Albany Democrat-Herald from Albany, Oregon (2024)

23 ALBANY (OR.) DEMOCRAT-HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1089 nn- in AAC Tml awP Na Typ VW I Ant I ALBANY BARK PRODUCTS SALE! 8AB Ci Compwi n'tn mt yVALL MOUNT Mfli oim5 nod l0 Jt 4 GARAGE SALE 3-FAMILY dia-J Many Afti GARAGE SALE 3154 SE 17th Friday Saturday, 9-5 LOTS Of ClQTMfS and j'OOC Cm MVig- Eden Valley Canopies True bd mat! ''om IS 16 A ipaomi pari 4 congnmmll 4. S'SS J14jlSltjm8tnT Nomad Jl 1 good Condi lon IWvJLm juu! S.i iniuiaitd canopy to long ot boi mi a 43TS or WW Classified Crafts DRUM BOX i FLUTE. Uta your oodonar laiant to mala muilcal Inatrumtnti. Drum boa pioducai light dit-taranl lonea. Oiarall lite 77a1l Inchai.

Make! a 0'i at gift, ot ltd al cat lai't. Plana, tomplala llluilraiad inilructioni. 1 1SSI 14 SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK To o'dar plant mail shack or monay ordar and project numb' and nam, wih your name, addrtii and tip cod. Add 12 95 lor our catalog (In-eludtl ITS In ducount couplonii) Oklahoma til-dnti piai add tax. Mall orders to: CLASSIFIED CRAttS 97321 P.O.

BOX 1000 BIXBY, OK 74008 atuOMd mo tv no I I ConduH t0 P-. I'O F44 wng rll 9 9 Raouui OvfMuitd Engina liif 0 TIRES From 44 Ratling Cnawon pnona y.ijm LAEO TiFtfS From IS VWtl Albany Tc Pona BR 'lly WAGENER'S AUTO WRECKING PARTING OUT TJ Voniaaom Bug 1400 mil i utir eyi lU Ctiaot'r I tM Olliun PkIuP JOOO mtr ir GMC bi Ion PU Ill Ford ton. 44 NO iTT Cm 310 auto t1F.ililiiomd l-t Cmre rt) 4 lpd i SAD P-aiud iJ-i tnA Taurul it Cant 2m 9 iBd taT X.A inn 44 4iJ0 Iu Ml OoOSl ton Auto 4.4 Large selection ot ures priced to sell. $5 up. CALL TODAY 926 2725 CAUAHO motor tun jactad, siomo t'm.

r-a 1 1 anoin run oood A to 4 Himuoa' (PJTS 1J mcna aioii. ivuu 925 CavCav AUTOMATIC Timmninoni. 4 up Intimation mawt 00 Tncl Timny, Jl WW, St Hom ChEVY B'G biofi 3f mgi ndi rmulil diiinmBid Cm lv4 Font Cougar XR body, no moioi t-mny IJuO i A'H ri'i out' 035 Campers Canopies APACHf Tmt Siooo Cm sjsoori vaapa 4 Job ni'i'i encl ma many opm mat in today ciii'd taction THE CAMPER SPECIALISTS Sannng Vrnty tw Dtl 'or WESTERN WILDERNESS LANCE SQUIRE NORTHLAND F4 I UMd Financing A.mtOH Full Saryicl Ottn' Highway Trailer Sales 4M0 Poimd Rd NE Siium Wuli o't I mt No on WEI Ptiom 2400 Mondiy F'ldty fnS pm am i pm Sat Sundvl Buy unci ana wt Cnacl Fitl Cmnrs Otfc EquxnaiTl wro Dan tfwi ltcmll A I a 10 i 1M 4 BM Sl'Mtl fm A fmj- ipomQamtmi QlJiJ Eqiatpmeml COMfltTE PACKAGt ctudci tuH BO, nguinw tn ligni Otll ftitilnl 40 T4W Mm i Ooii eiuM Sim md t.j MSJwjsminj PLlASwRf AT OOl Ooit tart 4 i'iv Cm 97 rw All SON STAFF 001 1 club! in'ougn pucning atogt it Cm mt i. yViNDSWRF BOARD good CO ntni cm ivn Ouna BASS PRO DEALER Rod I RM Rti GUNS Bougm Sold fiod Mel's Bass Tackle Gun Shop tvtfiult Furn IJ) a BUY SELL TRADE Tn Oun Snog Moo Oim lbmon Engfg 4 Rpm SMmw Al'S BUY SELL TRADE nea 4 usfO Guns AIINjrjJUFiS 4CQtS SFTM' BUY SELL TRADE NEA4USE0OUNS pri Arini) ANDLHSON 4 5PO''Nu GOODS cm CASH FOR USED GUS BUY tSEiL TRADE US 4 trmd tl A.ncMl't' Mod! I dud. Ill 4 Aailon mood V7 (tt Rmilnglon ami auto.

13 0uQ TRAN POR TATION Anctll UM Bnc auc BJ! bjti tme IM? ro IMC nr (art AutOWKxl Otfl AuIorntul AmomoDii lor 8H Auto PartaTiraa Boat I C.ampivCmopa Car Fou' ANNp Tiy Hyy Qo.pmmt MotofcytwiAtva Vtmrivl SnomofMil T'utH UiiH'y Timt'l, Vmi Virl At'ft GC9 Boats BEAUTIFUL II FT Rhooai Oiy imboil aim Iraiiw. motor litiiitmli ipmnini I244 ciijeJ5 FT BOAT, motw t'iir md sac? CffiiH ijto BOAT' TRAiifi" 400 FAST SAIL BOAT l( II itO Clatl mil and I'll dt 'on tni Hariun gi Cul lorn full' good tondiiion f. l-t GOOD ALUMINUM tl bot I'll liiw md IM bill mcnor coni'Ol iyiiim A SMS buy at ngot.fti Mil mii Cm rtie RV BAn( 4 B.ll1 Cmtn 94. gat BOu Cyi Can tit ft co*kn Cm Cow Po'tioi. boin Solid Stt OauM, nucttai cow fw Hi ing room md 1 btd'oom lMl txia imi oli 4 Cfo imrt twin CP 4v'5 "ti I OL0 IWN aagon aMtH, 111 Cl WHjMJ bum bml, mem Ho-ia cc 4 IfTsroo bwhlmg on ti dim Oood l'ii Wiiid.

miullltd furmtO to pt!-Ta.- (Ht naa ton lion U2i Cm Ut4 Ml 865 Mlc4larvoua VVantad vVAMTfO A good uKI pomp 4 ntmw tor hen tub lound Hxl Can Cnmii CASH PAtO Hn H1-witii boct Atxti uatu own Looting IBM tyrnti'''' IJft" SMAlL IBHIOATtO plltlH Ol imd md gom to bad O'ound mult Notn ot at md aiiin by Auoutt I t9S Tha Comjj ny (j'tM't md mniain tn gioondi "ml po to v-ki Cm wit tottt et Stid Compiny at JMirjoo bittd on A rim Hmty SptKllt' mgn a.H l'H good running car Cm A a 0 Omby Koniai' Romny pltll'n W'll buy mi" 11 At nut OiR BunOlEO WASTE A'tPAffi 0' ton urn -i i'n 870 Muatcat InatmmanU UPRiQmT PiANO ilOO cm t5io HAMMOND O'gm tnlh ampiiii' muotl RT 3 mini condition Cm LOAry Of NiE ogm comoi moot in bmtn mg naming move. 451 1471 lOViMf symphonic Theater tomon o-gm nm tty boi'dl 3nol p0l mitf nino bmcft md mutic tot i nam ot cntcn l'M) rx Cm Am 4 ptac fum ii R.ou ti lugg No MumiVmi JmxJM PmO 'or UH Mull 10 (. Oood tondiiion Caw Vti I Thcnti Ogm. doul Ityboaid 4 toot .) SPiNNET p.ano HVS) Cm Au'tilrti Tut.i muliC cm'' VAMAHA ORGAN fat mPi I'wiiitood yy 130 Bo Sn' 1 PitCE but Pml comuin drum monmioid lim l-l' 4rWVo'' H.tlwl 875 UwnbOarden 0A0tNfERTtLl7ER A load Ad or F'i mS pm Cm ln Mor MfO Cm ROTTED SAWDUST Pmaiii tid turn, SBVyard. ntui ot big yd true iod dtnwM On'i'l Aood PwJucll ajrs ix hi 4csr SEPARATED MANURE SS P'CluP lUCJIIIOIdll4JV "THE BARK PLACE muioci 4 PlR BARK Muinmom CemDOii CmiJi' Puck Top Soil Sad 4 O-l-ti SituM Stiaymga Polling Mn Rnuoid Till Fi'tnood Onno Cidi' Pom Rtiti 620 SW Queen 926-8701 t'ttl CtM AJ BO'S tOSKCu in htjy tn IOVI SlAI, roni CHAH'tH Tnou md lnornl cmit-pwfi 'mi i yn etnif 4 11, im ti A Burinai VtO iiguatiim.

J0 Cawwawi tti uiwig awci-ie INCIACE ami doon mm mm, iifk in nion JO in -it fmfd UW douwtwrt pnt bM Cm ton rorto vi ion ptciup bumpar twutfi Qufd I'D vtil) in 4 noli enromi moioii ill iir tirn fti vnnrni ooiiM-Honai 70 ww-iihi rai bl of of FOR SAIL Pooli or Km trtoH moior aim i-moll imt an iwl Jki md OAarli Ii 'i UU litCTHiC noip.iai bd higKloa nud'inti, noi i Itilll tie Cm '74 1499 QiviWl aA md pm mg Ivnti torn and gtl I'm' GRANDFATHER CLOCKS Sil 4 flipni Compitii nop 'tn mnom wrw urn ibn f't fiiimnti Mi'ilmt ten tB9Pitie Bid 4 OBANNlt ATTlC Thrill Blor- 0om MonFn, to pm Cf Milin Ohm ItMt torn aniiguti Nt Tngi fnfay' H0 Jd St S'tjton tyir HALSEY FABRICS INC has DISCOUNT PRICES. 99E or 1 5 Exit 218 uii wnl to Maiaay Special orders ivelcome Laces, 29'yard. 369-2788 HObfTAL Btd VjQ cm r- mhOSijf flotation vaipb0 and mhh tn bu-itfigi t'tml luillm! (omj.lionl ot tnatii mciudtd 4.17i cm Hnby hmlto 'uum ytl'l Old w-tnampoot' I limn wii WWi.if? LAAN MOV.IR V. 'rf" tatxntt tap 4 word pily t'n l'iu dijeitni TO la Lik ni' to iiiic tyntw'i'l' V.l f't'J LIKf ijipmd I'i oatd oood condd'on in. Km bi 0 m' 4 ton nit watO0JJfvy.

MOMGOMtRT WARD yyinOOK condmomr uwi ilio Jub Mil Artnu Wl PPOPAN6 TOUCH kit min cylindm cat 4 oidf Cm 74r) QOAPT CANNING 4J a do cm Ouirl if. It ykdom dump on limpi 15 ah micnini riii'onci Inc mind poWml HWO Cm 9i SACf Oft TKAOt Mylg W-mgw HMl IV) ntlt pump Ji" Cm M)0 SHRUBS foul buhfy mo ltl v.t-1 l.7.'n SUPtR SAVER RATE 3 Hni. di 15 to nwtnmdm pucad IM0 tx 'til Each auction) lim 12 SO Otn' lo ratal I'ltbii tor othn plKI caiidona Call SJtJiJtt to' dt't SUPER TWIN iit'td lo ihi 01 I'm tor gnod Ooubit bd Y. I pm 4 im'i I iWhiii oiii o'tm formal pv 0 (ncMiaKl I' JS4J I PAIR 4 tmitl 0'O Mxnt acn tm ki 1 1) in long 120 Loomng tor a (ob' Thm toon to cin'id ifv dy Yard Basem*nt Sale July 20, 21 22 9 00 5 00 ior mt'Oo od loo Old tupp'i'i umor fail turn, lof ol xx) etoiiv mj, mmi wainar con 315 Montgomery Bx I mi pr Sun GARAGE SALE rut 4 SAT July I'M I am I pm Roll bdl. nl Out bad dim.

Men, loppm can ning tM t'UCk limt CKNI bOl. IWI I'm! WOlO'CyCI (KXK t0l, md ntKtfiiWui nam GARAGE SALE FRI, SAT SUN 10 am 6 pm ooii bim ng iota ot miKManioui 1825 Main oinilurt IPdKincil, Ulcnin lr mi I SAT y0 NW Cnnniryn-m (wn CorviHii Arta M'jVl'lli SAiC OOnl M'SS TMI0lt CUdTli WATHfS TV 4 VCH ti molll Sony imio (nmoil nn COL iimok m'l. ir'd'vif. gun cibinit, cni'f duung now 4 4 ciwl tn ok d'liwl loo Mimi 10 mmnon' AM mll gol TMU60A SUN0A lm4pn iv Cm Si Ibllxnd Ad' Sltvtl ou won I Ml IM imt old hnouli my day ciMU'wd ngulK riarli) md imong INi lint 1 1 tool cnmgi irn Cimitud if I km Ioi you omrday Ltbanon Arta MOVING SALE TMUBS too too Mtifiiimmui nouwnmd nmi lima Ttv Mlo 5ln "ti ni.w IWU CMC Dttlub Buicit Cinluiy Bin Bomtntng Hw ifyon 30547 Santiam River Rd Mi to McOoniil C'Ml lum o'l Thm lew iiO'M COHTIUOUSOARAOI July ISiri am 1 om Mouwnoid Himi git pont'td nun InrU lfUua tnttf cnn imglh lancing conpnit np HI Pump lit md ninngi it iw limn 14" H'll nt naciiit hxcid alt tumaci hMirtwMn noma now loilat. Mr 4 M'l iiying room cnmi Co'n ol im md yVtin MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Tooll, tlOIMI 4 toy! bit tnrngi, torn 0 miicmmiouK Friday 4 Saturday 9-4 298 N.

Main btnid lii'JJEl iMSS-i. 2-FAMILY MOVING SALE FRIDAY SATURDAY 9.00 6:00 Uptioiili' Hmg micnim tool! icfooi dli an coiitctibtit 475 Carolina St GARAGE SALE Friday July 21 Saturday July 22 9 am 5 pm 42178 CUTOFF DRIVE H.ACOMBI Too mmy Itmn lo mmtton'l Al 0 ducn md ohm lor tail i 1 1 .1 hi NOW is FRIDAY. 10 am 4 pm SUNDAY, 9 am 1 pm July 4 73d fumti tmoi canning ihi mm. ptc'u'it cmnn III CIOIRII Imi King oodtlot mint md uch mot 744 Garvord, Lebafwn Neighborhood Garage Sale Saturday Sunday boat i HP Joftnion nvxm DllliinCK, loll Ot UUUU 1 95 OakLoop GlANTi MEW STUf WftMT Poll md emi diimi rnnmal omli 14 to 14. It m.

Aon boiim M. txl 2 Ui 4 Ie4 mt'oui tuu tfjo iu II gold bind 137 DodQO FRI SAT Starts at 9 am MOVINGIN SALE FRIDAY ONLY JULY 21st 9 00 5 00 fu'ulu'i b'ti. lack 4 iiui'i tiiiitiMimtovi 37945 Golden Valley 4-FAMILY SALE Friday Saturday 9 00 AM Loll d'ni loiil, mucmm out loni mlHiu 920 St 4 1550 10th St GARAGE SALE Loll ot boyi md tniml loddmi cioimi coucn i iwgi otw Friday July 21, 9-5 Last house on Huckleberry Lane ott River Rd GAHAGE 51.1 SAT 4 SUN July 4 JVd Start II 9 mi Salt comi md Kk Haul air comprmor lion xtldir. ui' tin I'm' Ortoiwy. cnain tuning and ramping giar giaiioin houiafwid oafdmmg old turn looii md ton ot mtttafimoovi tUHamionU 41 tW4 Btrwid Dmy Uvtm in Licmon 4 PARTY SALE FRI SAT July 21st 22nd 9 am 5 pm EVERYTHING MUST GO! 2122 S.

Santiam Hwy I "barton Other Areas GARAGE SALE 1.11 nwtoiw) flotl ttmm it Owl 31040 American Dr Halsey, OR SAT SUN July Hnd 4 73d mi 4 pn ISO MicUan4Kua for Sato ALBANV THAOf FAIR A g'tlt rwi lo buy U'tti muciim dM niumiMi p'Kti Acioil hom Pud Mui vvK.Ptn iowiii ptica in ion MS I2M the time to buy! i LARGE GARAGE SALE July 21 22, 9 Dusk 3695 Knot Bulla Rd Mm TmHf mouniad bo Ma, campina uppit ly Soy Kiwi 'Kunar. muauat, food Vyr, lent tM toy, clotunfl Toyota pup, truU )ar I MOVING SALE SAT SUN Starts at 8 am July 23rd 24th HoumxcM Hun I rtoiO' tMi(l'n and MI CKMnf-g 3505 Thruraton SE ANTiQuf Imip 0mhi rfiMror. tapatiriM round mil ioi lugl bt moi, bant (AO. MK) DM ll. (Ml Hon hi, Oiy miio.

i doll Fi'ple HI. tnnn rtnt, imm, baimi. aood IWftlll cast Iron part Bony AnBMl', Hl'l 0a md Odd and mdi Call Mr rr 141 Queen SW PATIO SALE Friday Saturday 3420 SE Marion Flit cabifll. Hit bicyclii OHlH tool looi'i emthino childim toy boon 4 iicotdi, and GARAGE SALE ASHLEV WOOO STOVt totl'K mm bad mm manratl camp trmr. (notorcycti lomi niir 1 btfcy Hull, iw md loll iictivwiui Friday Saturday 9 5 517 SE 29th MOVING SALE OOt TABU nh Kenton no KiniMll motexcytci.

Wm IiiIHii moto'CicH lictil tttiinw booiwiM enma rotoMin. icuni A much men Saturday July 22 8:30530 1754 Splcer Waysido 111 Sj.l(-f lo MULTI FAMILY SALE HO TWAIN cal and trmilofm I IKtllt I UWl'X lyoiviiii. bibr cioimi innlt, tioiiwi lie 607 SE 25th Saturday Only July 22 CARPORT SALE CmiiDRCNS ClOTMJS. cm mil liiOiii'i. Wibar bi'biatii (in iiooil hulch cOU country li, ami imicMOTQuii Saturday 2345 Marlon St SE 1(2 GARAGE SALE SAT 1 SUM imi ool bomittoid Himi Mil IV oll bilill CKIMI It.iniiuft tMnai IoqII.

tiuch bumptil' loll ol intKWin)ui iiupi loo iW to mmiion a-n Hi it I son IAI0 Tiima Aeon hom IV Aibm Migri 8-' "ool 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE 34353 Hwy 99E Tangent SAT SUN July 22nd 23rd 8 am 4 pm MOVING SALE 1237 SW 15th MOuimold fumilu'l dinilll ntn tmin yacuum cumf bull iiicnm auipmant, orm Btlottn Turna 4 linndgi SI SATURDAY ONLY 9 00 5 00 MOVING SALE ItJftNlTUBt CIOIMI nl'igt'llOI imm oHirtwl lhttH'l uM lly liflf, plul MOHi 1 Friday-Sunday 9-5 717 Fulton St 926-4631 it you vl I (XuOltm a clniiliid Kl cm lorn ui bi ol mkici loom it in hi i hi in ii i 14 ft LAVRO don ooat mtR oan. ancnoi ayttim, 'ttlory irnwr, in iumtni comP'ioni 14M IBM t4 FT LOWt aidKonioi iMKing fad titii, tv HP Mrnnd Mct' iian, tl torn' i' 'if' load suidt vd Rf UK6 llivf Rvif A MARINA OREGON AATER SPORTS jnd Comn nywsv ttv SUPER SAVER RATS 4 ton Ij dvl 4V5 tor bom "wio p.0 11000 "nor Cacti pn 44 LO 'MM mbi tor totw pwd boat! 77M THE BOAT PLACE 740 Old Salem Avenue Albany OR '7 or KtQW SUMMER SALi to pmni ill bnati ttom 47000 upi Good mwciion rr nm hi Pom I'Suo up Sawal bomd outboaxM From up Albany only full service marine repair! t3 FT ALUMINUM oml i Hp jonnion good twimn' rtvg.ati bo md JS Sa I tm'y I. (t boat 10 HP jcAon run gooa gto" gi lam oi ligntl, tim inciyotd 4i0 v.t hp i.uwuo I nm lt Cm 4 4 (yn. '73 14 tl Rogu R'f modal aoodm boat incuoi oar tn-rrwu mam liil I'viar tt'ioir nM -0 cm II FT VAiCO aluminum boat lyin'iidi motor II loidir gnmud I'l'H' Nt ml iprmg lit! mmy I'M1 WKO ttntl 91 ifi li IviNRuM itt tmA. Cm a4 soieaFfafnt tVAJ tl FT Thompton.

Lip Sum TM mooa'dioulboa'd Ma'cuiiar Motor gnod tor ortm or imi iM FiBCRf'JB'ii moior pr jLiMttt. MOS VS HP lull lop I9J4 (yinrtdi tS hotiwMr long man 4rs can titnou 16 REiNELl trvy FT III huM HP wboaid'Outboa'd mo lor rcondiiinad ouldy lull lop lo'inc tun lindi' taurlmi ttmr rnml COM ii' cum mi tot Rti tt.t il' i 1 FT BE AChCRaFT cudoy tfIA OMC Cvuni t'ir. dpin tindti Ce lull timii y'f oood tondinon' Sti and hm nt 198 FhRiT d'itt boat and L'i "ft moo t4 ft Shasta io oiotii ill boil 19 HP j.WX) Hi." ottu-t iid, m- otn mgin bou'l tun cm lull mdiniid. dHul mui ig lui tmii cuiiom piini. iandm fan' nn im me b'l'ii iomd H4 000 Cm si mi MJ 22J BAYLiNE SUNDECK VoNO VK-lO.

t'lill' IIPI 4 gaiity. hid, im mo oul'ig otfi mm labi toil cmM to rkiui Rlucd liom 112 000 to IBVX) Him Hy 34 Albany V.nJOi 020 Auto Peru Tb-ee BUilT Ci'nd nn built C4 comp'fi DIESEL MOTOR. 0i'Oil Aimon Hllryduty tul p-ncni, 4 Jv AUTO REPAIR SwmJt CnY'oit. to ytt'i ipi'iinci loaiil fiui guvmtmd Siril on mgn good turbo nmn ma HI dato om 4 PHI I SC Cntu doo'l r2. US NEA NEVER STARTED I'on dui I eyltnd' GM Fo'd i0 I puloni alil liHi'i f'.

md odi inyiiitd IdUO Sauls' S3S0 034 TpiiaIa 12) 13,816 II 928-8531 Quality Automobiles 1SS3 Ford Taurus 4 door, power windows, air con- 4 Cl Cv ditioning, tilt, 1SC3 Mercury Topaz 4 door, au conditioning, tilt, Owilw Rebates-or Low Interests: 1S37 Pontiac V6, tilt, cruise, air power windows, AM low mites, now 1SC3 Mercury Full on select models. Hurry they end soon! Ford Escort 2 door, low miles, only, Tempo Mustang Taurus Festiva I i i I I 1 1 I 'A it 1S33 Ford Mustang fr-uina with automatic nower steenna Probe Ranger 4x4 and 4x2 Bronco II Til a nrlnarl-k I -4 a A nvnr4ri a 4k CakIar Ef brakes, air conditioning, cruise vfOlliM motel Only irea 1 1 30 Cherokee 4-doors in 1 stock more coming! 1S34 LTD Crown Victoria 757-1415 2 door, hardtop, full power, leather in- OCI tettor. now only THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1S34 Ford Escort 4 door sedan, now only 705 NW lo)ro)rfMo) mm Li bi THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1075 AMC Pacer i lWW Firebird conditioning. FM cassette, $QQjZ fZf9 Sable $OfCK WJJ afa4 cruise, $11 kO: I I jr Dakota 4x4 19 dn lataf 8, 4 speed, MIC! 4579 Tom Cutsforth. 928 4804 Russ Dickson 491 3530 3885 lirtl L.

if. r' yJ TRUCKS 1S38 Ford F-150 Buchanan Corvallis EVER 2CRX's 6 Preludes 302. 8, 5 speed, tilt, lan, low 1S37 Dodge We're overstocked Tho boss says, "Honda's sending us more cars so we've gotta sell some now! We have so many new Hondas in stock the new arrivals won't all fit on the lot so park them on the grass sell them FAST! Stop by today see for yourself!" Special Factory Incentives Allow us to make exceptional deals right now! 6, automat)c, air conditioning, low $QI5 miles, canopy vssjv $1 1S37 Ford 302 8, automatic, power steering, power brakei morel Wf SjrijJ 1SG5 Jeep Wagoneer Tinted glass Body tide moldings Console Rear window dolioster Tilt wheel And more! Stock IPR9021 Full power, now only 2 door hatchback LX modH Silver metsllic cleat coat 5 spd itansmtssion 2.2 liter EFI S0HC engine An conditioning AM cassette Aith prumium sound 1SS5 Chevrolet C-20 4x4 Scottsdale package, 350 dark brown color Manu(ttuir's suggested retail price Itrss Nnsen Fold's discount YOUR PRICE 30 Accords 21 Civics 1976 Chevrolet C-20 Pickup 8. automatic, low miles, only Evenings call. Jerry Burger.

926 4579 Jim Edwards 451 4804 Tom Cutslonh. 928 3159 Russ Dickjon. .491 3S30 Dave Hosteller 2591745 S3ISSEil "Member Dovvnfovvn Aufo Dealers" First Montgomery Evenings caH: KJ KJ UZI VJ i It 4 Jerry 326 Jim 451 1L OI Corvallis 752-2150 New 926-5533 121 Lyon Street. Albany Used cars: 928-9561 Dave Hostetler 253-1746 Al cat lubyKI 10 pnor ill. 1 ILS ti 2150 N.W.

Ninth Street.

Albany Democrat-Herald from Albany, Oregon (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.