was too busy crying to realise that Loona had entered his room, but figured it out when he felt the weight of the bed shift when Loona sat down on the edge of it.

“L… Loona…” Tails sobbed, his voice muffled due to being buried in his now wet pillow “P… Please… leave. I… don’t want you to see me like this.”

“I’m not going to leave you Dad” Loona spoke softly, reaching down and placing a gentle hand on Tails’ shoulder. The fox’s sobbing eased up a bit, replaced by genuine surprise. He had not seen his daughter act so sweet and caring towards him in such a long time. He slowly lifted his head up and wiped his eyes dry, tears were still streaming down his face though.

“L… Loona?” he sniffled “Why… Why are you trying to comfort me. I… I thought you didn’t care about me.”

“Dad, of course I care about you. You big dummy” Loona replied, tightening her grip on Tails’ shoulder “I always have.”

“You just… never seemed like you did… that’s all” replied Tails, slowly sitting up to sit next to Loona, before giving a heavy sigh “I’m… I’m sorry you’re seeing me like this Loona. I’m just really heartbroken over Mina.”

“Oh don’t cry about some bitch that didn’t love you Dad” said Loona “She’s not worth the tears.”

“It’s not just that” said Tails, feeling tears well up in his eyes again “It’s just that now knowing what I know, I feel like no girl out there will love me after all. I mean… who wants someone who looks and acts like a big nerd almost 24/7, and has an abnormality of two twin tails?”

This was it, this was Loona’s chance to tell her adoptive father, the fox who had taken her in when she lost her real family and had nowhere to go all those years ago, how she really felt about him. He couldn’t have given her a better opening to confess to him. She took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

“Well… I kinda do” said Loona, preparing herself for the room to go completely silent. And just like that, she had predicted the future. Tails completely froze upon hearing Loona’s words, even his tears seemed to freeze. Loona just sat there and watched him, not wanting to say anything else, deciding that it would be better to let Tails process this. After what felt like an eternity, Tails turned his head towards his adopted daughter and looked up at her.

“What… What did you say?” asked the fox, wondering if he heard her correctly.

“I said, I want you Dad” Loona said again, as confidently and firmly as she could.

“Is… Is this a joke?” asked Tails, not believing what he was hearing. Because after he heard about Mina’s true intentions, he didn’t know what to believe.

“Does this seem like I’m joking?” asked Loona, who decided to take the biggest risk of all. She grabbed Tails by the chest fur and brought him into her. Tails gasped as he was brought towards Loona, his lips landing on her own, as she locked them into a big kiss.

Both Tails and Loona felt their hearts completely stop as they kissed. Tails, because he couldn’t believe what was happening. He was kissing the girl he had taken in as a child, raised into adulthood, and said girl had just confessed that she loved him. And Loona, because she had taken a big risk in not only admitting her feelings to the twin-tailed fox, but also straight up kissing him right then and there.

Eventually Loona broke the kiss with Tails and the two of them just stared at each other. Loona giving the fox the loving gaze she’s wanted to give him for such a long time now. And Tails, no longer crying, but now looking completely shocked at what had just happened.

“L… Loona” the fox managed to say after what felt like an eternity of silence “You… You love me?”

“Yes, I love you Dad” said Loona “I have loved you for such a long time. I love you more than just a parental figure, I really have truly fallen for you. I just never knew how to approach it because… well… because you raised me as your daughter, I thought that you would see it as a bad thing and… well… you wouldn’t love me anymore. Not as a lover, or a daughter.”

“Really?” asked Tails, giving her a look of amazement “Aw Loona, you know that there’s nothing that will stop me from ever loving you.”

“Yeah, I know that now” replied Loona, running her hand through her long hair “But… Dad… do you love me the same way I love you?”

“Loona…” Tails said “I just said…”

“No… not as a daughter, Dad” Loona interrupted “I mean do you have the same strong feelings for me? Would you love me as a lover instead of a daughter?”

Tails felt stuck at that question. Loona wasn’t asking him if he loved her in general, she was asking him if he loved her in a specific way. He didn’t know how to answer that question. Obviously he knew that a lovers relationship between father and daughter was heavily frowned upon. But on the other hand, he and Loona weren’t related at all. So would it really be that bad if the two of them started dating. There was also the age difference between the two of them. But Loona, despite being a young adult, was still an adult.

So the obvious taboo that came from a father and daughter being in a relationship didn’t apply to Tails and Loona. But now Tails had to figure out if he really did love her like that. He really had to think about this one. Obviously, in the years that he had taken care of Loona, he did come to really love her. But he never actually took the time to pause and actually admire Loona for her beauty. And now that he was, he had to admit, Loona wasn’t bad looking.

The way her hair covered one of her eyes, her choice of clothing. He had to admit, the goth attire really suited her, it really made her that much more attractive. He also didn’t know if this was because he was just getting frisky with Mina, but he found himself admiring her body too. Her tall figure really allowed her alluring features to pop out, such as her general beauty and decent hourglass figure. Tails couldn’t believe he was thinking this, but he found himself attracted to her. And that allowed the fox to come to the conclusion that Loona was waiting for.

“Yes Loona” Tails replied, looking up at his daughter with an honest look on his face “I really do think I can love you as a lover instead of a daughter.”

Tails barely finished his sentence before Loona tackled him onto his bed and wrangled him into another kiss. The fox gasped out and wrapped his arms around Loona as he felt her body weight topple onto him, pinning him to the bed. Loona eagerly kissed him, mashing her soft lips into his own. Tails, while taken off guard by this sudden action, found himself kissing her back. The fox was feeling incredibly happy, the despair he felt before had completely vanished, and the happiness he felt with Mina before had returned. But this time, it was stronger than ever. This felt, in its own weird way, right. He felt like this… was the relationship he was destined for all along.

But as Tails kissed Loona, he couldn’t help but notice what she was doing. The Hellhound had parted her lips and seemed to be desperately licking at his own with her tongue, as if pleading with him to let her in. He could also feel her grinding her body into his own. He could also feel her chest pressing up and down into his own at a rapid pace, as if her breathing had accelerated. Eventually, Loona broke the kiss with Tails once again, and this allowed him to get a better look at her face.

Loona was panting, her tongue was hanging out of her mouth, and a thin layer of drool was oozing off her bottom lip. Her eyes were glazed over, holding a look of lust in them. Her hair was slightly more ruffled and messy. Her chest was heaving up and down intensely, as if the kiss they shared had taken away all her breath.

“Dad… Daddy…” Loona panted, gazing down at the fox “I… I want you… I need you… I’ve been dreaming of this for a long time!”

Tails’ eyes widened again as he quickly realised what Loona was trying to say. That combined with her current symptoms made the fox remember what he had read up about Hellhound’s that very night he adopted Loona. He had been wondering that for a long time now, but this very much confirmed it. He remembered what he said about female Hellhounds being more submissive and needy when they’re in heat, and Loona was most definitely giving off those signs.

“I’ve been fantasising about you taking me for such a long time, I’ve even masturbat*d to you Daddy” Loona confessed, now that Tails had confirmed that he shared her feelings right back, everything was just spilling out of her mouth.

Okay, now Tails DEFINITELY knew that Loona was currently in heat. She might have been in heat for quite a while actually. He wouldn’t know, but what he did know was that she was finally in that stage in her life, and admitting her feelings to him and him sharing them right back at her was causing her to finally snap and let them run free.

Obviously Loona wanted him, no, more like needed him. But did he really want to rush into a sexual relationship with her just as they admitted their love for one another. Sure, the usual taboo of a father and daughter having sex didn’t really apply here since one, they weren’t related, Loona was adopted, and two, both of them were adults.

No, the reason why Tails was sceptical about going into this sort of thing was because of what just happened with Mina. Now knowing that he was being used kind of discouraged him from wanting to have sex with… anyone really. But he could see in Loona’s eyes that this was not an act of revenge on someone, this was genuine need. She needed him more than ever. And as her father, adoptive or not, he should help her when she needed it. With a deep breath, Tails brought Loona’s head down to his own so that their foreheads were touching, and his deep ocean blue eyes were locked onto her pure red ones.

“Loona, if this is what you want, then I’ll be more than happy to give it to you” said Tails, giving Loona a look of genuine love. He then proceeded to reach up behind her to undo her top, but before he could untie the strings, Loona stopped him.

“W… Wait, Daddy! Not like this!” said Loona.

“Huh? But… You just said that you wanted it” said Tails, looking a little perplexed “Do you want it or not?”

“No, I do” insisted Loona “I meant that I don’t want plain old vanilla sex Daddy. I want it to be… special.”

“Special?” said Tails, raising an eye at the Hellhound “What do you mean?”

“Well… Daddy…” Loona started, a large blush appearing on her face “I’ve uhh… not only dreamed about… having sex with you… but… I’ve also dreamed about… doing it… while living out a little kink of mine.”

“Hm? What’s the kink?” asked Tails. Despite the fact that it was only her and Tails in the house, Loona still felt embarrassed about saying it out loud. So instead, she leaned into the fox’s ear and whispered something to him. Tails’ eyes widened as he heard her little kink.

“You… you’re serious?” Tails asked her, tilting his head in a way that made it look like he was asking her if she was joking “You… You actually want to… be treated like that.”

“Yes” Loona confirmed, nodding at the fox “I get all warm and tingly inside thinking about you doing that to me. And I want to experience it for real.”

“W… Well… if you are serious about this, I’ll do it for you, because I love you that much” said Tails, glancing at the clock “But… not right now. People will still be out and about.”

“I understand Daddy” said Loona, gazing at Tails lovingly “I’ll get myself ready. I’ve been wanting to get my little playthings out for a loooong time~”

Tails raised an eye at Loona again. What did she mean by ‘playthings’? How long has she been fantasising about this moment that she even had tools to use in case this moment ever happened!?

Later, at midnight…

If you told Tails that he would be in his current position someday, the fox would have died of laughter. And yet, here he was, living this very moment. He was walking through the local park, which was only illuminated by a few stray street lights, but there was no one else walking around right now. Because why would they at this time of night? If Tails were by himself, one wouldn’t think he was out of the ordinary. But it was what he was holding onto that made him so… unique. In his hand, was a leash.

Said leash was wrapped around his hand, and it led all the way towards the Hellhound he adopted, Loona. The lead was attached to the spiked collar that Loona usually wore around her neck. But that was the only thing Loona was currently wearing. Just that collar, and nothing else, she was completely, and utterly, naked.

This was why Tails wanted to wait till later before he fulfilled Loona’s kink. Because he knew that both he and Loona would get into trouble if they were seen out in public with him walking the naked Hellhound as if she were just his pet. In the dead of night, no one was around to see them, let alone report them to any authorities. Tails still felt a little uneasy about this, but Loona looked happier than she had been in years, happily walking on her hands and knees, letting the cold night air drift across her naked body. She could feel her nipples were completely stiff from the cold air, and she loved it.

“I still can’t believe I’m doing this” Tails muttered to Loona as they walked through the park together.

“Oh stop being so tense Daddy~” giggled Loona “No one is around to see us, so it’s highly unlikely we’ll get into trouble.”

“I guess” sighed the fox, turning his attention back to the Hellhound he was walking “Still, don’t you feel kinda… degraded?”

“Yeah… I do…” replied Loona, giving the fox a lewd grin “And I f*cking love it Daddy~.”

Tails was at a complete loss for words on how lewd Loona secretly was. He always knew this heat phase would come, but he never thought that it would be like this. He had to admit, while he was a little on edge walking through the park in the middle of the night, Loona walking beside him on a leash, on all fours, completely naked, he also found it incredibly arousing. Now all they had to do was to find a place to help Loona quench her lust on.

“I’m honestly surprised you didn’t put it together earlier though” chuckled Loona “Do you really think I wore this collar for nothing?”

“No, I thought you wore it because it went well with your usual attire” replied Tails, still looking around for a good place for him and Loona to do the deed. Eventually, his eyes landed on a nearby street light that shone down upon a park bench.

“How about over there? Will that be good?” asked Tails, pointing at the bench.

“Mm… yes, I think it will be Daddy~” purred Loona, nuzzling Tails’ leg, earning an embarrassed but horny chuckle out of the fox. With the location being decided, Tails guided Loona towards the bench and took a seat, while Loona settled herself between his legs, looking up lustfully at him.

“Chaos above… I still can’t believe we’re doing this” sighed the fox.

“Oh stop worrying so much Daddy” giggled Loona “No ones going to come out here at this time of night. Just relax and have fun with your slu*tty daughter~”

“Hehehe, alright then Loona” chuckled Tails, reaching down and ruffling Loona’s hair, something he did a lot already, but he really played it up this time, just to encourage Loona to play up to her more submissive personality more.

“Um… Daddy?” Loona said with a blush on her face “Could you… call me Loony?”

“Huh? I thought you said you hated that nickname?” said Tails, tilting his head in confusion.

“Well… I actually love it” Loona admitted “So much so that… I get wet when you call me that. I only said I hated it so that you didn’t catch me getting wet.”

Tails couldn’t help but give a small smirk at that comment. That was some interesting information. Loona saw that smirk on his face, and she couldn’t help but shiver at that gaze he gave her.

“Okay then, I’ll appease your wishes… Loony” Tails said, with an extra bit of seduction in his voice. He grinned even wider when he saw Loona shiver upon being called that. He could also see her puss* dripping with her sexual juices, creating stains on the concrete she was kneeling on.

“Thank you, Daddy” she replied, her voice shaky with lust and need. Tails could tell that Loona was getting more aroused by the minute, and the more time they wasted bantering, the more her heat would take over. Not only that, but the light that shone upon them was allowing Tails to see just how sexy Loona really was. She had a very well built figure, her tall frame gave her quite a lot to look at, yet despite how tall she was, she had adopted quite an hourglass-looking figure with some wide, sexy hips, a big, round, plump ass, and a nice pair of D-Cup tit* to boot. It was crazy to think that she hid all of this so well behind her usual gothic attire, which didn’t cover much to begin with. She was DEFINITELY a whole lot more sexy than Mina. Tails didn’t even know what he saw in the cheating mongoose in the first place.

“Why don’t you show me what you’ve wanted to do with me all this time Loony?” suggested Tails, a sinister smirk growing across his face “Better yet, why don’t you show me how a real girlfriend gives a blowj*b?”

Loona gave her own grin right back at the fox. She knew he was referring to Mina not blowing him out of love, but as a means of revenge. Tails wanted her to show him how good a blowie would feel when someone actually did it out of love, and she was more than eager to obey him. But first, she had to get him all nice and hard again.

Loona took her hands and began rubbing them all over Tails’ crotch, trying to get his shaft to exit from his sheath. Tails grunted and rested his head against the back of the bench, biting his lip as he enjoyed the feeling of Loona’s hands caressing his crotch. Something about her touch felt so different compared to Mina’s too. Sure, Mina’s touch was soft. But something about the way Loona groped him felt different, it sent a pleasant tingle down his spine. It was like her hands alone were telling the fox that Loona really was the real one for him, and no other girl would make him feel this good with their hands alone.

The Hellhound actually didn’t get a chance to see how big her father really was between the legs. Yes, she walked in on him having sex with Mina. But she was so focused on getting the cheating slu*t out of the house that by the time she was alone with Tails, his arousal had worn off and his dick had slipped back into his sheath. Luckily, it didn’t take long for the fox to become fully erect again, as she could see his shaft poking out of his sheath, and slowly grow to its full size. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she watched Tails grow to full mast. But Tails just grinned as his 12 inch long 2 inch thick dick re-emerged, having not been properly satisfied, and was 100% ready to go all the way this time.

“So, is Daddy as big as you hoped?” Tails chuckled, unable to laugh at the awed expression on Loona’s face.

“Bigger” answered Loona, unable to stop herself from drooling over the thick erection, both from her mouth and her puss*.

“Hehehe, I’m glad you like it” replied Tails, reaching down to ruffle Loona’s hair again “Now, I’ve dealt with you running your mouth off to me for years now. Why don’t you put it to good use?”

Loona didn’t need any bigger of an invitation. She was quick to part her lips and envelop the tip of his dick into her mouth, closing her eyes as she did so.From there, she proceeded to force her head down, taking in more and more of the fox’s thick erection, going all the way down until she couldn’t take anymore. Tails kept his head pressed against the back of the bench, while grabbing the seat of it. The feeling of Loona’s warm wet mouth enveloping his co*ck felt so incredibly good. From her warm drool drooling all over the veiny length, to her slick tongue running itself over every inch it could reach. And since Loona was a canine, her tongue was very long, able to reach incredibly far, even being able to lick parts of Tails’ schlong that weren’t even in her mouth.

When Loona felt the tip of Tails’ co*ck hit the back of her throat, causing her to lightly gag, she opened her eyes up to see how much she had taken in. She saw that she had taken in a whole 9 inches of Tails’ thick erection, three inches short from taking it all in. She was a little disappointed from that. She figured she could take it all the way in, but it seemed that she would need more practice. Deciding not to dwell on it for too long, Loona began to bob her head up and down, letting Tails’ drool-covered shaft wetly slip from her mouth, only to slip back in when she moved her head down again, using her mouth to suck on the meaty dick.

Tails moaned out loudly as Loona serviced his co*ck. Loona’s mouth just felt so goddamn good sucking him off. Once again, she topped Mina, who mostly worked the tip of his foxhood, while Loona here was doing her best to work the whole thing. And as a reminder, Loona’s tongue was a lot longer than Mina’s too, meaning she could massage his length with her drooling digit better too. Loona’s mouth felt insanely good, in fact, she felt almost too good. He was starting to suspect that when she fantasised about having sex with him, she also used toys to practise her skills too. He was sure that if he went digging around her room, he was sure to find some hidden toys somewhere. But whether or not it was due to practice or just natural skill, it did not matter, because it just felt so good. The pleasure was causing his dick to throb. While the fox was slightly more experienced than before due to getting a blowj*b from Mina earlier, he was still very much a virgin who wouldn’t last very long.

“L… Loony!” Tails cried out, his hands going from the bench to Loona’s head, grabbing hold of it “Daddy… Daddy’s cumming!”

Loona’s eyes nearly popped out of her sockets as Tails suddenly took control of the pace. She could feel the fox’s fingers digging into her scalp, his claws scratching her head. He then proceeded to thrust her head up and down on his shaft by himself, letting his instincts take over. Thanks to Tails controlling the pace, Loona was forced to take in all twelve inches of Tails’ co*ck. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she felt the tip of Tails’s pulsing pecker ram right into the back of her throat, causing her to gag hard. This caused her to release more saliva and drool all over the fox’s meaty stick. Loona felt her body go completely limp, relinquishing all control to her Daddy, letting him effortlessly dom her.

As Tails ruthlessly f*cked her mouth to bring himself to an org*sm, Loona’s eyes rolled upwards to look at the fox’s face. She could see his eyes were shut tight and his teeth were clenching together as he used all his strength to pound her mouth hole. That was a dominant look that she never ever thought she would see on her Daddy. But now that she was, it was making her even more wet between the legs, as well as more excited for when he eventually did sheath this fat co*ck inside her needy as f*ck puss*.

But first, she had one hell of an org*sm to take into her mouth first, and it seemed as though she wouldn’t have to wait long as she could feel Tails’ rod throbbing harder than ever. She could feel his balls tensing up too as they smacked against her wet, drooling chin. Tails eventually let out his loudest cry yet and jumped up onto his feet.

“FUUUUUCCCK! HERE IT COMES!” he shouted out, forcing his hips forwards and Loona’s head down onto his erection. He threw back his head to howl in pleasure as he came down Loona’s throat. Her eyes rolled even further into her head than before as her mouth was flooded with thick, gooey fox cum. Not only was there so much of it, but it tasted amazing too. The Hellhound was quick to try her best to swallow all of the delicious seed down, her throat bulging with every gulp she took. But with Tails’ dick already down her throat, her swallowing his cum made her gag, and she just couldn’t hold it all down. She coughed up the fox’s gooey spunk, coating his co*ck in it, as it also drooled down her chin and onto her large breasts. Even though she couldn’t swallow all of his hot cum, she still tried, keeping her head pinned to Tails’ base, her lips kissing it as his thick seed poured into her mouth.

Eventually, Tails panted hard, his breath coming out in hot, breathy fog. His fur was lightly damp with sweat, and he was feeling slightly winded. He loosened his grip on Loona’s head and slowly sat back down on the bench. He let his co*ck slip out of her drooling mouth. It was still hard and erect, though now coated with Hellhound drool and even a bit of his own cum, making it nice and slick.

Tails looked down at Loona, who was still on her knees, panting harder than he was. He could see that his rough treatment of Loona had caused her hair to get very messy, her face was absolutely caked with her drool, especially her lips. And he could see big blobs of her spittle mixed with his seed resting on her big, round breasts. It was somehow an even more arousing sight than before. Tails’ co*ck throbbed at the sight of how slu*tty Loona looked, while his mouth grew into a seductive smile.

“Well, you certainly look like you enjoyed that, Loony~” chuckled the fox, watching as Loona slowly recovered from the hard mouth-f*ck she was just given. Her chest heaved up and down as she caught her breath, slowly finding the energy to look up at Tails and smile at him.

“Oh I sure f*cking did Daddy~” purred Loona, proceeding to use her hands to scoop up the cum that had oozed onto her chest. She then licked it off her fingers in an overly sexy manner, looking up at Tails the entire time whilst running her canine tongue all over her fingers.

“Heheh… well I’d say it’s time we get to the moment you’ve been waiting for Loony” said Tails, taking his end of the leash and gently tugging at it. Loona gasped as she felt her collar tugging into her neck. She grinned and moaned softly at the action. Tails was wordlessly ordering her to climb up onto the bench with her, and she followed his orders without any hesitation.

The Hellhound climbed onto the bench and assumed the same position. She stood on her hands and knees and had her back facing the fox, her round rump directly facing the twin tailed fox. Loona made sure to lift her tail high up in the air to give the fox a perfect view of both her puckered anus and her dripping wet puss*.

“Heheh, you’re really eager for this aren’t you?” chuckled Tails, reaching down to give Loona’s ass a little pet, making her shiver as he ran his hand over her soft ass cheeks.

“Oh yes~” moaned Loona, giving her ass a little shake for the fox “I am soooo eager to be f*cked Daddy. I need your f*cking dick inside me! I want you to f*ck me and give me all your cum! I want you to impregnate me so that no one else can have you!”

“Heheheh, of course Loon- Wait, WHAT!?” Tails suddenly cried out, staring at the Hellhound in shock. Had he just heard her correctly!? She wanted him to impregnate her!? In his excitement to have sex with Loona after accepting their feelings for each other, he had forgotten to check to see if she was on the pill like Mina was.

“Oh yes” replied Loona, pressing her butt right up against Tails’ crotch, rubbing his co*ck in between her ass cheeks “So come on Daddy, give me what I’ve wanted for so long!”

“Wait! Wait! Wait!” Tails exclaimed, pulling away from Loona “Loona, don’t you think this is a bit much? I mean, we’ve just gotten together tonight, and you want me? Your adoptive father? To give you a child!?”

“Yes!” insisted Loona, giving Tails the neediest look she could, she did not want him backing out now “This isn’t taboo Daddy, remember we aren’t related.”

“Well yeah! But… a lot of my friends still view you as my daughter, what would they think if I got you pregnant!?” Tails asked “And seriously, you don’t think we’re moving a little too fast!?”

“Oh Daddy, who gives a flying f*ck what everyone else thinks of us getting together, and having a little bastard together?” asked Loona, flattening her ears against her skull to give the fox the cutest pleading look she could “What matters is that the two of us are happy? And is it really stepping over the line? We’ve already gone this far.”

Tails wanted to argue, but Loona did raise some valid points. Did it really matter what Tails’ friends thought about him giving Loona a child, if what mattered more than anything was Loona’s happiness? It’s not like he saw his friends that much these days anyway, with Eggman dead they all pretty much went their separate ways. And she was right about going this far too. Hell, his dick was practically lined up at her puss* before he stopped to reconsider this entire thing.

“Well… if this is what you really want… then I’ll do it” Tails said, slowly moving towards Loona again, pressing his erection against her ass, while also stroking her butt again “You sure you can handle having a child, Loony?”

“Oh… I think I can Daddy~” purred Loona, grinding her ass against Tails’ dick again “I think what you should be thinking about is f*cking me again while I have a huge pregnant belly~.”

The second Loona said that, Tails couldn’t help but imagine that scenario in his mind. Loona, just as naked as she was right now, except her belly was swollen and pregnant with his young. He could imagine pounding her while she was in such a state, with her begging for more and him giving it to her. He was liking what his mind was coming up with.

“Hehehe, alright then” laughed Tails, giving Loona a hard slap on the ass, making it jiggle as well as making Loona cry out happily “If you can handle being my pregnant bitch, so be it!”

“Yes! Give it to me Daddy! GIVE IT TO ME!” Loona pleaded, unable to take the waiting anymore. She had… no NEEDED to feel Tails’ monster co*ck inside of her, pounding away at her puss* and filling her up with a nice, fat creampie.

“Alright, get ready Loona” Tails growled, lining the tip of his erection up towards the Hellhound’s entrance “Because before we can enjoy the pleasures of sex, we both gotta lose our virginity.”

Loona nodded and braced herself for the pain that would come from Tails breaking through her hymen. She didn’t even think of that. That slu*tty cheater nearly stole her father’s virginity. The thought of letting that happen actually made her fume. But now that she was here with the fox, she could happily take it herself.

“Do it Daddy!” she replied, still shaking her ass for the fox “Take me now!”

“With pleasure” growled the fox, grabbing hold of Loona’s hips to keep her still, and ramming his shaft deep into her puss* with one hard thrust. Loona’s eyes widened to the size of pie plates as she felt an insane amount of pain from Tails tearing through her hymen. Tails grunted and tightened his grip on Loona’s hips as he felt her tight as hell inner walls squeeze down on his dick. He stayed perfectly still, not moving his hips, as he knew that moving now would cause Loona more pain. He needed to wait until she was ready.

Tails could feel blood trickling out of Loona’s puss*, and the Hellhound was breathing heavily, trying to recover from that shock of pain. When the fox pulled his head back to look down at himself, he could see red droplets leaking out of the sides of Loona’s lower lips, and down onto the bench they sat on. Wanting to make sure she was okay, Tails leaned his body down over Loona’s, making sure not to move his hips too much… yet. When his head was hovering over her own, he whispered into her ear.

“Are you okay?” he whispered in a loving tone. Loona couldn’t help but shiver from that tone of voice. There was still something rather dominant about that tone of voice, but the fatherly vibes it was giving made her feel even more aroused.

“Y… Yes Daddy” Loona whimpered submissively, feeling her ears flatten themselves over her head.

“Let me know when it stops hurting, okay?” said the fox “Then I’ll give you what you really want.”

“Yes Daddy” Loona said, a bit more confidently as she could already feel the pain of losing her virginity slowly evaporating “I think… I think I’m okay now.”

With a grin on his face, Tails slowly pulled himself up so he was kneeling up straight on his knees again. He then began to slowly pull his shaft out of Loona’s freshly deflowered puss*. He could see it was covered in blood, which made him feel a small pang of guilt. But he knew that Loona was fine. Knowing that they’ve wasted enough time, Tails began to thrust his hips in and out of Loona, his co*ck slamming itself into her puss*, only to pull out and then slam back in, rinse and repeat.

“AHHHH YEEESS!” cried Loona, throwing her head back in utter bliss as she felt the pleasure of Tails’ dick pounding into her puss*. The second she felt him thrusting his dick inside of her, she felt her heartbeat accelerate, now it was pounding in her ears. This was what she was waiting for, and was it worth it? HELL f*ckING YES!

“f*ck! Loony! You’re soooo f*cking tight!” growled Tails, moving his hips faster, really f*cking the Hellhound now. He too felt insane pleasure travelling through his crotch and filling the rest of his body, which only encouraged him to keep f*cking her.

“AH! No I’m not! YOU’RE JUST SO f*ckING BIG!” Loona replied with a lustful shout “Oooohhhh… f*ck me! f*ck ME!”

Now that Loona was finally experiencing sex with her Daddy, she was fully embracing her kink, acting as his submissive pet, begging him to f*ck her harder. And harder he f*cked her indeed, moving his hips as fast as he could, with speeds that even Sonic would be proud of, and slamming his hips into her own with all his might. His balls slapped against her with every thrust, and each time his dick went inside her, it got closer and closer to Loona’s womb.

Tails grunted as he fully took control of the pace, feeling Loona’s inner walls slowly tightening around his shaft more and more. He couldn’t believe he was actually doing this. But now that he was, he didn’t want to stop. The pleasure that came from f*cking Loona just felt so good, and hearing her shout at him, begging him to harder was encouraging him to fully embrace his role as her dominant master. After all, she was leashed up for a reason, it would be right for him to show her why he’s in charge, right?

With a wicked grin on his face, an idea suddenly sprouted in Tails’ mind. He took his leash hand and began to wrap the leash around his hand over and over, shortening its length to the point where the collar on Loona was really digging into her neck, choking her. But not enough to really harm her, just enough to make her feel it. Loona’s eyes widened even more and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she felt Tails tighten his grip on her leash and make her collar tighten around her neck.

“Who’s Daddy’s good little bitch, Loona” Tails growled, still thrusting his co*ck into her at a rapid pace. To further add to Loona’s pleasure, the fox grabbed her tail with his other hand and pulled on it. This caused Loona to scream out in blaring pleasure, as she absolutely loved the feeling of Tails pulling on her tail, lightly choking her, and f*cking her senseless all at the same time. The pleasure coming from all these sensations was making her drool, as her body was starting to become overloaded with amazing feelings.

“I AM!” Loona shouted out “I’M DADDY’S GOOD LITTLE BITCH!”

“YES YOU ARE!” Tails shouted back, releasing his hold on Loona’s tail and giving her a hard smack on the ass. Loona threw her head back to howl out happily. She could feel that long, fat, fox co*ck slamming deeper and deeper inside her with every thrust. She swore that it was actually starting to bulge out into her stomach.

Tails growled as Loona’s inner walls grew tighter and tighter. It made it harder for him to thrust his hips forward and back since the tightness made it tricky to move fast at all. But he put in all his might and was still f*cking her at a rapid pace. Though despite making it very clear that he was in charge of Loona, treating her like her little bitch, he hadn’t truly reaped the rewards of having control of a body as amazing as her’s.

So Tails decided to change that. He bent over so that his body was laying on top of Loona’s back, his hips were still thrusting into her. Loona panted as he felt the weight of her father looming over her. She then felt him reach his hands underneath her, vamoosing them towards her chest. Loona’s eyes widened and her breath hitched a bit when she felt Tails’ hands close around her large breasts.

“Ooooohhh yeeessss~” Loona moaned, turning her head to look up at Tails with a loving look on her face. Tails just grinned down at her and began to massage and squeeze her breasts, not at all sacrificing any effort he put into his thrusting. While he continued to hollow out her puss*, his hands were working wonders on her breasts, squeezing them and massaging them nice and hard. He felt them change shape in his hands as he used his thumbs and forefingers to pinch her erect nipples, making Loona’s moans pique at a higher volume.

“f*ck! You have such an amazing body Loony!” growled Tails, humping Loona harder and harder, he could feel his org*sm approaching quickly. After all, being a virgin not too long ago meant that the fox wasn’t all too experienced at keeping it in. Luckily, Loona was also a virgin, so she didn’t care too much. Plus, she wasn’t just in it for the pleasure, although yes, it was mainly that. But it was also to make sure that Tails got her pregnant, that way she would belong to him, and thus, he would belong to her.

“f*ck! I’m glad you love it Daddy!” moaned Loona “It’s all yours to do whatever you want with, whenever you want!”

“Grrr… is that so!?” Tails growled, thrusting harder and harder, his instincts now completely taking over, now pounding Loona with all his might. His co*ck was throbbing dangerously inside her. He was so very close to coming to his org*sm, he could feel it brewing up in his balls, which were still slapping against Loona from his intense thrusting.

“YES! TAKE IT DADDY! CUM INSIDE ME NOW AND MAKE ME YOURS!” Loona screamed, unable to wait anymore. She NEEDED the fox to cum inside her now, pure pleasure taking over her mind, and now she wanted the climax. And she got her wish too. That shout from Loona finally made Tails snap. He was at the brink of cumming, and nothing was gonna stop him.

“FUUUUCCCK! TAKE IT! TAKE MY SEED YOU slu*tTY BITCH OF A DAUGHTER!” shouted Tails, squeezing Loona’s large breasts as hard as he could, almost as if he was using them as a couple of stress balls. He slammed his hips against Loona’s one last time, burying his dick deep inside of her, thrusting it directly into her open womb. That one final thrust caused both of them to cum, and cum HARD!

They both screamed at the top of their lungs as Loona sprayed her hot, sticky nectar all over Tails’ shaft, his crotch, his legs, and even the bench they were f*cking on. Her org*sm caused her inner walls to become so incredibly tight, which set Tails off completely. He came hard inside of Loona’s puss*, spraying several hot, thick strands of foxy seed deep inside of her womb. Tails’ fertile load was more than enough to get Loona pregnant with one shot of his cum, and the other hot shots were just to make it guaranteed. There was so much fox cum, it ended up squirting out of the sides of Loona’s puss* and ran down her long legs onto the bench.

Tails and Loona spent a whole minute pinned together, Tails keeping his hips right up against Loona’s, his co*ck shooting spurt after spurt of hot, gooey fox cum. Loona’s upper body had collapsed onto the bench, while her legs kept her hips up, allowing the fox to fill up her puss* with his thick spunk. Eventually, Tails’ org*sm came to an end and the fox collapsed too, falling on top of Loona. The impact of his weight fully falling onto her caused Loona to lose the last of her strength, her legs wobbling before falling, now making her lie flat on the bench with her father on top of her, dick still buried deep in her now satisfied puss*.

The two of them let the afterglow flow over them, panting for breath. Sweat had completely caked both of their bodies, making them glisten in the light that shone over them. It also made the cold night breeze feel rather nice too as before it felt a little freezing, but now it felt very nice. Eventually, Tails managed to find it in himself to slowly pull himself up, his softening shaft slowly slipping out of Loona’s puss*. He looked down at Loona’s wrecked c*nt to admire his work. There was no doubt about it, he had done a pretty good job. Loona’s puss* was now stretched and gaped open, and his hot seed was oozing out of it. Tails knew that the cum drooling out of her was just a mere few drops of it, as the rest of it was likely hard at work inside of her, impregnating her womb.

“I… can’t believe… we just did that” Tails panted, coming to his senses after he let his instincts completely take over.

“Mm… me neither Daddy” Loona hummed softly, feeling happier than she’s been in a long time “Do you regret any of this?”

“Heh, why should I?” chuckled the fox, giving Loona a soft slap on the ass, earning a moan out of her “I’ve got my slu*tty bitch of a daughter as a girlfriend now. And better yet, she comes without the consequences of being taboo.”

“Heehee, I don’t regret it either Daddy” giggled Loona. Tails smirked down at her before he slid off the bench and stretched himself out, feeling his bones pop satisfyingly, while his shaft slowly disappeared back into his sheath.

“Well, we best be getting home” said Tails “We don’t wanna catch a cold out here.”

“Umm… Daddy?” said Loona, looking up at the fox with a cute expression “I… I don’t think I can move after how hard you railed me. Could you… carry me home?”

Tails raised an eye at Loona, before smiling down at her. Without saying anything else, Tails bent over and scooped her up in his arms. Loona gasped and giggled, wrapping her arms tightly around the fox’s neck and looking at him lovingly. The fox then proceeded to walk them home, leaving behind a trail of his cum that leaked out of Loona’s puss*. But neither of them cared. They were happy, especially Loona. She had finally gotten with the man of her dreams, her adoptive father. And she wasn’t going to let anyone else take him from her.

But that wasn’t going to stop a couple of certain girls from trying…

Mina’s house…

Mina Mongoose was upset, fuming, and above all, horny. Finally, after all this time, she was not only going to get revenge on her stupid husband, but also find a better lover in that twin-tailed fox she had been laying the moves on for a long time. She was so, so incredibly close to actually bedding that foxy stud, only for it to be ruined by his stupid daughter barging in and kicking her out.

“God… f*cking… DAMMIT!” Mina grunted, she was covered in sweat and gritting her teeth as hard as she could. She was currently laying on her bed, completely naked. The sheets were completely soaked with a mixture of her sweat and her juices. She had gotten home a while ago after Loona kicked her out of Tails’ house, and she had been spending all of it trying to relieve herself by plunging her fingers deep inside of her hot c*nt. She had cum a lot, but it wasn’t enough! She needed a co*ck to really put out the raging fire in her loins. No, not just any co*ck. She needed that 12 inch monster she saw attached to that twin-tailed fox.

“This… isn’t… over!” Mina growled as she went from two fingers to four, shoving them deep into her sacred treasure “That… little… bitch. She’ll pay… for ruining… my evening! I will… get that fox’s dick!”

Octavia’s house…

However, Mina wasn’t the only one plotting to take that fox for herself. Back at a certain owl’s house, Octavia was also locked in her room, sitting on her bed, completely naked. However, instead of her fingers, she was using her ‘special toy’. A large 10 inch dild* that also acted as a vibrator. Octavia had it buried deep into her c*nt, and she was moaning her head off as it vibrated in her puss*, causing her to have several micro-org*sms, which really made a mess of her bed.

As her vibrator worked wonders inside of her puss*, Octavia had her phone in her hand. After going through Loona’s phone back at the bar and seeing that image of her father in the shower, she couldn’t help herself. After sending that image of the fox from Loona’s phone to her own phone, she went straight home and straight to her room. She was now staring at that image, moaning her head off as her vibrator worked her c*nt, imagining herself in the shower with that fox, and he was plowing her puss* instead of this toy.

“Ooohhhh… fuuuuccck!” moaned Octavia, her tongue hanging out of her beak as she continued to look at that picture, trying to push her vibrator even deeper inside her puss* “I need to see what this fox has packing… I’m sure Loona won’t mind if I were to… have a little ride of my own with that fox… riding his fat package… f*ck!”

“OCTAVIA! WILL YOU BE QUIET AND GO TO SLEEP!?” shouted a shrill voice from across the room that made her nearly drop her phone.

“Sorry mother!” she called out, quickly yanking her vibrator out of her puss*. Feeling that she had spent enough time playing with herself for one night, Octavia wiped down her vibrator, set it back inside her secret drawer, switched her phone off, and got under the bed sheets, not caring that they were soaked with her juices. But she was not going to forget her plans for taking that fox for a ride of her own.

“Just you wait you f*cking hot DILF!” Octavia muttered as she rested her head on her pillow “When I get my hands on you, I will ride you harder than Loona ever will~”

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.